Kalau dah MOF tak tahu..! Lembaga Penasihat tak tahu..! Ahli Lembaga Pengarah tak tahu..! Habis siapa yang tahu?
PM's Signature (And Only His Signature) Was On Every Decision Of 1MDB
All last year Najib and his circle were demanding that Malaysians ‘be patient’ and wait for the findings of the Auditor General’s report into 1MDB to be completed.
When finally it was completed, twelve months later, they declared it an ‘Official Secret’!
To make their meaning as clear as possible, prominent PKR MP, Rafizi Ramli, was arrested on the steps of Parliament last week for threatening to reveal further information about Tabung Haji payments to 1MDB, which they had also handily classed as an ‘Official Secret’.
Therefore, the Parliamentary Accounts Committee report has presented a highly important remaining insight into the scandal, even though MPs were denied a great deal of crucial information with respect to what they identified as a missing US$7 billion (RM28 billion) from the fund. This is the total figure which 1MDB has invested in mysterious foreign companies, for which they have provided zero financial information either to the PAC or the Auditor General (whose report the MPs HAVE been allowed to see, but not
The missing amounts are, according to PAC member Tony Pua:
- The sums of US$700 million and US$330 million, which were misappropriated to Good Star Limited, a company unrelated to the purported 1MDB-Petrosaudi joint venture in 2009 and 2011.
- US$3.51 billion, which was paid to a British Virgin Islands (BVI) incorporated Aabar Investment PJS Limited “Aabar (BVI)” in the form of collaterals, options termination compensation and further unexplained “top-up security” payments despite obvious doubts over who owns Aabar (BVI).
- US$940 million worth of “units” which was parked at the Swiss Bank branch of BSI Bank in Singapore.
- another US$1.56 billion of investments by 1MDB’s wholly-owned foreign subsidiary, 1MDB Global Investments Limited, which also could not be verified by the Auditor-General.
The PAC report detailed how CEO Shahrol Halmi had shockingly defied his Board to go ahead with expensive borrowing and investments such as the PetroSaudi joint venture, which had been specifically vetoed by board resolutions pending further research – all confirmation of course of the concerns which Sarawak Report has extensively reported over the past year.
The PAC committee has therefore recommended that Halmi be criminally investigated. Furthermore, it has made another crucial set of recommendations, which require the dismantling of an unusual clause governing 1MDB, namely Section 117 – also the abolition of the company’s so-called Advisory Council.
Section 117
The significance of the PAC demand for the removal of the provisions of Section 117 has so far been downplayed, particularly by Najib’s supporters, who have suggested that the report totally exonerated Najib and “proved” he had no responsibility for the disastrous decisions of 1MDB. This could not be further from the truth.
The clause, according to the evidence of the committee, was introduced into the articles governing 1MDB in September 2009, at the time when it was officially converted from its original title and purpose as the Terengganu Investment Authority and re-named 1MDB.
Section 117 transferred total power over the newly fashioned 1MDB into the hands of the Minister of Finance, who is named as the sole shareholder and signatory of the company. Furthermore, it goes so far as to specifically forbid the normal representation of officials from the Ministry of Finance to sit on the Board of the company, even though it was supposed to be a 100% subsidiary of this department of state.
There could be only one reason for this extraordinary ban against Finance and Treasury officials from participation in the running of 1MDB, and that is that the new Minister in charge (i.e. the sole shareholder and signatory/ the PM himself) wanted to be free of any oversight or interference from departmental experts regarding his decisions over the fund.
This extraordinary provision applies to only one other company controlled by the Ministry of Finance, Sarawak Report has been informed. And that company is none other than SRC International, which is the other scandal hit enterprise, which Najib also set up under 1MDB and then financed with RM4 billion borrowed from the KWAP pension fund – money that has also been almost totally unaccounted for.
Finance Department officials have confirmed that as a result they had no oversight whatsoever over these companies, which were supposedly public concerns controlled by their department, and which had moreover raised billions in loans that were guaranteed by the Malaysian Government, thanks to letters of commitment signed by the Minister of Finance.
It is really terribly shocking.
Dazzling with ‘big names’
In a clear attempt to side-step concerns about these unusual provisions under Section 117, the Prime Minister/ Finance Minister set up a third tier of ‘governance’ for the company, which was supposed to act as a counter-balance to this deliberate lack of oversight.
This was the so-called Advisory Board of which he was the self-appointed Chairman.
