Jumaat, 28 Oktober 2016

Hipokrit Maknanya Munafik..!

Ciri ciri munafik ~ Beri amanah dikhianati, Bercakap bohong dan janji tak tunai..!

Macam dah lengkap pakej tu..!


1. Keadaan politik dan pemerintahan di Malaysia agak pelik dan ganjil.

2. Di lain-lain negara di dunia, pemimpin besar diturunkan jika melaku perbuatan yang salah atau dituduh salah. Jika tidak diturunkan, pemimpin digantung jawatan sementara siasatan dibuat.

3. Tetapi di Malaysia walaupun terdapat bertimbun-timbun bukti salahlaku Najib berkenaan pinjaman yang dibuat oleh 1MDB yang dipengerusi olehnya, kehilangan berbillion Ringgit oleh 1MDB, kegagalan membayar faedah hutang, kesalahan pelaburan, terdapat 2.6 billion Ringgit dalam akaun peribadi Najib dalam Arab Malaysian Bank, kenyataan yang tidak munasabah tanpa bukti/dokumen akan punca wang itu yang dibuat oleh Najib, kenyataan oleh akhbar asing tentang punca wang itu, dakwaan laporan oleh Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat bahawa wang itu dari 1MDB, kemasukan RM42 million dari SRC International (milik Kementerian Kewangan diperbadankan) ke dalam akaun peribadi Najib, ia masih berada sebagai YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Selain dari itu, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin semasa masih Timbalan Perdana Menteri telah dimaklum oleh Tan Sri Gani Patail akan kemasukan ke dalam akaun Najib di AmBank berbillion Ringgit. Sekarang Husni Hanadzlah pula menyoal berkenaan 1MDB dan pengurusannya.

4. Penerimaan Najib ini adalah oleh kerana Ahli Dewan Rakyat termasuk Ahli Kabinet dan penyokong Najib dalam UMNO, MCA dan lain-lain parti dalam BN masih kononnya menanti sehingga Najib didapati bersalah sebelum mereka terima kebenaran tuduhan-tuduhan terhadapnya.

5. Pendirian ini cuma merupa alasan yang lemah terhadap pendirian mereka. Sebenarnya mereka tahu tuduhan terhadap Najib memang berasas dan benar.

6. Mereka tahu bahawa sebabnya Najib tidak didapati bersalah ialah kerana ia sendiri menyalahguna kuasanya dengan menyekat proses undang-undang dengan menukar Pendakwa Raya supaya penjawat yang baru menolak segala tuduhan terhadapnya.

7. Jika proses perundangan berjalan Pendakwa Raya akan membawa kesnya ke mahkamah dan perbicaraan boleh diadakan. Menurut tuduhan dan bukti yang diketahui umum Najib tetap akan didapati bersalah oleh mahkamah.
8. Tetapi Pendakwa Raya menyembunyi laporan-laporan ini supaya mahkamah tidak dapat mendengar kes Najib. Sebaliknya Pendakwa Raya berlagak sebagai hakim dan memutuskan bahawa tidak ada kesalahan dibuat oleh Najib dalam laporan-laporan yang diserah kepadanya.

9. Yang jelas ialah Najib bukan didapati oleh mahkamah tidak bersalah, tetapi perbicaraan tidak dapat diadakan kerana disekat oleh Pendakwa Raya.

10. Alasan mereka yang kononnya menerima Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri kerana ia tidak didapati bersalah, hanyalah alasan yang tidak berasas.

11. Mereka sebenarnya cuba menipu diri dan menipu masyarakat. Mereka bersikap hipokrit. Mereka tahu tindakan Pendakwa Raya menghalang proses perundangan adalah salah.

12. Amatlah malang Malaysia mempunyai wakil rakyat dan pemimpin masyarakat hipokrit yang turut bersama dengan Najib menjayakan penipuan olehnya.

Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!

85 ulasan:

  1. Kalo tak bicarakan macammana nak tahu bersalah ato tidak...loyar buruk negara Apandir jadi hakim membebaskan najib...bawah akta rasuah SPRM penjawat awam tidak boleh terima derma walau 1 sen pun..najib adalah pegawai awam..akta ini kakitangan bawahan sahaja...perlu ada satu mekanisma baru untuk mendakwa PM yg melakukan rasuah..badan ini dllantik oleh Agong tanpa nasihat PM..kalo PM dihadkan 2 penggal pun tak ada gunanye jika tiada pihak yg boleh mendakwa..AG pun dilantik ikut telunjuk PM...

