Buat malu koi jer...
Malaysia's Prime Minister: A Dead Man Walking?
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak broke a cardinal rule in politics. He inadvertently admitted ‘guilt’ when the Malaysian Anti-corruption Commission cleared him of any wrongdoing in accepting a political donation. His position – vulnerable since his ascent to premiership – is no longer tenable as Malaysians question his sincerity and trustworthiness.
On July 2, 2015, the Wall Street Journal alleged that $700 million had gone into a personal bank account of Razak’s. The prime minister offered a non-denial denial:
Let me be very clear: I have never taken funds for personal gain as alleged by my political opponents – whether from 1MDB, SRC International or other entities, as these companies have confirmed.
Razak also labelled the report as political sabotage and threatened to sue the Wall Street Journal(more than a month after the allegation was made, at the time of publishing this article, the prime minister has yet to sue).
Malaysia’s Prime Minister Najib Razak (C) addresses a press conference as newly-appointed Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (L) and Malaysia’s Chief Secretary Ali Hamsa (R) listen at the Prime Minister’s office in Putrajaya on July 28, following a cabinet reshuffle amid a furor over a mushrooming scandal that is threatening his hold on office.
On July 20, 2015, the Sarawak Report, a blog that had been systematically publishing reports on corruption and abuse of power in Malaysia, was blocked by the government. An arrest warrant for its founder and editor, Clare Rewcastle-Brown, was subsequently issued.
On July 24, 2015, the government announced that The Edge Financial Daily and The Edge Weekly, which had been reporting extensively on the 1MDB issue, were to be suspended for a period of three months.
On July 28, 2015, the prime minister sacked his deputy and four other ministers in a cabinet reshuffle in an effort to strengthen his control of the government and the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO). With the changes to his cabinet, Razak also neutralized the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee that had been vigorously investigating the 1MDB affair. He also removed the attorney general, who as part of a high-level task force (involving the Attorney General’s Chambers, the Central Bank of Malaysia, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Royal Malaysian Police) was believed to have been preparing corruption charges against the prime minister.
After pulling off such a brazen act with a high degree of skill, the prime minister blinked.
On August 3, 2015, the MACC announced that the $700 million channeled into Razak’s personal bank account came from donors. In doing this, Razak inadvertently confirmed the Wall Street Journal’sreport and opened Pandora’s box.
This admission of ‘guilt’ has taken the toxicity of the prime minister to an all-time high. But even more damaging than the legal implications of the matter (i.e. was it corrupt for Razak to solicit donations on behalf of UMNO; is it certain that the donations were for UMNO; who donated; what were the donations for; were the donations used at the 2013 general elections; did the donation break Malaysian laws; etc) is the question of trust and legitimacy.
Malaysians will now once again question Razak’s honesty and sincerity in denying all other allegations made against him, his family and his administration. After all, if the Wall Street Journal’s preposterous allegation is correct, could all the other preposterous allegations also be true?
Malaysians will begin to wonder if there is truth to the preposterous allegations made by the suspended The Edge Finance Daily and The Edge Weekly.
Malaysians will begin to wonder if there is truth to the numerous preposterous allegations made by the blocked Sarawak Report.
Malaysians will begin to wonder if there is truth to the many preposterous allegations on 1MDB made by members of the opposition.
Malaysians may also begin to wonder if there is truth to all other preposterous allegations made about the Prime Minister, his wife and his family.
Malaysians will begin to wonder if there is truth to the preposterous claims being made by Bersih 2.0, namely that elections are neither free nor fair in Malaysia.
UMNO members will begin to wonder if there is truth to the sacked Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyddin’s preposterous premonitions about UMNO’s future.
Recently sacked Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin speaks at a press conference in his residence outside Kuala Lumpur on July 29. (AP Photo/Joshua Paul)
Having realized this faux pas, the prime minister and UMNO are currently engaged in rear-guard action to correct the mistake. But for an embattled prime minister already suffering a serious trust and legitimacy deficit, this may be too late.
One should not, however, dismiss Razak outright. It goes without saying that a dead man walking can be very unpredictable and dangerous.
Note: It appears that the government and its agencies (e.g. the Attorney General’s Office, the MACC, the Central Bank) are divided on 1MDB. It appears that some have aligned their efforts to protect the prime minister, while others are intent on removing him, and some who are just doing their work. I discuss this in next week’s article.
Fofular kan PM koi? fofular kenapa?
Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!
