Isnin, 31 Mac 2014

Dah Padam..!!!

Dah padam?

Boleh confirm di sini.

Boleh kenal di sini.

Boleh rujuk di sini.

Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!

MH 370 ~ Hishammuddin Akan Ke Diego Garcia?

Diharap Malaysia akan menyuarakan hasrat agar AS bersedia mengeluarkan laporan radar mereka di Diego Garcia pada 7 dan 8 Mac yang lalu…!

Diharap Malaysia dapat menyatakan hasrat kepada AS agar membenarkan pihak Media Antarabangsa pergi membuat lawatan ke Diego Garcia..!

Sekadar harap ajer la..!!!

KUALA LUMPUR: Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, akan bertolak ke Pusat Pemerintah Pasifik Amerika Syarikat (AS) di Hawaii malam ini untuk menghadiri mesyuarat Menteri Pertahanan ASEAN.

Hishammuddin yang juga pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan berkata, mesyuarat yang dijadualkan dari 1 hingga 3 April itu dipanggil oleh Setiausaha Pertahanan AS, Chuck Hagel.

"Bagi pihak kerajaan, saya akan berkongsi dengan rakan sejawatan dari Asean dan kerajaan AS mengenai perkembangan terkini berhubung pencarian pesawat MH370," katanya pada sidang media di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) sebentar tadi. 

Hishammuddin berkata, beliau juga akan berbincang dengan AS dan negara rakan lain bagaimana untuk mendapatkan peralatan khusus untuk operasi pencarian di dasar laut.

Isu yang lain…

KUALA LUMPUR 31 Mac - Kerajaan akan berbincang dengan pasukan penyiasat sama ada terdapat keperluan untuk mendedahkan transkrip perbualan juruterbang pesawat MH370 dan pembantunya dengan menara kawalan kepada umum.

Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein bagaimanapun berkata, keputusan akhir mengenainya terpulang kepada pasukan penyiasat. - UTUSAN ONLINE

Nampaknya sekadar menerima skrip dari AS ajer la…

Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!

MH 370 ~ Mahfoz Bean Memang Dah Bengong Ahli UMNO Jangan Pulak Tongong..!

Mahpoz ni pembangkang..! kita semua maklum bahawa ramai pemimpin pembangkang ni otaknya letak di lutut..! itu sebab kita boleh berlaga kepala dengan pemimpin mereka tapi tidak lutut..! Lutut antara barang yang amat berharga bagi para pemimpin pembangkang kerana selain akalnya disitu, lutut juga perlu bagi mengekalkan stamina jongkang jongkit seperti mana Anwar Aljub, Cikgu Stopa dan ramai lagi..!

Jadi, kalau kenyataan Mahpoz yang berkehendakkan PM dan Menteri Pengangkutan meletakkan jawatan atas berlakunya insiden MH 370 ianya hanya satu lagi pembuktian bahawa Mahpoz harus membalut lututnya sekuat mungkin bagi mengelakkan kecedaraan akal yang lebih parah seperti mana ada nya sekarang ini..!

Kalau macam tu cuba kita tanya mahpoz macam mana dengan status seorang bapa yang mempunyai anak yang bermasaalah dengan dadah? apakah bapaknya harus 'meletakkan jawatan' sebagai bapak kerana ditakdirkan mempunyai anak bermasaalah seperti itu? macam mana? pi picit lutut dulu..!

Ahli UMNO jugak jangan la bersikap tongong dalam mendepani peristiwa yang melanda kini hinggakan penulis pergi ke Kelantan, Perak, Selangor dan Johor minggu lalu ada kedengaran bahawa jika tragedi MH 370 ini berlaku sebelum pemilihan UMNO yang lalu tentu Hisham akan mendapat tempat pertama dalam pertandingan Naib Presiden.

Apa punya dangkal hujah mereka ni..! apakah mereka ini sedang menyalahkan majoriti ahli UMNO yang telah pun membuat keputusan dalam pemilihan yang lalu..! Apakah mereka ini masih tidak dapat menerima ketentuan yang telah pun tersurat? Apakah mereka hanya tahu memilih pemimpin setelah berlakunya sesuatu bencana menimpa? Apakah mereka memang suka bencana menimpa negara ini agar pemimpin mereka akan terserlah? majoriti ahli UMNO bijak pandai tentunya mereka tidak akan termakan dengan dakyah kaki ampu sana sini yang sentiasa lapar dan dahaga jika kepimpinan UMNO dan kerajaan bersatu dan bekerjasama rapat.