    1. Sudah tentu lah AG pun dilantik ikut telunjuk PM...

      Pandi dah bersara, menjadi "bekas Hakim", tak ramai pedulikan dia, tak tentu hormat ke tak kpd dia.

      Alih alih berdentum dia naik jadi AG. Kuasa dakwa mendakwa ha nya di tangan dia, PM pun takda kuasa itu.

      Tak ke terhutang budi sampai mati.

      Perlembagaan negara perlu di tukar. Ada kan sistem lantikan dan pemecatan AG. Pihak Bretes yg derapkan Perlembagaan masa Malaysia memerintah dulu tak sebut itu semua. Sebab AG di masa itu orang Bretes. Dia nak sedap dengan keadaan begitu, boleh ikut sesuka dia gamak nya. Celaka Bretes. Celaka orang Malaysia yang nakkan keadaan itu berterusan.

    2. Saya rasa perlu ditubuhkan badan khas untuk mendakwa PM..pendakwa bukan AG..badan ini dilantik oleh Agong bukan dengan telunjuk PM..

    3. Selagi Najib memerintah, tak boleh harap boleh lakukan yang 8:09 PTG sebutkan itu.

      Kena gantikan Najib atau gulingkan dia di PRU14. Tak ada jalan lain.

      Gesakan rakyat dan pengundi jangan undi Najib dan UMNO/BN di PRU14.

    4. Saya cadangkan badan ni ditubuhkan bila umnongok ditumbangkan.


    1. 2 dua mampoos lagi baik..ayam jantan


    3. Penyokong najib kat kg2 pun ramai kayap..tapi tak sedar diri

  3. Admin no nak kenen pada
    BN kah
    DAP kah
    PKR kah
    Nampaknya semua ada ciri ITU

    1. Yg lain didakwa tapi najib dibebaskan seblm dakwa..siapa yg tak didakwa selepas disiasat selain najib?tolong jelaskan..

    2. Yang Lain kena dakwa tu siapa dia.

    3. Ko duduk negara mana? Lim Guang end tu CM negara mana?

    4. Aku tanye kenapo takut nak jawab?pandai cakap jer nampaknye

    5. Dah cabut ke cai ayam jantan ni..lepas kokok terus senyap..gi cari teloq kot..

    6. Ini bukan kenen tapi mengenai najib daa..

  4. Kalo bab munafik dan hipokrit PAS pun ada..tapi kes najib ni lebih berat kerana kes rompakan bilion2 ringgit..


    butuh laaaaa.... sapa yg hipokrit.. ari ni kuddin pembancuh kopi meddey kuyty kuar BERSATU .... kikikikiki... belum bersatu dan berpecah .. kah kah bodooo bodoooo...kikiki

    1. Hahaha...mangkok hayun...fUuCcKk

    2. Yang butuh membutuh ini ia lah Jing Jibo, NAJIB-PAID RESIDENT BLOGGER, yang di tugaskan kpd blog ini sebab blog popular, banyak pengaruh kpd pengundi.

      CV nya spt berikut:

      Anjng Jibo

      Anjing Jibo di blog ini sekor saja. Tapi coba membayangkan dia ramai, konon. Selalu masuk tak pakai nama, ada masa menyamar pakai nama yang orang lain dah pakai di sini, ada masa pakai nama seperti Keris Berayon dll. Semua Protun di sini tahu bahawa yang di hayon nya ha nya bola dia. Dan bola Jibo, bos dia.

      Bola yang kecut sebab Jing Jibo ni dah tua. Masuk sini pagi petang siang malam, walau pun pukul 2-3-4 pagi. Menipu, membohong, memfitnah. Dah tua baka tapi otak budak kecik. Itu pasal apa yg dia cakap selalu nya mcm bebudak.

      Anjing Jibo ini gunakan berbagai mode, cara, gaya bahasa, nada bercakap. Kekadang guna mode bertitik ... kekadang mode bebudak kikiki, hahaha, hehehe, puiiii, terakhir ini Warghh kaahh kaahhh kaaahhhh pulak. Terakhir lagi, banyak pantun memantun macam kartun. Di salin C&P nya pulak, selalu ulang rangkap yang sama. Lagi terakhir: dia salin komen2 Nek Tempoyak atau tulis atas nama itu.

