Reporting from Washington and Los Angeles—
Osama bin Laden, the world's most wanted terrorist, was killed in Pakistan as the result of a U.S. military operation, President Obama announced to the nation Sunday night.The historic revelation comes about four months before the 10th anniversary of the devastating Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, which were executed by the Al Qaeda network helmed by Bin Laden and prompted the start of a war on terror that has dominated U.S. foreign policy.
Bin Laden, 54, was a member of a wealthy Saudi family and has been on the FBI's Most Wanted Fugitives List since 1999.
Bin Laden broke with Saudi leaders over their beliefs regarding Israel. He was eventually denounced by his family and gave up citizenship.
Al Qaeda has taken responsibility for the bombings of U.S. embassies in 1998 in Tanzania and Kenya. More than 200 people were killed in the attacks.
Al Qaeda has also claimed responsibility for other attacks on other symbols of U.S. power around the globe. It has spawned local organizations in hot spots from Iraq to Afghanistan.
The announcement by Obama from the East Room of the White House came eight years to the day after President Bush announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq, the so-called “Mission Accomplished” speech from the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.
Persoalannya betul ker?
Betul ke Osama Bin Laden dah mati?
Betul ke karakter Osama ni wujud? atau hanya diwujudkan bagi melampiaskan nafsu serakah bush anak beranak serta yahudi untuk mengaut perniagaan minyak dan saluran paip minyak di timur tengah?
Atau apakah ini merupakan berakhirnya satu lagi sandiwara amerika dan yahudi apabila sandiwara terbaru mereka atas nama demokrasi telah berjaya dan perlu diberikan perhatian dunia keatas mesir, libya dan beberapa negara arab?
Satu lagi helah bagi mengekalkan hegamoni amerika dan sekutunya israel dalam menakluk dunia! mana pergi negara paksi keganasan yang lain? mana pergi Mess weapon destruction di Iraq? mana?
Apapun amerika dan yahudi tak pernah tidur beb...yang tidur dan terus berdengkur ialah umat Islam...
Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!
al fatihah.. perjuangan yg luar biasa!!