Kepada kumpulan ini..rentikan lah..! kalau pun anda sama dengan Mahpoz yang otaknya di lutut tapi majoriti ahli dan orang orang UMNO seluruh negara tidak sesekali membenarkan lutut kamu setaraf dengan akal kami yang waras ini..!

Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!

MH 370 ~ Lagi Teori Yahudi Yang Perlu Kita Baca..!

Makin kuat..makin rancak..!

KUALA LUMPUR - Sebanyak 20 pekerja Freescale Semiconductor merupakan antara penumpang pesawat MH370 Malaysia Airlines dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing, yang dilapor hilang di Laut China Selatan.

Dalam satu kenyataan di sini, syarikat yang berpangkalan di Austin, Texas, Amerika Syarikat itu berkata pekerjanya terdiri daripada 12 warga Malaysia dan lapan dari China.

Menurut syarikat, seluruh komuniti Freescale Semiconductor sedih dengan kejadian berkenaan dan akan terus memantau situasi serta memaklumkan sebarang perkembangan apabila memperolehnya.

"Pada masa ini, kami memberi tumpuan kepada pekerja kami dan anggota keluarga mereka," kata Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Esekutif Freescale Gregg Lowe dalam kenyataan itu.

"Doa kami untuk semua yang terlibat dalam kejadian tragik ini."

Menurut kenyataan itu, syarikat telah meminta kaunselor dan profesional lain melalui Program Bantuan Pekerja Freescale, memberikan sokongan sepanjang masa kepada mereka yang terbabit dalam tragedi ini ~ Bernama
Kehilangan mereka adalah satu kehilangan yang amat besar buat firma Freescale itu.. dan ianya hampir menyerupai tragedi terhempasnya pesawat JAL 123 dan ianya mewujudkan satu lagi spekulasi..

Di mana dalam tragedi JAL 123 ianya telah membunuh 17 Jurutera dari satu firma yang membangunkan satu perisian hasil dari kajian seorang Proffesor dari Tokyo University.

Apa yang dibangunkan oleh mereka ialah perisian TRON dimana pada ketika itu TRON didakwa jauh lebih maju dari Google Chrome yang ada pada masa ini.

Ianya adalah percuma dan akan digunakan oleh seluruh sektor awam dinegara Jepun.

Pembangunan perisian tersebut terbantut bilamana seluruh Jurutera yang terlibat terbunuh dalam tragedi itu dan oleh itu Microsoft menguasai pasaran..

Apa yang berbeza antara Jurutera TRON itu dengan pekerja Freescale ini ialah, para Jurutera itu telah terbunuh manakala nasi para pekerja dari Freescale pula tidak diketahui lagi hingga ke hari ini..

Ramai yang tidak tahu bahawa dari 20 orang pekerja Freescale itu 4 orang adalah antara 5 pemegang hakcipta ataupun 'Patent' yang baru didaftarkan mereka.

Apa yang hendak di 'patent' kan oleh mereka ialah memaksimakan 'dies' dalam sekeping 'wafer'.

Apake bendanya 'dies' dan apa pulaknya 'wafer'?..

'Dies' adalah litar atau 'circuit' yang dibina di atas 'Wafer', 'Dies' adalah apa terkandung didalam mikrochip.

Bergantung kepada tujuan ianya dibina saiz 'Dies' adalah berbeza antara satu sama lain dan ianya dibina di atas wafer yang diperbuat dari silikon dan seramik.

Oleh itu jumlahnya juga adalah berbeza bergantung kepada saiz 'wafer' yang biasanya bergarispusat 4",6" atau 8.

Dalam setiap 'wafer' biasanya terkandung lebih atau kurang dari 5,000 'dies'. 

Kalau tak faham juga tanyalah kawan-kawan korang yang bekerja dalam bidang semikonduktor..

Untuk makluman kebanyakkan peralatan elokronik kini dikuasai atau digerakkan oleh 'dies' yang terdapat dalam mikrochip.

Silicon adalah bahan yang sesuai digunakan untuk membangunkan 'chips' yang advanced dan bahan ini adalah mahal.

Memaksimakan 'dies' di dalam sekeping 'wafer' bermakna memaksimakan keuntungan.