The names on this Advisory Board, consisted of a dazzling array of international bigwigs, with the seeming purpose of over-awing potential critics into silence – they were all Najib’s best political and business contacts from around the world (France’s richest businessman, Berhard Arnhalt; The remarkably wealthy Prime Minister of Qatar; the Head of Mubadala in Abu Dhabi, amongst others).
Who would dare to call into question such a star line up of heavy-weights, all putting their guidance and expertise into the management of Malaysia’s great investment enterprise? It appears nobody in Malaysia indeed did so. Except, the PAC report confirmed, this committee of luminaries has never once met!
Only its Chairman, Najib, was therefore in place to give orders, determine investments, sign documents and make decisions. He had clearly set the whole structure up this way, in order to deliberately to sidestep the normal checks and controls of company management, thereby enabling himself to assume total dictatorial control over the way the billions raised by this fund were spent.
One wonders why?
The consequences of this approach can be very clearly seen, according to the investigations reported by the PAC. Shahrol Halmi, who had been recruited from the accountancy firm Accenture to head up the fund, when it was originally pulled together by Jho Low on behalf of his friend Najib, knew exactly who was the real boss.
Indeed, when the original Board representing Terengganu (who had put up its future oil revenues as the collateral for lending) protested at reckless and expensive borrowing proposals, Shahrol Halmi just ignored their orders and went ahead without board permission to borrow RM5 billion from AmBank.
That RM5 billion will have cost Malaysia a staggering RM15 billion in total costs by the time it is finally paid back, says the PAC report. And most of that money was channelled into the company Good Star Limited, which the PAC have now confirmed had nothing whatsoever to do with 1MDB’s joint ventures.
Orders from Najib over-ruled 1MDB Board, thanks to Sec 117
The PAC reports the excuse that Halmi gave them when questioned about this jaw dropping defiance by a Chief Executive against his own Board. He referred to Section 117, which he explained to PAC members over-ruled the authority of the Board:
“The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) found Mr Shahrol to be in violation of the shareholders [decision] not to proceed with publication IMTNs. Mr Shahrol also made a mistake by signing the agreement without any power conferred by the board of directors.The PAC was informed by Mr Shahrol, he did not follow orders to stop the issuance of RM5 billion Islamic Medium Term Notes and bonds did not follow the instructions of the Board as the power actually lies with the shareholders in accordance with Section 117 of the Articles of TIA Berhad. [Google Translation of PAC report]
There is only one way to interpret this explanation, given that Najib Razak is the only shareholder of the company.
What Halmi was saying was that, under the provisions of this Section 117, he had obeyed the higher authority of the sole shareholder and signatory of the company, rather than the Board.
It means that although the 1MDB Board had told Halmi to halt the plans to borrow RM5 billion, given the ridiculous rates, Najib, the grand new Finance Minister/Prime Minister in charge of the fund, had counter-manded him to take no notice and go ahead anyway.
Halmi, in accordance with the rules of the company, had obeyed the boss who had also recruited him, namely Najib.
There is no other way to interpret Halmi’s reference to Section 117 as his reason for defying the Board, not just on this occasion but on numerous other occasions with respect to the PetroSaudi joint venture in 2009. For example, he refused to halt the deal until a proper valuation of PetroSaudi was obtained, as had been requested, and he refused to send the money back when Board members discovered USE$700 million had been sent to Good Star Limited, which was unrelated to the Joint Venture.
This is all very clearly spelt out in the report by the PAC and so makes a mockery of attempts to claim that it did not hold the Finance Minister cum Prime Minister totally accountable for this fraud, which was launched just weeks after he had stepped into his new position of power in April 2009.
Interestingly, Halmi was in fact back-dating the existence of these provisions in the articles of 1MDB at the time he made these excuses to the PAC in 2015, because Section 117 was not added to the company’s articles of association until the change-over from its status as the Terengganu fund to 1MDB in September of 2009 – just days before the signing of the PetroSaudi deal, but weeks after Halmi had defied his original Board by borrowing all that money!
Never mind, it just goes to show the naked truth about the way that 1MDB was conceived and run by Najib and his side-kick Jho Low from the very start. Halmi knew who he was supposed to take his orders from and to hell with the letter of the law – in Malaysia, where the PM had total control such matters could be fixed.
According to reports, Halmi is still telling people that Najib is ‘unshakable’, so he considers himself ‘safe’.
Kings and State to State Partnerships
The technique of ‘fixing’ things by asserting power and grandeur under-pinned the entire strategy of 1MDB. The PAC has analysed this Jho Low-constructed bluff (already exposed by Sarawak Report).