      Tapi pada umum nya - terutama nya bila dia dah tak tahu nak response atau meradang – Jing Jibo itu mengarut, mengata Go Fly Kite, maki hamun dan mencarut. Dia di kasi makan dedak, takda melukut yang ada habuk beras sikit pun, takda zat, tak membina otak nya. Pengtahuan nya cetek, selalu nya bodoh, bangang, bongok, bingong, bingal, baghal.

      Anjing Jibo ini ia lah contoh penyokong yang Jibo kata di kempen PRU13 ada lah “bangang, hamjadah”, sebab tak membantu dia sikit pun dengan mengeluarkan fakta dan hujah yang munasabah untuk menaikkan imej dia yang merudum.

      Kita teruskan balas, bidas, sebat, belasah, hentam, tibai, kritik, kutuk, ketuk, sekel, pelangkong, kentot dan tahikan dia. Itu saja cara nak deal dengan dia.

      Pada masa masa nya, jangan pedulikan dia, pulaukan dia.

    3. 8.26 kalo bukan ayam jantan pengecut pi tangkap jho lo dulu perompak billion2...cai2 bodoo takut sangat dengan cina kapir ni

    4. Ko cai bodoo ayam jantan tak tau pun kenapa kharudin kluor..tak payah cakap kaloo tak tau..ngook

    5. Ayam jantan kuat kokok tapi teloq tarak dah kena pulas. Dengan cina kapir jho lo perompak..sama dengan pemuda umnongok dan jamal jamban baju merah...pengecut tunjuk lagak berani..kahkah3

  6. Sdra john doe,

    My perspective is your goodself, dato rahman jpc, othaman, yours truly and a host of other like thinking individuals are all for a change in leadership. The current leader and his generals have inevitably brought this once progressing literally to the dogs.

    Mahathir has used the word hypocrites on those supporting MO1 and his thieveries. Using your earlier argument, it is wrong and not correct....it should be cowards. Mahathir is event more precise in his observations and or allagations.

    What say you, sir?


    1. Correction....missing word "nation" after the word progressing...

      Typing too fast i guess....:)

    2. Yang betul hanya Quran Dan Hadith sahaja.
      So Hahathir tak semistinya betul


    3. Najib lagi betol2..sebab tu dia pertahankan..merompak dah jadi perbuatan betol..kalo ikut quran najib kena dakwa..tapi sape yg ikut quran dan hadis..

    4. Hang lepasan Al Azhar ke? dah pandai lebih dp mufti lagi.

    5. Tak perlu lepasan azhar pon..perkara asas jer ngook..mencuri tu tak dosa ngook? Kena tunggu mufti kluor fatwa dulu? Ostaz ko tak ajar?ato ko. ni buta agama..

    6. Ko pun tak tahu curi dan rompak kena potong tangan ikut hudud..rupanye ramai umnongok buta agama..fatihah dan mandi wajib ko tau tak?

    7. Ugama kena berguru bykannya main agak2 . kalau tidak ko akan ikut ajaran sesat.

    8. Guru dengan ostaz ape bezanye..soal pokoknye yg buat salah mesti dibicarakan..bukan dibiarkan bebas..

    9. Bukti mana?.
      Kalau kalah ko kena saman balik .,. Erti

      Anina pun Mahathir suruh tarik balik saman terhadap Najib. Mahathir takut kalah.
      Kalau Mahathir kalah, ko ingat Najib nak lepas peluang ke, dia hentam cukup2, kurang2 rm1B.

    10. Bukti? Ape sempit sangat fikiran ko..sprm dah siasat..paling mudah peguam negara boleh mintak dengan DOJ siasatan fbi..perkara ni dah lama dibincangkan..kalo nak hentam sekarang pun najib boleh saman balas..tapi najib ada teloq ker?ape jadi saman najib terhadap harakah dan liong sik?

    11. Seblm saman balas terhadap madey najib perlu cabar doj/fbi dulu..cabar siasatan fbi tak betul..tapi kenapa najib takut nak cabar?perkara mudah mcm kacang jer

    12. Najib boleh arahkan peguam negara bawak bukti dia terima duit derma rajaarab..bukan duit 1mdb..peguamnegara kan dah sahkan najib tak bersalah..jadi ape yg payahnye..tapi kenapa takut..kalo najib ada bukti derma raja arab dia boleh saman balas madey bukan 1b tapi 100 B..jadi ape tunggu lagi..takut kerana BENAR..cai je yg bodooh

    13. Ko ni cai tak banyak yg ko tahu..tapi nak tunjuk pandai plak..ko perlu najib takut..

    14. Org Iraq Libya Masir dulu panggil Amerika datang siasat ketua negara mereka .Sekarang apa dah jadi , nasib baiklah org di sini tak ikut cara 'menang jadi arang kalah jadi abu. Atau kedudukan kalah kalah . mana mau lari Sumatra ke?