Dalam hal pekerja Freescale Semiconductor of Austin ini pula hakcipta ataupun 'Patent' yang baru didaftarkan itu berada dibawah pegangan 5 individu dengan setiap individu menguasai 20% dari royalti.

Dimana 20% dikuasai oleh Peidong Wang, dari Freescale Semiconductor of Suzhou, China, 20% dikuasai oleh Zhijun Chen, juga dari Freescale Semiconductor of Suzhou, China.

20% dikuasai oleh Zhihong Cheng, dari Freescale Semiconductor of Suzhou, China, 20% Li Ying, dari Freescale Semiconductor of Suzhou, China dan Freescale Semiconductor sendiri 20%..

Jika salah seorang dari di atas terbunuh atau hilang maka ianya tetap akan dibahagikan sama rata.. dan jika empat dari lima itu ternunuh atau hilang maka keseluruhan royalti akan dibayar kepada yang tinggal.. 

Siapa pemilik Freescale Semiconductor?.. seorang Yahudi yang terkenal,,, siapa dia?.. Jacob Rothschild melalui Blackstone.


Rothschild owned Blackstone Group benefits from missing flight 370, 

By Shepard Ambellas

AUSTIN  — New information, fact checked by Intellihub News, may shed some light on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight which was recently reported by Malaysian officials to have ended tragically in the Indian Ocean despite the lack of physical evidence.

While the disappearance of MH370 which had 239 people aboard is tragic, new bombshell information reveals that a Texas-based technology giant, Freescale Semiconductor Ltd., may have benefited in some way from the missing airliner which was reported to have been carrying 20 of Freescale’s employees.
Although it’s obvious the loss of human life likely saddened employees and co-workers of Freescale, the possibility still remains that higher-ups in the corporation may have benefitted from the event.

“Freescale previously confirmed that the 20 employees — 12 from Malaysia and eight from China — were among 239 people on flight MH370. The company has not released the names of those employees, and again declined to do so on Monday.”, as reported by Brian Gaar, the American Statesman, Mar. 24.

It has also been mentioned in a statement by a company spokesperson that the employees who were aboard MH370, were extremely talented and valuable in the technological field.

Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. is primarily owned by the Blackstone Group, i.e. Lord Jacob Rothschild, the same group responsible for spraying the highly-toxic Corexit 500A into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico in the months following the BP oil spill as reported early on by Intelihub News. Shockingly, we also see the Carlyle Group listed as a secondary investor adding another layer of suspicion for investigators.

The official entry listed under Freescale Semiconductor’s “financials” section on Wikipedia states:

On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to a $17.6 billion buyout by a consortium led by Blackstone Group and its co-investors, Carlyle Group, TPG Capital, and Permira. The buyout offer was accepted on November 13, 2006 following a vote by company shareholders. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006, was the largest private buyout of a technology company until the Dell buyout of 2013 and is one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.

As a journalist, I have to point out the vast amount of monies invested into this technology firm. It’s not like $17.9B is a drop in the bucket by any means, likely signifying the true importance of this corporation. I also have to question why so many Freescale employees were on the same flight at the same time, as four of them were reported by several sources to have been U.S. patent holders of a new technology. This would likely have been a breach of protocol, but at the least a costly oversight.

In fact it’s been reported that Peid Ong Wang, Suzhou, Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou and Li Ying, Suzhou, Freescale employees from China who were said to have been onboard flight 370, were each 20% holders of U.S. Patent #US008671381B1.

Shockingly, the remaining 20% has been reported to be held by Freescale Semiconductor Ltd., which now after the disappearance of flight 370 becomes the sole patent holder. In laymen’s terms, Lord Jacob Rothschild is now the patent holder by virtue of invested interest into Freescale Semiconductor Ltd.

To bring things further into perspective, putting the icing on the cake, the Rothschild dynasty owns the Malaysian Central Bank which in-turn is heavily invested into the Malaysian government and Malaysian Airlines ~ INTELLIHUB
Jadi rasanya tak boleh kita mengenepikan plot jahat Yahudi dan Amerika ni..!

Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!

Ini adalah dokumen mengenai 'Patent' tersebut..

MH 370 ~ Teori Israel Yang Menarik Untuk Dibahas..!

Walau pun sekarang terlalu banyak hujah dan teori, hujah dan teori yang satu ni agak menarik untuk dibahaskan…!