In short, 1MDB did not just do investment deals, it engaged with powerful and impressive friendly states in ‘government to government’ diplomacy (supposedly), making any questioning or criticism of Najib’s actions appear – well churlish and unpatriotic!
Thus the PetroSaudi deal was described to the 1MDB Board as a crucial state to state venture with none other than the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Manager Casey Tan even briefed the Board that the PetroSaudi had been set up in 2000 and personally belonged to King Abdullah.
This was a total lie, just as managers had previously lied that the Abu Dhabi Mubadala fund was investing in Iskandar in May 2009 (which was immediately denied) and later in 2013 lied that Abu Dhabi’s Aabar was investing in a ‘strategic partnership’ in Kuala Lumpur’s so-called Tun Razak Exchange (which remains unbuilt).
Emails obtained by Sarawak Report, sent between 1MDB’s lawyers Wong & Partners and PetroSaudi’s legal team at the time, make totally clear who the beneficial owners and decision makers were on each side of this deal, since the correct details needed to be given to the banks receiving the money:
The decision-makers at 1MDB at the time of the PetroSaudi deal
The Form A sent to JP Morgan about beneficial ownership of the Joint Venture presents solid confirmation:
No sign of King Adbullah – just his seventh son, then a jobless ex-pilot
As PAC member Tony Pua, who has seen the secret Auditor General’s Report, has put it:
Dato’ Seri Najib Razak’s signatures are littered all over 1MDB as he was the ultimate decision maker who signed off resolutions to sack 1MDB’s auditors, Ernst & Young and KPMG, to invest US$1.83 billion in the failed Petrosaudi joint venture, to borrow US$6.5 billion of bonds via Goldman Sachs and to overpay for the RM12.1 billion of power assets.
So, what is all this bluff and bluster about the PAC report letting the PM off the hook?Because if Najib had not signed every single transaction of 1MDB, then none of the above could have happened under the rules of the company itself.
No foreign bank statements!
There is a final damning aspect to the evidence of the PAC, which is matched, the report says, by the findings of the Auditor General. This is the persistent refusal of 1MDB to produce any statements or evidence whatsoever to account for the expenditures of those foreign companies and accounts into which so much of 1MDB’s public money was placed (i.e. US$7 billion).
There can only be one conclusion as to why Arul Kanda spent and entire year pretending he didn’t understand the following simple question: ‘Please show us the bank statements’.
The obvious answer was that he simply does not have them. And the reason he does not have them is that 1MDB’s money had been deliberately siphoned out through these companies to third parties entirely – they were nothing to do with 1MDB!
This was the reason why Kanda, in his early days in the job last year was forced to fax a forged copy of a bank statement for Brazen Sky account in Singapore to BSI bank, which was supposedly holding a billion dollars for 1MDB.
Kanda asked the bank if the statement was true and (according to a letter from Singapore investigators obtained and published by Sarawak Report) the bank was forced to reply that the information was wrong. Kanda did not have the correct bank statements!
Likewise, Good Star Limited, which received US$700 million of 1MDB’s original billion ‘investment’, belongs to Jho Low, according to extensive research by Sarawak Report, which Jho Low has never contested.
For the first time we reveal the bank transfer note
1MDB has no idea what happened to money sent abroad
For this reason the PAC report specifically condemns 1MDB and Shahrol Halmi, who persisted in claiming that Good Star Limited belonged to PetroSaudi, but were never able to produce any documentary evidence that it did.
Neither could 1MDB produce any evidence that the company Aabar Investments PJS Limited (BVI) was linked to the Aabar sovereign wealth fund in later ‘joint ventures’, where than US$3.51 billion was paid in return for a for a loan guarantee of just US$3.5 billion!
What kind of a finance manager was Najib to sign off on a deal like that? What could have possessed him? Could he have ever been allowed to do such a thing if any of his tiresome apparatchiks from the Finance Ministry been looking over his shoulder?
Of course, last week The Wall Street Journal published the telling information that no less than US$150 million went from this Aabar Investments PJS (BVI) went straight to the movie production company belonging to Najib’s step-son Riza Aziz in Hollywood.
Now this is one thing (at last) that does start to make perfect sense!