    15. Thank you dear Mr scholar for asking. With all due respect:-

      1. There are two important things that I may extract from what Tun M had written. I concur with both and may I humbly say that his writing is in fact in line with my opinion.

      2. Fisrtly, if u really had noticed my writings and my advice on everyone on both sides of the divide on never to publicly label anyone directly as a munafiq (even i did so when our honourable pak Rahman uses this kalimah against Dato Husni), I only did so when the arabic term 'munafiq' is used. Never did I do so when hipokrit instead of munafiq is used.

      3. No doubt munafiq is the arabic term for hypocrite, but if u had learned the syariah formally, there is a big difference between using the kalimah in arabic and non arabic. I'll try to make my explanation as simple as possible.

      4. Whenever we learn a term used in AlQuran we had to learn the literal /languange meaning of the word (lughotan) and its 'islamic' meaning (istilahan).

      5. Most of the words mentioned in AlQuran and hadith, when it is used it will bear its Islamic meaning rather than merely its literal meaning.

      6. AlQuran for example means 'something that you may read'. By its literal meaning anything that u may read may be called AlQuran (now u know where did the word Koran which means newspaper in Indonesian is derived from).

      7. But whenever we hear the word AlQuran, we will understand it as the holy book of the Muslims. Y? Because there is a religious bearing on the word itself.

      8. In AlQuran there is even a chapter named al-munafiqun which means 'the hypocrites'. So if u use this word in Arabic on someone, u are referring to its islamic connotation and all its syarie bearings as mentioned in that chapter (and other places too) rather than merely labelling somenone as a hypocrite. Whereas not being a rasul/nabi who do not receive revelations from God, how do we know beyond any shadow of doubt that, that someone is really a munafiq in the sight of Allah? If calling a person who gives salam as kafir is prohibited, what else using 'munafiq' directly.

      9. Its okay to say 'he has committed an act of nifaq (the verb for munafiq, whereas munafiq is the person commiting the act) but it's not ok to say 'he is a munafiq'.

      10. Eventhough the prophet pbuh mentioned in several hadithes about the signs of munafiqs, never did he ever publicly announced to the Muslims who among them are munafiqs. Only one of his companions knew them all (because the prophet told him) and that sahabah is not even among 'the ten', and he is not allowed to publicly announce their names even after the prophet's demise.

      11. If labelling an apparent Muslim directy and publicly as a munafiq is allowed, then the prophet would had done so in his lifetime, or alternatively that particular sahabah would after the prophet's demise.

      12. Thats y in a syarie court a judge may only assume whether a witness is a fasiq or otherwise to ascertain his/her credibleness, and may proceed to pass his judgment based on that assumption. he has no legal jurisdiciton whatsoever to 'pronounce' that someone is a fasiq.

      13. A judge may pronounce a judgment 'i find u guilty as charge for the offence of drinking wine' but he has no jursidiction to pass the judgment 'I hereby pronounce u as a munafiq/fasiq'.

      I sincerely hope that you Mr scholar and other readers do understand my explanation. The second part on Tun's writing will come later.

      Wallahu a'lam.

    16. Dear Mr scholar


      Now let us go to the second part. There is a different between your previous q and Tun's writing.

      In ur previous q u mentioned those holding the positions in religious institutions whereas in Tun's writing he was referring to those who are directly entrusted to voice out the wrongdoings of the PM (MPs, party members) or prosecute if a wrong is found (AG).

      The keywords are 'bystander', and 'accomplish'.

      Muftis are bystanders because they are not directly involved with the wrongdoings of the PM, and they are not directly/ specifically/ categorically entrusted to fight the wrongdoings.

      Whereas for MPs, this is exactly what they have been entrusted and even paid for. AG? Everyone knows of course. These people are being paid to do the job to act/speak out, and yet they have chosen to do nothing and keep mum.