Are the Israelis Planning Another 9-11 Using the Missing Boeing 777?

Updated March 29, 2014

THE ISRAELI TWIN - Why would Israel have a plane identical to the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in storage in Tel Aviv?  The plane in this photo is Boeing 777 2H6(ER) first flown in July 1998, Construction No. 28416* (Original Reg. No. 9M-MRI), an identical twin of the missing plane, which was given a new registration number (N105GT) and flown to Israel in November 2013.
EN ROUTE TO ISRAEL, NOVEMBER 4, 2013 - The former Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-2H6(ER) (now a GA Telesis plane with new registration as N105GT) departs the Aéroport Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées en route to Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport, November 4, 2013.

THE TWIN PLANE IN TEL AVIV, ISRAEL, DECEMBER 2013 - What are the Israelis doing with this retired Malaysia Airlines plane in a hanger in Tel Aviv?  Could it be part of a false-flag terror plot in the making?  Where is this plane today?

THE MISSING PLANE - A photo by Bernhard Ebner of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in Amsterdam, May 5, 2013.  This plane, a Boeing 777-2H6(ER) with Construction No. 28420, Reg. No. 9M-MRO, was first flown on May 14, 2002, and delivered to Malaysia Airlines on May 31, 2002.  It is thought to have crashed into the southern Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014.
Update - According to reports from plane-spotters, Israel has an identical Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 in storage in Tel Aviv since November 2013.  The only visible difference between the missing plane and the one in Tel Aviv would be its serial number.  What do the Israelis have planned with the twin Malaysia Airlines plane?

By using the twin aircraft they have in storage, the terror masterminds may have a sinister plan for the missing plane to seemingly reappear in a false-flag atrocity.  Public awareness of the twin plane in Tel Aviv, therefore, could prevent the evil plot from going ahead.  

For more on the identical Malaysia plane in Tel Aviv see the latest entry, dated March 26, 2014, on my Q&A and Comment page.

Notes:  The Malaysia Air 777 with Boeing serial number 28416 and registered as 9M-MRI was sold to GA Telesis, LLC of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on October 21, 2013, and is now registered as N105GT. The aircraft was stored at Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees on October 4, 2013, and then on November 4, 2013, it was re-registered as N105GT and stored at Tel Aviv.  

*MSN 28416 OR 28418? - According to a press release from GA Telesis dated July 
0, 2013, the Fort Lauderdale-based company announced that it had started the dismantling process "in the USA" for three Boeing aircraft, including one 777-200ER (TRENT 800) (MSN 28418) ex-Malaysia Airlines, the plane that was given a new registration number and flown to Tel Aviv. 

Abdol Moabery serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of GA Telesis, LLC. Previously, Mr. Moabery served as Executive Vice President of Aviation Systems International, Inc., and as Director of Marketing and Sales at C-S Aviation Services, Inc. Both of Moabery's former companies were owned by George Soros. Therefore it is not unlikely that Soros owns a good part of GA Telesis, too.
C-S Aviation Services:
Aviation Systems International, Inc.

This information is very important because it fits neatly into the terror scenario presented by Israeli El Al "security expert" Issac Yeffet shortly after the Malaysian plane went missing.  Yeffet suggested the missing plane had been hijacked to Iran and was being prepared for a terror attack.  For the Israelis to have an identical plane in a hanger in Tel Aviv reveals why Yeffet presented such a scenario.  He appears to have been setting the stage for a false-flag attack like 9-11, perhaps in Israel. If such an attack were to occur in Israel all the evidence would be in the hands of Israeli intelligence giving them complete control of the interpretation or narrative of the terror event.

"What happened to this aircraft, nobody knows. My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved. They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”
- Issac Yeffet, former El Al security expert to Times of Israel, March 17, 2014
World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden.
- Rupert Murdoch on Twitter, March 15, 2014

It is not Iranians, but Israeli agents and Zionist propagandists like Rupert Murdoch who are the real authors of false-flag terror plots involving airliners being flown into hi-rise towers.  Arnon Milchan, for example, the Israeli Mossad operative-cum-film producer, made the Medusa Touch film in 1978, in which a 9-11 type attack is the climax of the film. Is there a nefarious plot in the works to use the missing Malaysian plane for such an attack?

