Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar hari ini mendedahkan salah seorang dari dua penumpang yang menaiki pesawat MH370 dengan menggunakan pasport palsu merupakan lelaki warga Iran berusia 19 tahun.
Sementara itu…
Polis Thailand tidak menolak kemungkinan dua lelaki yang menggunakan pasport curi untuk menaiki pesawat MH370, merupakan pencari suaka politik dan tidak terlibat dalam aktiviti keganasan.
Ketua polis Pattaya, Supachai Puikaewcome berkata, pengganas kebiasaannya akan mempunyai perancangan yang lebih rapi tentang laluan dan penerbangan yang dinaiki berbanding tiket yang ditempah kedua-dua lelaki yang dipercayai dari Iran.
“Malah pengganas akan membeli tiket dengan kos yang efektif selain tidak mempunyai maklumat tentang lokasi atau penerbangan yang dinaiki," katanya. - REUTERS
KUALA LUMPUR: One of the two passengers who had boarded the MH370 flight using stolen passports has been identified as an Iranian man who is “not likely to be a member of any terrorist group”.
19-year-old “Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad”, is also believed to be travelling to Germany where he is hoping to seek asylum.
“We have been checking his background. We have also compared his profile with our counterparts from other countries. We believe he is not likely to be a member of any terrorist group,” said Khalid.
At a press conference at 3pm Tuesday, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said that the Iranian has used the passport of Austrian Christian Kozel which had been confirmed as stolen in Phuket, Thailand.
Khalid said that police were still investigating the other passenger using another stolen passport, listed under the name Luigi Maraldi of Italy.
Previously, both men had reported their passports stolen in Thailand over the past two years. It was also reported that the two were on their way to Amsterdam.
“You ask me how I know he wanted to migrate to Germany? We are in contact with his mother, she was expecting him to arrive in Frankfurt, that is why we knew he was the one,” he said, adding that the Pouria's mother was aware he was using a false passport.
Pelik sungguh, macam mana flight yang menuju ke arah china, tapi boleh terhempas di Sumatra. Lagi pelik bila mata kita bagai tertutup untuk melihatnya. Kesiannya, mereka tunggu terlalu lama.
BalasPadamWoi pasukan SAR, bangun la!! bukak mata, jangan tido semasa bekerja.