Add to that the remarks of the Swiss head of the Financial Investigation Agency FINMA at the end of last week. He said:
“we are talking here not about small fry, but what looks like blatant and massive corruption….suspicious cash flows linked to the Malaysian sovereign fund 1MDB. FINMA has carried out investigations into more than 20 banks in connection with these cases, and has opened seven enforcement proceedings … we are not dealing here with shades of grey. The evidence points to clear cases of corruption.” [Mark Branson]
At which point, who in Malaysia can give a shred of credence to the claims by such fellows as Tengku Adnan, Umno secretary-general, that the PAC Report has “proved” that the Prime Minister had nothing to do with the decisions at 1MDB or that he has been some way “slandered”?
And who can believe pathetic ‘Sirul’ Halmi’s sad insistence that nothing wrong or illegal ever happened at 1MDB?
As even Najib’s inner circle are now being quoted saying “someone is going to have to go inside for this”. No one is taking bets on that someone not being being ‘Sirul’ Halmi!
Mana mahu lari bro..!
Cukup cukup la rakyat Malaysia dibodohkan..!
Tiba masanya rakyat Malaysia membalas pengorbanan Muhyiddin Yassin dan Shafie Apdhal yang terbuang dari kabinet kerana bersuara mengeakkan kebenaran..!
Tiba masanya rakyat Malaysia membalas jasa para penjawat awam didalam SPRM, Bank Negara, SB, PDRM dan Jabatan Peguam Negara yang di'tekan' dalam melaksanakan amanah dan tanggungjawab..!
Tiba masanya rakyat Malaysia berani bangkit bersama sama Tun M mencari keadilan demi Agama, Bangsa dan Negara..!
Kepada Allah Berserah..!
Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!
Apapun SSK kata Tun Mahathir yang dah terdesak.
BalasPadamSaya orang sabah bah. Mana adaorang sabah suka sama salleh said keruak. Hanys Orang tidak siuman percaya sama dia dan rahman ngok dahlan
Padam3.45 sdr. Komen orang sabah, tu hari orang sarawak....
Kedua dua rakyat negeri sabah dan sarawak menolak pemimpin bernama najib dan pencacainya.
PadamChai tak percaya? orang sarawak hilang keyakinan terhadap najib? Baca luahan perasaan orang sarawak ini....
Salam Datuk
Najib dan Rosmah telah "ditelanjangkan" oleh agensi berita dan penyiasat luar negara..
Namun ape reaksi dari Najib?...tetap membisu...seperti biasa anjing belaannya akan menyalak...
Maaf Datuk...izinkan saya guna bahasa Melayu Sarawak...bukan apa.. kebelakangan ini Najib terlalu kerap menziarahi Sarawak...munkin belau dapat faham bahasa local sebab ucapan KM Adenan selalunya dalam bahasa Melayu lokal atau Iban...
Orang Sarawak madah...kamek udah lejuk ndengar hal Najib tok. Sik abis abis cerita hal duitnya nok sik pandei abis ya...Laki bini sama jak...mun duit ya dah banyak gilak...coba mun datang Sarawak ya di berik barang dikit ke kamek orang tok...duitkan raja..ya ndak?...Mun orang dah madah kitak duak ya kuat belanja diluar negara...ngakon ajak...mun sik ada..sik orang berani madah sik tentu pasal...lagik pon mun kitak sik ngakon...banyak lagik cerita di padah sidak ya...
Sigik lagik...kitak ya selalu gilak datang Sarawak apa hal?...Kitak pikir kitak ya pemos di Sarawak tok?...kamek orang tok...sik perlu dengan orang kedak kitak ya...nyuruh kamek orang tok terpalit sama jak...walo pon ari dah dekat no pilihanraya...kamek orang tauk sapa nok dipilih jadi merintah menua kamek tok...sik iboh kitak gago datang sitok...mencemar menoa kamek ajak!...
Kamek orang disitok udah nyaman kedirik...mun orang bagus kamek sambut dengan bait...tapi mun orang yang udah pemos macam kitak ya...malu kamek...
-kredit kepada PutraKraken/blog AKJ
PadamChai tak percaya? orang sarawak hilang keyakinan terhadap najib? Baca luahan perasaan orang sarawak ini....
Salam Datuk
Najib dan Rosmah telah "ditelanjangkan" oleh agensi berita dan penyiasat luar negara..
Namun ape reaksi dari Najib?...tetap membisu...seperti biasa anjing belaannya akan menyalak...
Maaf Datuk...izinkan saya guna bahasa Melayu Sarawak...bukan apa.. kebelakangan ini Najib terlalu kerap menziarahi Sarawak...munkin belau dapat faham bahasa local sebab ucapan KM Adenan selalunya dalam bahasa Melayu lokal atau Iban...