The making of Milchan's Medusa Touch involved constructing models to simulate an aircraft striking a skyscraper.
With no trace of Beijing-bound flight MH370 after nine days, one of several theories that has emerged is that the plane was hijacked to Iran, where it could be turned into a massive and devastating weapon. Two Iranian passengers are known to have been aboard, travelling on false passports. While Israeli officials did not confirm any suspicions regarding Iran, experts said it is not a stretch to point the finger at Israel's Middle East nemesis.

“My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved [in the disappearance of the plane],” Issac Yeffet, formerly a global security expert for Israel’s national airline El Al told today’s Times of Israel. “They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”
- "Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air security" by Paul Alster, March 17, 2014

The disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing 777 looks like something from a Batman movie plot - or a bad Israeli screenplay by Arnon Milchan and his business partner Rupert Murdoch. The missing plane is bound to turn up sooner or later. The hijackers - or Israeli computer hackers - didn't pull a fast turn to the west and make professional moves with the plane in order to simply drop it in the Indian Ocean.  Or maybe they did. In any case, all of the events going on with the missing Boeing and the Ukrainian crisis look like the making of a perfect storm - or perhaps another false-flag terror spectacle like 9-11.

An Israel-based reporter named Paul Alster has an article on Murdoch's giving an Israeli prognosis about the missing Malaysian Boeing 777. The article is important because it suggests that the Israelis may be setting the stage for a false-flag event using the missing plane as a flying bomb. 

The article indicates that the Israelis may be projecting a planned terror scenario and are planting the idea in the public mind. The following article has comments from an Israeli El Al "security expert" that are very similar to comments tweeted by Rupert Murdoch the day before. Isn't it interesting that Rupert Murdoch and an Israeli airline security expert imagine the exact same fate for the missing Boeing? 

Obama should call Chinese President following today's incident and say "we both have the problem of Muslim terrorism. Can we work together?"
3:50 AM - 2 Mar 2014
777 crash confirms jihadists turning to make trouble for China. Chance for US to make common cause, befriend China while Russia bullies.
4:15 PM - 9 Mar 2014
World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden.
2:23 AM - 15 Mar 2014
777. Still think this a reminder that US and China should be working more closely on Muslim extremist threat.
2:26 AM - 15 Mar 2014 

The Israeli comments in the article imagine a terror scenario like that described by Murdoch.  It is important to note that the Israeli El Al "security expert" comes from the exact same groups (ICTS, El Al security, Menachem Atzmon, the Shin Bet and assorted Mossadniks), who projected the ideation of 9-11 (Murdoch’s "Lone Gunmen" pilot episode in 2000 and Arnon Milchan's Medusa Touch film in 1978) - and who were involved in the false-flag attacks of 9-11. 

This is exactly what the evidence I present in my Solving 9-11 books reveals about Israeli involvement in the false-flag terrorism of 9-11.  The fact that the same people are now projecting the ideation that the Boeing 777 has been hijacked (perhaps by computer like in the "Lone Gunmen") and will be used in a terror attack needs to be taken very seriously.

The game is on. We need to be aware of the very real possibility that the plane may resurface, used as a weapon of terror.  If so, the attack would probably be designed to be a false-flag provocation that can be used to initiate aggression against a targeted foe – such as the Islamic Republic of Iran.  If enough people understand the evil game of deception the Israelis are up to, they won't be able to pull off another major terror spectacle - and get away with it.  
Here is the article by Paul Alster from
Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air security
By Paul Alster, March 17, 2014

HAIFA, Israel – Top Israeli defense officials have hurriedly put in place a confidential list of secret security measures in light of the baffling disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jumbo jet that experts fear could become a weapon of mass destruction if in the wrong hands. 

With no trace of Beijing-bound flight MH370 after nine days, one of several theories that has emerged is that the plane was hijacked to Iran, where it could be turned into a massive and devastating weapon. Two Iranian passengers are known to have been aboard, travelling on false passports. While Israeli officials did not confirm any suspicions regarding Iran, experts said it is not a stretch to point the finger at Israel's Middle East nemesis.     

“My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved [in the disappearance of the plane],” Issac Yeffet, formerly a global security expert for Israel’s national airline El Al told today’s Times of Israel. “They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.” 