      When they keep mum, than they may be considered as accomplish because its their duty to voice out. They may also be considered as 'tidak amanah dengan tanggungjawab'.

      The dedakians and cyberterompahs? No doubt they are accomplish too because they are defending the wrongdoer of his wrongdoings for worldly gains (dedaks in whatsoever form).

      Now let us see this popular authentic hadith :-

      "Whosoever of you sees an evil action, he must change it with his hand. If he is not able to do so then he must change it with his tounge. If he is not able to do so he must change it with their heart, and this is the weakest manifestation of faith'.

      From that hadith it seems that if someone do the least (protesting in his/her heart) than he / she may still be considered beriman. If one is considered beriman, there is no way he/she may be considered a munafiq simultaneously.

      But this do not apply to everyone. If u are entrusted to act (like the AG) or entrusted to speak (like the MPs and party members) but chosen not to do so then you may be considered as an accomplish. U have been given the task and entrusted to act/speak and been paid to do so, then your reluctancy makes you an accomplish.

      Now let us see another way on how to differentiate between a bystander and an accomplish. This is a popular hadith on drinking wine:-

      "Allah has cursed khmar (wine nd the like), the one who drinks it, the one who pours it, the one who sells it, the one who buys it, the one who makes it, the one who is made for, the one who catries it, the one who it is carried to and the one who consumes the money from its sale".

      If u go through that hadith, it is clear that only those who participated actively in a wrongdoing or gain something out of it may be considered as an accomplish.

      Did the muftis acted actively in the execution of the offence or did they specifically defend the wrongdoings? No they did not, so we cant accuse them of being accomplishes.

      If merely keeping mum when seing an evil may be considerd as an accomplish than the prophet pbuh would have included in the list 'a bystander who keeps queit'.

      No doubt that being people entrusted to hold/defend the religion they shud have at least voice out in the open against the wrongdoings, but its not accurate to label them as munafiqs just because they have chosen not to do so.

      Cowards? Yes. Munafiqs? I dont think so.

      I sincerely hope that my explantion is understandable.

      The more important is the fact that those are merely my humble opinion. They may or may not be true in the sights of Allah but I believe those opinions are given while bearing in mind the principle of tauqif (senang cakap memilih untuk berhati2 dan berhenti daripada teruskan dengan menghukum).

      Wallahu a'lam .

    17. Sorry for: speak-speak up / been paid - being paid and the likes. My mistakes.

    18. Are not the muftis paid to speak up on important religious issues, sir?

      In khalwat and or non fasting in the month of ramadhan, the first to "jump and giving their expert opinions" were/are/will be the muftis. Aahh....its easy to handle. In thievery activities, the consequences are far more reaching, that of bangsa, agama and the nation. Would it be fair now to think that there is such thing as selective bystanders and accomplishers before we could unleash the word hypocrite??

      Nonetheless, honestly I have learnt a lot from you, sir on how diverse an opinion on religion viz political equations could be.

      One last question before I rest my case....would it be fair to put some share of blame to the current agamawans and islamic instutions for allowing such perperation by the kleptocratists? For how long more of their inactivity? My strong stand is politicians alone should not be solely blamed for all the current predicaments but the islamic institution as well, whether as bystanders or accomplishers and the unsuspecting rakyat, too.

      I have enjoyed this discourse rather than entertain the comments by characters like kejora, nek tempoyak and keris berayon.

      Sdra john doe, thank you Sir.

    19. Bros John Doe & Sarawak Scholar, Salam & greeting...

      Though different in opinion, I love to watch how both of you present your case in intellectual manner and respect to each other. However, be watchful, there is someone here trying defuse or shall I say blow out of proportion of our brotherhood ties. (See 8:57, 9:17, 10:05, 10:38 & 11:14)

    20. Dear Mr scholar and pak Othman

      Thanx pak Othman for the reminder, and beware shall we be..

      Mr scholar

      I can see that this issue is really bothering you. I fully understand y. Believe me, there are more people outside there who are just like u, wondering whether our muftis may be called hypocrites for keeping mum on the biggest monetary scandal in the history of humankind that is happening in front of their very own eyes.

      Para 1

      Are not the muftis paid to speak up on important religious issues? My answer wud be yes. But what are 'religious issues'? To answer this q we have to be academic and see what do the laws say.

      The issues/offences of kleptocracy, theft, bribery and the likes, legally speaking are under the federal juristicdion. Only federal laws apply, and only federal enforcement and judicial officers may take action, try,and punish, whereas a mufti is an officer of his respective state. Hence, legally speaking he is not bound to speak up.