Orang Sarawak madah...kamek udah lejuk ndengar hal Najib tok. Sik abis abis cerita hal duitnya nok sik pandei abis ya...Laki bini sama jak...mun duit ya dah banyak gilak...coba mun datang Sarawak ya di berik barang dikit ke kamek orang tok...duitkan raja..ya ndak?...Mun orang dah madah kitak duak ya kuat belanja diluar negara...ngakon ajak...mun sik ada..sik orang berani madah sik tentu pasal...lagik pon mun kitak sik ngakon...banyak lagik cerita di padah sidak ya...
Sigik lagik...kitak ya selalu gilak datang Sarawak apa hal?...Kitak pikir kitak ya pemos di Sarawak tok?...kamek orang tok...sik perlu dengan orang kedak kitak ya...nyuruh kamek orang tok terpalit sama jak...walo pon ari dah dekat no pilihanraya...kamek orang tauk sapa nok dipilih jadi merintah menua kamek tok...sik iboh kitak gago datang sitok...mencemar menoa kamek ajak!...
Kamek orang disitok udah nyaman kedirik...mun orang bagus kamek sambut dengan bait...tapi mun orang yang udah pemos macam kitak ya...malu kamek...
-kredit kepada PutraKraken/blog AKJ
Katanya.....Najibul Bullshit sering (berpuluh X) ke sana sejak ditawarkan seorang gadis Iban. Yg ada kan barang terpakai (2X menjanda), mana tahu kalau2 ada rezeki dapat perawan suci kali ini. Tahniah kpd PM kita!
PadamOthman ahmad fitnah jangan tak fitnah ... nnti tak masyukk miss soruu nnti selagi bole fitnah ko fitnah ..supaya cepat ko makan fitnah yg ko cipta..tungguuu.... baru dapat dikesan blogger putra merdeka Red Bean Army DAP...
PadamFitnah kata kamu? Kan hari itu tersiar di mainstream media & semua akbar, KM Sarawak Adnan Satem secara berseloroh dalam ucapan aluannya ketika Najibul Bullshit melawat ke sana?
PadamBetul tak kawan-kawan....????
Betul apa saudara othman cakap tu...
PadamNmpak gayanya kena tambah lagi sekor 'kambing hitam' nih!
BalasPadamSalleh Kerak is Ah Jib Gor's no. 1 keyboard warrior. His job is just licking Ah Jib Gor . All his statements and comments go straight into the trash can. only the DedakMan2 will listen to him .
BalasPadamNdas Krewak (Dahi Terkopak dalam bahasa Jawa) dulu diberi peluang menjawat KM Sabah oleh TDM (1994 - 1996), tapi sayang tak boleh deliver lalu diturunkan dan digantikan orang lain. Itu yg dia dendam kesumat kat Tun Mahathir.
PadamOrang muda memang buat kerja gopoh, hasil selalu tak memuaskan.
Apa kata macaii@nek tempoyak...? Nii semua fitnah...atau alih tiang goll..?lain tanya..lain dijawap...mamaklah..mahafiraun lah...ProOO00ootTt
BalasPadamHuhuhuhu....habis prn sarawak.. bye bye BN.
BalasPadamAku harap sgt BN kalah supaya bugis sedar diri.
Boogees ape nak risau... Mesia hancur pun dia ribu2 juta dalam bank.. makan 7 keturunan belum tentu habis... hijrah ke mana2 negeri yang nama berakhir dgn 'stan' selamat la dia... jgn pindah ke negeri yang berakhir dgn 'pal' sdh la... nnt tk pasal2 kene 'take an eye for an eye'....
BalasPadamOoooooppss....nanti dulu. Mana boleh lepaskan dia dan tinggalkan kita beban hutang menimbun-nimbun. Kes Atlantuya & Kes Morais macam mana pula? Kalau terlepas cabut luar negara pun, boleh diusahakan bawa balik ke pengadilan. Kan dah ada contoh.
PadamLakaran sejarah mengimbas kembali kezaliman seorang pemimpin negara dari Peru yang kesudahannya terpegok ke dalam penjara atas kesalahan menipu, menyeleweng public fund masuk ke akaun peribadi, menculik & pembunuhan kejam pada tahun 1990an. Siapa kata pemimpin negara kebal dari hukuman undang. Sudah ada precedence (contoh) kita boleh buat yg sama. Bekas Presiden Peru, Alberto Fujimori telah diekstradisikan ketika beliau melarikan diri ke Jepun dihadapkan ke mahkamah Peru mengikut International Laws.