As the search continued to widen fruitlessly, Israeli security officials and aviation authorities, who have long feared a 9/11-style attack, conducted a security assessment and rapidly implemented a series of security measures. The only one reported publicly is that Israeli air traffic controllers will demand that incoming aircraft identify themselves earlier than has so far been the case, sources told 

IDF officials aim to ensure an unthinkable repetition of the Twin Towers attack doesn’t happen in Tel Aviv, where the skyscraping triple Azrieli Towers rise high above the city. There's good reason to believe the three-tower commercial-residential-office complex is a coveted target of the Islamic Republic. 
In a recent video simulation broadcast by Iranian state TV after the initial agreement with the international community on a reduction in Iran’s nuclear capability was signed, the Azrieli Towers were shown being blown up by Iranian missiles. 

The Israeli media has speculated that if Iran played a part in the disappearance of the plane, it is all but certain the regime would not have been directly involved. It would likely instead act through a third party, using one of the many international terror organizations Iran sponsors and maintaining plausible deniability. Tehran would not want to jeopardize the easing of international sanctions and other gains made recently at the Geneva negotiations with the US and the P5+1. 

The recent interception of a boatload of Iranian M-302 missiles headed for Israel’s enemies in the Gaza Strip or Sinai Peninsula has given rise to further speculation in Israel that Iran might be considering all manner of means to strike back after such an embarrassing and damaging loss. 

“This would never have happened on an Israeli plane,” Yeffet said. “An El Al aircraft was hijacked for the first and last time in 1968. Since then, there has not been a single flight where security did not check every single name.” 

Yeffet believes that the time consuming and often-criticized profiling of every passenger at Israeli airports would have picked up the Iranians travelling on false papers. 

Most flights to and from Israel require check-in three hours before the advertised flight time and passengers are often faced with many questions (some personal) that some people take exception to. The fact remains though that the Israeli method seems to work and has, thus far, proved watertight. 

“More security costs more money,” Menachem Yarden, a retired El Al pilot with more than 37 years experience told Fox “Few companies these days are making money because of increased costs and relatively low ticket prices. Especially in the U.S., spending more money on security and telling people to come 3 hours before the flight – even if their flight time is just one hour – it’s crazy. No-one would fly.” 

Asked if air marshals - allegedly placed on every El Al plane - might have made a difference to flight MH370 if, as some believe, it has been hijacked, Yarden said, “As El Al pilots we didn’t know all the security measures [put in place]. Security is a separate matter [to piloting] and the fewer people that know about it, the more secure it is.” 

Yarden said it is possible such a huge aircraft could have flown thousands of miles undetected. 
“Yes. It is possible to fly as low as the pilot is able,” Yarden confirmed. “When you switch off the transponder no civil controller can see you. In 9/11 the pilots switched off the transponders and no one saw them. It is not like military radar which sends electromagnetic pulses that receives back the echo via antenna.” 
“In this extraordinary case any theory might be the right theory,” Yarden concluded. “No one knows what’s happened.” 

"Ex-El Al expert: Iran likely involved in MH 370" by Debra Kamin, Times of Israel, March 16, 2014
"GA Telesis Continues to Provide Best-In-Class Component Support via Disassembly of Boeing 777-200ER, 767-200ER and 757-200ER," GA Telesis press release, July 10, 2013
"Is This a Secretly Taken Photo of the Plane Stored in Tel Aviv?", March 28, 2014
“Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air security” by Paul Alster,, March 17, 2014 
- See more at:

Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!

MH 370 ~ Bukti Kerja Tangan Manusia..!

Maknanya ia dikawal sepenuhnya oleh manusia.! tiada kes pengsan..!!!

KUALA LUMPUR: Gambar-gambar terbaharu berkenaan dengan laluan pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS), MH370 yang dipercayai disediakan oleh kerajaan kepada keluarga di China telah mengubah anggapan awal tentang kes tersebut.

Menurut bekas Ketua Juruterbang Penerbangan Serantau MAS, Kapten Datuk Nik Ahmad Huzlan Nik Hussain, gambar itu merupakan satu "pencerahan baru" yang kini bercanggah dengan informasi terdahulu yang mengatakan pesawat membuat satu pusingan ke arah kiri.

Paparan peta itu antaranya menunjukkan pesawat telah membuat satu pusingan 270 darjah ke arah kanan, katanya.

“Teori ini menguatkan lagi segi teorihuman interference(perbuatan disengaja),” kata Kapten Nik kepada Agenda AWANI pada Sabtu.