      The National Fatwa Council is not bound to give their rulings or comments on these subjects, and legally speaking they are not supposed to, unless there is a special order by the YDPA on them to do so. Let us just pray that the new YDPA will listen to the people's cry and give his order accordingly.

      Para 2.

      Khalwat, non-fasting in Ramadhan and the likes are all offences under the jurisdiction of the states. Hence it is within the respective states officers' jurisdiction to act.

      However pls take note of the fact that each state in Malaysia has its own Majlis Agama Islam. These offences are not under the jurisdiciton of the mufti's office but rather under the syariah courts. Both the mufti and the syarie courts are institutions under the Majlis but each of them is independent of another (independent but inter-related). The other institutions are qadhis and baitulmal.

      Would it be fair to let them continue keeping mum before unleashig the word hypocrites on them? Morally yes it wouldn't be fair, but legally speaking they have not done anything against the law, or agaisnt the task they were entrusted to hold. Remember the words directly/ specifically/ categoricaly used by me when explaining that they are not bound to speak up on these issues?

      Para 3

      Thanx. May i humbly say that its a great pleasure to have u, pak othman and pak rahman on my side too. I believe and sincerely hope that this feeling is mutual and shared together by the four of us, and the other TanpaNamas who are obviously on our side.

      Para 4.

      Yes, on this point i concur with u and have nothing to add. Morally speaking those agamawans who are keeping mum do have their shares of blames for the current situation that we are facing.

      The only issues between you and me is on the legal point and not moral.

      Para 5
      Hahaha, the very fact that u have chosen to mention about these 3 jokers in your final para shows that despite being serious when discussing an important issue, you do have some sense of humour. My comment would be these 3 are jokers and meant only to 'kacau daun'. Now they have a new fellow by the pseudo 'UNKNOWN' whom i see is so keen of giving comments on facts that are 'unknown' to him. Now we know y did he choose 'UNKNOWN' as his pseudo. Sorry again Mr Unknown.

      Thanx again.

      Wallahu a'lam

  7. Yang buat salah tu dah tentulah tahu dosanya. Yang kelepet melepet menghalalkan yang haram tu terima padahnya nanti di mahkamah Allah SWT. Bukan tak tahu semua itu. Macam Tun kata le ...pemimpin yang ada semuanya pelik dan ganjil.

    1. Semua org buat salah kecuali Nabi saja

    2. Memang lah semua buat salah..tapi yg buat salah kenapa dibela dan tidak didakwa?..ajaran mana ni?

    3. Ajaran dari kitab umno bro...ha3

    4. Seseorang itu tak bersalah , selagi ia tidak dibuktikan bersalah di mahkamah

    5. Yg boleh menentukan salah tak salah hanye hakim mahkamah...tapi bila nak bawak mahkamah?..sampai kiamat tak salah kalo asik cakap jer..

    6. Tak pe..umno tumbang najib dan apandir masuk mahkamah laa..

    7. ITU pasal korang ni sembang saja kencang. APA satu pun tak boleh buat.

    8. 9.3 8 dungu?kuasa bawak mahkamah ni AG ngok..

    9. Pru14 tak lama lagi..cai2 bolehlah khayal dulu

  8. Segala yang di sebut Tun Dr Mahathir dalam blog Chedet nya itu betul. Dia tidak di ragui bertaraf "elder statesman", jauh banding nya dengan Najib yang tak berperinsip, atau berperinsip tak betul, saperti Cash Is King.

    Dan Tun sendiri yang mengata bahawa Najib sendiri beri tahu dia pendirian Cash Is King nya itu. Perinsip salah yang membawa korapsi, menggalakkan korapsi, teladan besar korapsi.

    Pendirian Najib itu bukan saja munafiq, tapi juga Machiavellian - the end justifies the means, pegang kuasa ikut cara kotor, jahat, korap.

    Kita perlu hebohkan seberapa selalu, seberapa lantang, seberapa pesat, supaya rakyat lingkupkan Najib di PRU14.

    Bagus, Putra M keluarkan post 3-4 kali sehari. Syabas, teruskan.