Go fly kite kata ini semua fitnah..
BalasPadamYg benar adalah apa shj yg keluar dr mulut najis dan kwn2
hihi..mana go fly kite??
BalasPadamA very interesting development indeed whilst at the same time the 'Fall Guy-Sharol' is not taking it lying down. He has come out and say the Bugis-Chief-Pirate has pretty much 'autographed' on the dotted line on the Petro Saudi-1MDB Agreement.....thus he (the Bugis-Pirate) is deemed AWARE (not drugged or forced to sign with a gun to his head)!!! PM, FM, Chairman lah kata kan.
BalasPadamTo Bugis-Pirate and his band of Dumb Thieves with all LAP-Dogs in tow......TRUTH WILL BE TOLD! You are already arguing with the best of your dumbest rebuttals in trying in vain to defend your Chief-Pirate's doltish endeavour and silly ideas of 1MDB and Donation crap that we the unpaid sensible thinking rakyat are seeing Bugis and his cohorts are scrambling thinking from the centre of their bumhole! Well, since their between-the-ears thing has dropped to bottom-end of their butt....care to deny? Lately, the Nek Tempoyak rants were absent (perhaps the seizure medicine is taking effects) but out come the Fly Kite simplistic argument, which is entirely not even CREATIVE! A testimony seen from the No. 1 Pirate to his lowly lapdogs!
Perhaps on domestic front you could deploy all assets ie. PDRM, BNM, SKMM, etc to oppressed or suppressed informations from coming out, but the international web-money-trails are out there in its glorious immortality with several countries already, I repeat in HOT PURSUITS!
Sadly, UMNO with its 3 million members are willing to be taken for a sorry ride into oblivion in the near future provided these people come out from their deep slumber and took the bitter-pill to correct what is so BLOODY WRONG in the first place for letting it morphed into such GODZILLIAN SCANDAL!
Crumbling fort is crumbling fort is a crumbling fort.....Najib, Zahid, KJ, Nazir, Azalina, Saleh, Adnan, Anak si Maslan, Anuar Musa, dll......hendak tenggelam tenggelam lah kamu bersama Kepala-Lanun-Bugis dan Bahtera yang sauh dah di labuh, layar dah dikembang..., jangan dipaksa rakyat ikut bersama....
PS. Over my 30 odd years in different continents of the world, I wonder how long more I had to defend my homeland at great length from vultures that lurks in Putrajaya....from afar! Only for the love of my Tanah-Tumpah-Darah-Ku!
Ini bro warrior ni...masa kat blog rockybru...sama2 berjuang lawan rba zaman pak lah.
PadamWhats wrong is wrong can never make it right, make a correction yes!
In Bugis's case its daylight robbery and to make it clear if you're not seeing just today (actually a day behind) IPIC has reported to LSE that it never received the 'State to State' US$3.51 Billion from 1MDB!
Thats the nail on Najib's head if not his coffin.
I don't have a beef if you are defending the Chief-Pirate but, layout the facts and shoot everything down instead of going after 91 year man!
MLN Esquire.........
BalasPadamWell said bro... the country needs people like you to share your knowledge and sentiment with your broad experience & intellectuality.
Your presence here is a morale boost for us. Salam Perjuangan & may God Almighty bless upon you and family here and thereafter.
Thks Bro,
PadamSame to you In Sya Allah! Amin Ya Rab!
High dignity people like both of you always show highly intellectual comments. Salute both of you. Keep it up.
PadamHahaha...ko meroyan lah kuat kuat ..najib steady jer... Nanti kita tenggok sapa yg menggelupor madey @ pro najib..
PadamBlogger putramerdeka.blogspot.com is Red Bean Army .... keldai rasis DAPigs LGE ...... case closed...!!!!!
BalasPadamCase closed kepala bana... Terbang la ngan lelayang tu semoga terjun laut nnt al jolo dtg bg pelampong
PadamBlogger politikputramerdeka.blogspot.com tentera Red Bean Army... barua DAPigs keldai rasis LGE ... cari makan degan jaja fitnah... taubat la...
PadamKomen mcm ni byr 5 sen pun rs rugi..
Chai 8.25,
BalasPadamMana pergi ayat fly kite & checkmate?
osa kan laporan audit jan..lepasni blh mintak jan utk osa kan kesemua laporan audit mereka bg jabatan2 lain pulak..apa barang glc company mcm 1mdb dapat ,jabatan dan kementerian lain tak dapat...