Tambahnya lagi, jika laluan itu benar, ia menunjukkan satu tindakan yang telah difikir semasak-masaknya dan teliti oleh pelakunya.

“Pusingan tu besar, tu nampaknya tiadacornering… maknanya pesawat dikendali sepenuhnya, ia tiada kerosakan,” kata Nik Huzlan yang mempunyai pengalaman lebih daripada 30 tahun dalam bidang penerbangan.

Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!

Ahad, 30 Mac 2014

MH 370 ~ Antara Realiti & Fantasi..!

Yang realiti didalam negara setakat ini…

Timbalan Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi pada Ahad menafikan menerima laporan daripada keluarga Indonesia yang mendakwa mereka telah menerima beberapa panggilan tidak dijawab (missed call) daripada Firman Candra Siregar yang merupakan salah seorang penumpang penerbangan MH370.
Beliau menjawab laporan portal berita Indonesia dalam talian yang memetik adik mangsa, January Siregar sebagai berkata bahawa beliau mendapat 'panggilan tidak dijawab' itu pada 11 dan 13 Mac daripada adiknya melalui Skype di iPad selepas pesawat hilang pada 8 Mac.
Abdul Aziz berkata, kerajaan tidak mendengar mengenai perkara itu daripada pihak berkuasa Indonesia.

Beliau juga menggesa orang ramai supaya tidak mempercayai semua yang mereka baca di portal berita kerana maklumat yang disiarkan kadang-kadang tidak disahkan, belum disahkan dan boleh mengelirukan.

Yang realiti di Australia setakat ini

Pusat Penyelarasan dan Menyelamat Australia (RCC) mengesan satu isyarat daripada suar kecemasan yang didaftarkan kepada sebuah kapal nelayan di kawasan yang jauh di selatan Lautan Hindi berdekatan Antartika.

Dalam satu kenyataan, Pihak Berkuasa Keselamatan Maritim Australia (AMSA)
berkata RCC tidak dapat menghubungi kapal berkenaan dan bentuk isyarat kecemasan itu tidak diketahui.

"RCC telah menugaskan semula pesawat P3 Orion Tentera Udara Diraja Australia daripada usaha pencarian (Malaysia Airlines) MH370 untuk terbang ke kawasan itu dan memberikan bantuan jika diperlukan," kata kenyataan itu.

P3 mampu menggugurkan peralatan survival, kata AMSA sambil menambah ia akan mengambil masa lima jam untuk sampai ke lokasi suar itu dikesan.
Ia terletak kira-kira 3,241 km di barat daya Perth dan 648 km di utara tanah besar Antartika.

Menurut kenyataan itu sebuah pesawat awam dibawa bagi menggantikan P3 dalam operasi mencari pesawat Malaysia Airlines Boeing yang hilang secara misteri pada 8 Mac dengan 239 orang di dalam pesawat.

Tambahan lagi

Operasi mencari sebuah pesawat syarikat penerbangan Malaysia yang hilang memasuki hari ke-23 hari ini, dengan fokus diberi di kawasan seluas kira-kira 319,000 kilometer persegi berpandukan hasil analisis lebih terperinci para penyiasat nahas kapal terbang.

Lembaga Keselamatan Maritim Australia (AMSA) pada Ahad berkata mengikut perancangan, 10 pesawat akan terlibat dalam gerakan mencari di kawasan kira-kira 1,850 kilometer di barat Perth. 

Lembaga itu juga berkata semua kapal di kawasan mencari ditugaskan mengesan dan mengenal pasti objek yang dikesan pesawat sejak dua hari lepas.

"Cuaca di kawasan mencari diramal menjadi lebih buruk hari ini, dengan hujan renyai dan awan rendah, tetapi operasi mencari dijangka diteruskan juga," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.

Pesawat Boeing 777-200 yang membawa 239 orang hilang kira-kira sejam selepas memulakan penerbangan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing pada 8 Mac.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mengumumkan pada 24 Mac bahawa Penerbangan MH370 itu berakhir di satu kawasaan terpencil di selatan Lautan Hindi.

Menurut AMSA pesawat yang mengambil bahagian hari ini adalah dari Australia, Jepun, China, Korea Selatan, Amerika dan Malaysia serta sebuah jet awam yang bertindak sebagai penyelaras komunikasi.