    1. Saya sokong & amat bersetuju dgn pendapat sdra.

      Amalan rasuah begitu sinomim dgn semua negara2 Islam terkini hingga musuh Islam mengumpan dgn "derma riba" yg menjahanamkan. Satu persatu negara Islam tumbang gara2 termakan bantuan/derma riba yg diumpan Amerika & Zionis Yahudi melalui World Bank, IMF & Gergasi Perbank Yahudi.

      Nabi Musa AS mengajar & mengingatkan umatnya melalui kitab Taurat kejahatan & penipuan riba (usury) yg boleh menjahanamkan umat manusia terus menjadi abdi kepada orang kaya - pemberi hutang.

      Begitu juga Nabi Isa AS dalam ajaran kitab Injil... hingga pada satu ketika baginda murka & menghalau pendita2 bani Israel yg melakukan perniagaan terkutuk ini di dalam tempat ibadat mereka.

      Rasululullah SAW juga mengajar (melalui al quran) umat Islam kemudaratan perniagaan riba yg boleh membuat manusia sesat dek pengabdian kepada hutang tak habis-habis dek bunga riba.

      Namun Najib & Rosmah tidak menghiraukan ajaran2 semua kitab2 yg diwahyukan oleh Allah SWT kerana ghairah untuk memilikki wang berbilyon-bilyon hingga sanggup bersekongkol dgn sykt perbank Zionis Yahudi, Goldman Sachs.

      Waulahu A'lam.

  9. Umnongok mana tahu beza yg betol dan salah..kalo masuk duit/harta yg betol jadi salah dan yg salah jadi betol..cakap pasal quran dan hadis..iman zero


    1. Vanakam, tengah tengok filem rajnikanth TV3 ni, kejap lagi aku post komen! Hebat pulak rajikanth joget!

  11. onne

    ellethu ceytu, padi ceytu, soll ceytu,pese ceytu,ippo ceytu (bukan hippo)...


  12. Balasan
    1. KPN kata kertas siasatan Jusco sebanyak 4000 page.
      kalo nak baca 4 tahun pun tak habits kut.

    2. Khalid siasat ape justo?balik dari bangkok terus senyap..kata nak sisat justo jual fitah petro saudi..najib nak saman wsj tunggu berapa puluh kali selasa..tak saman2..kerana khalid bisu..tak dapat sahkan justo jual citer fitnah..

    3. 2.6 biliion lah menimbun2..kalo ko bilang duit tu berapa bulan baru siap..bukti peyelewengan dana 1mdb laa..payah nak faham

    4. Tunggulah Doj & FBI esok lusa mereka datang nak tangkap Najib atau malam INI pun mereka bpleh datang, konteklah suruh mereka buat kerja ikut Sop.

  13. Sembang...sembang jugak
    Masalah air apa cerita?
    Takkan boleh selesai setakat tuduh ada org sabotaj je...
    Belajar tinggi-tinggi tapi bingai bila bercakap buat apa?
    MB ingat kami guna tisu utk lap kencing berak?

    1. Lori tanker hantar air pukul 2 mlm..letak tong2 air..tuhan baru bagi sikit dugaan dah gelabah..melaka dah sembahyang hajat..empangan nak kering..beli lahair botol

    2. Tak kena pd kau, bolehlah cakap. Harga air botol lebih mahal drp petrol, kau tau tak?

  14. Sembang sampai Singapura, swiss dan Amerika konon...
    Masalah air tak pernah selesai
    Nak kencing berak pun terpaksa berkira

    Politik sepanjang masa
    Cakap pong pang pong pang
    Habuk pun tadak...bodooo

    1. Ko pindah ketempat ada air..lain kali ko jangan luluskan kilang dekat sungai..sendiri salah sendiri tanggong laa

    2. Yg luluskan tapak kilang ialah PBT lah bodoh. Pbt bawah kerajaan negeri.
      Kalau gitu suruhlah orang Kelantan pindah ke Somalia pulak sbb Kelantan banjir tiap tahun.
      Apa punya bodoh keturunan keluar statement mcm tu.

  15. Politik Malaysia adalah politik menipu
    Semua parti berlumba-lumba utk menipu
    Tak kira parti apa semua nak menipu
    Pemimpin besar, pemimpin kecik semua menipu
    Pemimpin kerajaan pemimpin pembangkang semua menipu
    Kerajaan pusat kerajaan negeri semua menipu.

    Berlumba-lumba nak jadi penipu.