Kenape Najib masih kekal sebagai pm walaupun diasak hebat.Kuat bekerja tapi kurang bercakap tidak seperti kamu blogger ternakan yang banyak bercakap tapi kerja kurang.Tengoklah dlm masa 24 jam berapa artikel yg kamu keluarkan menyerang dn terus menyerang Najib tapi hasilnye yilek malah semakin ramai yg membenci..
BalasPadamYe...semakin ramai yg membenci mohd najib...cai...kesian ko..
PadamDia kekal sbb dia xde maruah sama mcm kabinet kayunya bukan pasal serangan hebat. Nak tau kekal lama ke tidak pegi lah becuti dr jawatan pm kejap... Bio kes diadili seadil adilnya. Kalau xsalh ambik blk jawatan pm tu spi mampos pun xpe.
PadamJika dia orang yang ada MARUAH. Dia akan berundur. Jika tak nak berundur pun, sekurang2nya berehat sebentar untuk bersihkan nama dia.
PadamSedar lah...rakyat sudah tanam di hati masing2 untuk tidak akan menangkan BN jika dia masih tak berundur. Jangan pura2 tak tahu atau in denial mode! Jika bn tumpas...yg patut dipersalahkan ialah dia dan penyokong2 takde otak mcm kamu!
Aduhh....lepas 1..1..bila nak abis...? Selesai 1...timbul 1..1malaysia...ProOO00ootTt
BalasPadamTanpa nama 12.29
BalasPadamKalau tidak memberi kesan, anda tidak akan memberi komen, malah anda tidak akan memperdulikan apa yang ditulis oleh admin.
Malah kerajaan melalui skmm telah menyekat beberapa blog dari diekses. Ini membuktikan pihak kerajaan dan cyber tropper seperti anda gagal berhujjah dengan bukti bagi menyakinkan pembaca.
Tanpa nama 12.29
BalasPadamKalau tidak memberi kesan, anda tidak akan memberi komen, malah anda tidak akan memperdulikan apa yang ditulis oleh admin.
Malah kerajaan melalui skmm telah menyekat beberapa blog dari diekses. Ini membuktikan pihak kerajaan dan cyber tropper seperti anda gagal berhujjah dengan bukti bagi menyakinkan pembaca.
Aku tabik pada Najib...
BalasPadamDalam zaman internet dan fitnah berleluasa serta media bebas merentas sempadan, dia masih in power!!!
Orang yang benar pasti mendapat pertolongan Allah!!
Dulu Mahathir dapat bertahan Selama 22 tahun sbb tak ada internet dan semua media di control oleh Mahathir. So, berita tak tersebar luas....
Cuma, sekarang org dah mula korek semula kesalahan Mahathir..
Kesian dia...
Kepada org melayu dan islam, bersatulah. Jgn terikut dgn agenda kafir dan barat yg nak menghancurkan Islam dan menumbangkan kerajaan yg sedia ada.
Pakatan Rakyat tak kukuh dan tiada jaminan. Tak jelas siapa yg dominan didalam pakatan rakyat. Takut parti Amanah dan PKR hanya jadi keldai kepada DAP
Alhamdulillah jho low dh masuk islam dan melayu.
PadamRosmah pun dh btudung litup berjubah.
Najib pun dh bertaubat dari menipu
Bila kita kritik Najib, dituduhnya kita kritik Melayu... kritik Islam... kena hasutan Barat...
PadamNajib ni maksum ke?
Dia dah terang-terang mengaku dia terima duit masuk akaun peribadi... kalau tak salah dari segi undang-undang Malaysia, takkan laa anda tak Nampak yang ini jelas salah dari segi moral!
Kalau dia jujur, kenapa dia menipu?
Mula2 cakap dia tak pernah terima duit masuk akaun peribadi.
Kemudian, bila SPRM dah sahkan duit tu memang masuk, barulah mengaku.
Itu ke sifat seorang Perdana Menteri?
Itu sifat seorang Amirul Mukminin?
Itu sifat budak sekolah rendah dik oii...!
Kalau anda sayangkan Najib, selamatkan dia dari mendapat azab Allah seperti yang berlaku kepada bapa pemodenan Turki Kamal Attaturk...
Belajar dari sejarah dik oii...!
Pesan nenek moyang kita...
pemimpin adil pemimpin dijunjung
pemimpin zalim pemimpin DISANGGAH!
542 mmg dibayar untuk buang akal dan maruah.
PadamRamai ADUN, Ahli Parlimen, Menteri kabinet yang ada sekarang ni
BalasPadamdah luput sebelum tarikh.
Sebab akibat wang besar yang jatuh nilai kesahihannya.