Kapal Australia HMAS Success, kapal Pentadbiran Keselamatan Maritim China Haixun 01, kapal Biro Penyelamat China Nan Hai Jiu dan kapal tentera laut China Jinggang Shan tiba di kawasan mencari Sabtu.

"Enam lagi kapal akan tiba di kawasan itu hari ini," kata kenyataan itu.
Kapal frigat kelas ANZAC HMAS Toowoomba meninggalkan Perth petang semalam dan dijangka tiba di kawasan mencari dalam masa tiga hari.

"Kapal ADV Ocean Shield pula dijadual belayar dari Perth lewat hari ini setelah dipasang alat pengesan kotak hitam dan kenderaan bawah air," kata AMSA.

Yang fantasi namun meledak di dunia maya bukan sahaja di dalam negara malah di luar negara ialah

Dimana Kapal Tentera Laut Malaysia? takkan tak sampai sampai lagi? Kapal dari China boleh sampai takkan KD dari TLDM masih sebok mengisi minyak dan makanan?

Lagi satu pula

Pasangan kepada salah seorang penumpang pesawat MH370, Philip Wood iaitu Sarah Bajc percaya pesawat itu tidak terhempas.

Sebaliknya, beliau dalam satu temu bual dengan saluran BBC News merasakan seolah-olah wujud motif lain di sebalik kehilangan pesawat tersebut.

“Setiap jenayah mesti ada niat dan motif di sebaliknya. Ada 30 jurutera pertahanan dalam pesawat itu dengan kemahiran yang unik.

“Mereka boleh menjadi sesuatu yang berharga untuk mana-mana negara yang mencari kelebihan untuk peralatan tentera mereka. Ada banyak motif di sebaliknya, tapi saya tak nampak ada motif untuk seseorang membuatkan pesawat terhempas,” katanya.

Baca lanjut di sini. dan sini.

Lebih panas lagi dibawah ni

Masej Philip Wood Penumpang MH370 Membuat Posting Minta Tolong Dari Diego Garcia??

Jumaat, 28 Mac 2014

Saya terbaca satu artikel berkenaan dengan masej oleh Philip Wood seorang warga US yang dalam perjalanan ke Beijing menggunakan MH370. Saya tak pasti kesahihan maklumat dan artikel ini, tetapi rasa dalam keadaan kita misteri dengan kehilangan MH370 dengan pelbagai teori ada baiknya artikel ini dikongsikan bersama.

Antaranya masej berbunyi

"I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly."

Link forum:
Profil Philip Wood: 

Di forum berkenaan Philip sempat memuat naik gambar hitam sebagai picture profilenya :

Dengan menggunakan software online Jeffrey's Exif Viewer untuk menganalisis data exit dari gambar hitam tersebut, maka data lengkap akan terlihat :

Camera: Apple iPhone 5
Date: March 18, 2014 8:49:41PM
Location: Latitude/longitude: 7° 18' 58.3" South, 72° 25' 35.6" East
( -7.316197, 72.426544 )

Spoiler for Hangar Diego Garcia

Sesuai dengan rentetan saksi mata yang melihat MH370
Spoiler for saksi mata

Di akhir posting forum tersebut ada hal menarik :
"OP photo is interesting because it's not actually just a pure black picture, you can see noise if you zoom in. He is in a dark room. "
Menurut seorang forumer daripada forum Kaskus Indonasia TehGanteng   dan kimbo555 telah membuat analisis maklumat ini adalah seperti di bawah:-

Saya jadi iseng2 kutak katik "gambar hitam" tersebut dengan photoshop memang benar ada samar-samar bayangan, tapi belum jelas benar, sedang saya analisa lebih lanjut.

Sampai saat ini saya tetap optimis penumpangnya selamat semua & dilepaskan oleh para pembajak 

Quote:Original Posted By kimbo555 
terjemahan postingan philip wood :

postingan :
(tanggal : Wed Mar 19 2014 08:22:38)

photo profile (avatar) :

(tanggal dibuatnya photo profile : 18 Maret 2014)

kamera yg digunakan :



Baca boleh tapi percaya jangan..!!!

Masaalahnya isu sebegini la yang menjadi perbualan hangat dipasaran..!

Ini semua terjadi kerana kita semua masih mengharapkan bahawa semua anak kapal dan penumpang didalam pesawat MH 370 
"masih selamat dan hidup!!!"

Itu la harapan

Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!