  16. Jadi tak payah ada kerajaan laa..serah kpd raja?

  17. Belum apa-apa dah tuduh ada sabotaj. Apa punya bodoh otak MB. Mcm ni punya MB lebih baik tak ada MB langsung. Tutup aje DUN tu, buat rumah urut.

    1. Aku nak berak air takdde... masalh air pun pakatan tak blh handle..nak sembg psl msalah negara..sama mcm blog n penyokong blog yg tua xsedar diri nk mampos masih xbersyukur

    2. Mat jubor memang tk bersyukur punya olang.Asal cina mintak pacak ajelah.nah sekarang pe citer lesen tlh dikuarkn nk batal tk boleh nanti pe ckp dap
      Dorang tkpe berak calit dgn tisu dorang tk kesah.padan muka!

    3. Takde air ko jumpa najib mintak duit hasil menipu 1MDB buat bersihkan juboh kau!!!

      Barua UMNO memang BONGOK!!

    4. Lepas berak takde air Ko KEJORA jilat pantat ko tu!!

    5. 12:41 & 12:44
      Ni dua ekor wakil kerajaan negeri
      MB cakap ada org sabotaj
      MB tak cakap pun suruh mintak duit dgn najib
      Kau dua ekor ni memandai-mandai cakap

      Dua ekor beruk pencen ni nak kena penampar dgn MB ni.

    PUSING 2 CAKAP......




    kikikikikiki.... nak bersatu... sesama sendiri bercakaran kikikiki... bodooo... bodoo..


    1. Takkan tak kenal ngilai kikikikiki nie siapa.....????

  20. Sekarang anjing Najib - Jing Jibo - pakai mode baru lagi pulak. Tulis pantun pendek tapi guna huruf besar. Macam macam cara dia nak menunjukkan ramai konon penyokong Najib di blog ini. Pada hal dia sekor saja, mengguna berbagai cara dan mode mengkomen.

    Senang nak tahu komen2 itu datang dari Jing Jibo. Antara tanda tanda nya ia lah

    - memperkecilkan makna tindakan US Dept of Justice merampas harta anak tiri Najib dll berkaitan "misappropriation of 1MDB funds and money laundering" di US dll

    - mengatakan saman DoJ itu tak jadi, walau pun dengan mengata begitu dia menunjukkan kebodohan nya amat sangat

    - menggunakan perkataan "baruah Yahudi" yang banyak di guna bila mengkomen atas nama Nek Tempoyak

    - sibuk menuduh dan mendakwa Parti Bersatu belom ada Bahagian dan Cawangan, konon nya

    - coba mempropaganda ahli2 Bersatu berpecah belah, konon nya

    - selalu keluarkan pemikiran budak kecik nya - ketawa kikikikikiki, mengilai macam pontianak

    1. Bermacam helah taktik Kejora gunakan...terkini dgn 'Unknown' tapi bau busuknya tetap menyengit & meloyakan.

    Topic: Hipokrit Malaysia

    To my beloved Ayahanda Tun..

    Contrary to Musa Hitam’s ‘Frankly Speaking’ and ‘Najib’s Hipocrisy’, I honestly & sincerely witnessed that it was during your time the 500 mile North outh Highway was built in a record time of under five years. The KLIA in four years, the KLCC in two years, the LRTs in two years. Everything was built in world record time.

    Under Pak Lah, he built nothing to make me proud but sleeping all the time. What happen to his Hadhari? I reckon he was dihindari by Hindraf. Yes this the only legacy left by The ZZZZ PM.

    Under Najib the KLIA2 was behind schedule. That bridge in Kelantan was behind schedule. Many things are just behind schedule. This is the Najib style of Gomen. What happened to ETP, GTP, Pemandu, Pemudah, Omar Ong, the con-sultans etc? Where are Khazanah and the other Government Losing Concerns? So many natural disasters and the latest catastrophe befell to the nation as though it is not in his favour. Finally, the truth of his true self is unveiled when he lied and cheated the nation of his big borrowings (RM42 billion) from the evil Zionist Banker Goldman Sachs who uphold the slogan, ‘to conquer and enslave a nation by giving debt’.

    Tun Sir…you have achieved so much without resorting to foreign consultants, ETP, GTP, Idris Jala, Pemandu, Pemudah or whatever. You only had the EPU, the ICU and the Civil Service. It was a top flight Civil Service coming from our own anak bangsa.

    Thank you once again and may Allah SWT bestowed the best blessing for you and Bonda Tun Hasmah always.
