Empat lagi individu memeluk Islam ketika syarahan pendakwah kontroversi Dr Zakir Naik di Stadium Hoki Bukit Jalil malam tadi.
Mereka mengucapkan dua kalimah syahadah ketika sesi soal jawab.
Individu pertama mengucapkan kalimah itu ialah seorang lelaki dari Punjab India, Harinder Pal Singh tepat jam 12 tengah malam tadi.
Manakala seorang lagi adalah wanita yang merupakan penganut Roman Katolik pada awalnya.
Sejurus mengucapkan syahadah pada pukul 12.05 tengah malam, beliau kelihatan berpelukan dengan beberapa orang di sebelahnya dan terus dibawa pergi dari situ.
Individu ketiga mengucapkan pengakuan menyertai Islam ialah seorang wanita pada jam 1.37 pagi. Sejurus selepas itu beliau dibawa pergi oleh penganjur.
Manakala syahadah keempat diucapkan oleh Joel Anak Along pada jam 2.03 pagi.
Katanya sebelum ini beliau telah mendalami Islam di Hidayah center.
Lebih 35,000 hadir sejak jam 5 petang bagi mendengar ceramah Dr Zakir yang juga Tokoh Maal Hijrah pada 2013.
Kehadiran pengunjung pada awal malam diuji dengan keadaan hujan lebat.
Bagaimanapun kemunculan Dr Zakir pada jam 8.45 malam disambut dengan tepukan gemuruh pengunjung yang hadir.
Syarahan itu tamat pada jam 2.45 pagi.
Sejak tiba di negara ini pada 9 April lepas, ini merupakan ceramah pertama tokoh pendakwah terkenal itu di Kuala Lumpur selepas mengadakan ceramah di Terengganu.
Beliau dijangka berada di Melaka esok bagi meneruskan jelajah ceramahnya di Malaysia.
Musuh Islam tentu tak suka..!
Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!
Lawa lagi aza....
BalasPadamthis is sure better than fly kite ... tapi follower admin mmg ketagih spin .. dah taik spin .. suka pecah belah .. bersatu tak rock la mangkuk ayun protun dan anti DSN ni semua ;-))
BalasPadamSatu cabaran bagi para pendakwah negara.
BalasPadamMereka kena kaji kaedah/pendekatan DRZN, anugerah luarbiasa Allah ini.
Bukan mudah menarik himpunan manusia drpd pelbagai latarbelakang agama, sosial dan ekonomi, yg pengakhirannya melonjakkan kebenaran Islam sehingga ada hati2 mereka yg bukan Islam tersentuh dan tulus menyebut dua kalimah syahadah.
Lerrr... Baru tiga komen saja. Luasnya ruang utk kita semua bersetuju dalam tajuk ini tapi sambutan amat dingin sekali.
Sdra QQ..
PadamDulu ada seorang Munafik branded/hukum saya sebagai kafir & pengamal ajaran sesat bila saya memperakui sebagai peminat Dr. Zakir Naik. Sekarang ternyata tuduhan si Munafik Laknat itu meleset dan boomerang/jatuh kepada dirinya.
Dr. Zakir adalah murid & pewaris kpd Sheikh Ahmad Deedat, seorang penceramah Islam yg fasih & hafal Bible. Kedua-duanya digeruni oleh pihak gereja sedunia & pendakwah Kristian kerana mereka sendiri tidak dapat menghafal Bible.
Saya meminati Sheikh Ahmad Deedat sejak membaca buku2 pd tahun awal 1980an. Banyak kaedah2 ilmunya saya gunakan ketika berhujah dgn teman2 Kristian. Kebetulan saya dulu menuntut di Sekolah Dakwah Gereja Anglican kepunyaan Inggeris di Spura dari Primary 1 sampai Pre-University. Dalam pada itu saya juga menuntut di Sekolah Agama Al Islamiyah Aljunied untuk ilmu akhirat selama 6 tahun. Saya juga agak fasih dgn Bible. Ramai teman Kristian tidak sedar latar belakang saya dan mereka agak terkejut bila saya sebutkan ayat2 bible. Hingga kini saya masih aktif di You Tube berdebat dgn paderi, penganut Kristian & Atheis.
PadamContoh di bawah adalah satu petikan hujah saya dgn mereka:
"Is Jesus a true name of the Great Prophet, The Son of Mary.? Is he a Greek or English? Definitely not.... he is a Semitic person who spoke Aramaic. Well then, it is apparently clear that he is THE ARAMAIC JESUS. WHAT IS JESUS' NAME IN THE LANGUAGE WHICH HE SPOKE?
This great prophet and even his earliest followers spoke Aramaic. Much of the Old Testament, such as the Book of Daniel, was originally in Aramaic though a large bulk of those codices are lost forever. Neither the Greek of the Textus Receptus upon which the New Testament is based, nor the Hebrew of the standardized Tanach upon which the Old Testament is loosely based were their native tongues.
The Injeel (meaning Good News) revealed to The Messiah are written in Aramaic... and the Apostles also spoke this language. "In the early Christian era, Aramaic divided into east and West varieties. West Aramaic dialects includ Nabataean (formerly spoken in parts of Arabia), Palmyrene (spoken in Palmyra, which was northeast of Damascus), Palestinian-Christian, and Judeo-Aramaic. West Aramaic is still spoken in a small number of villages in Lebanon."
(Encyclopedia Britannica, Reference Index I, "Aramaic Language", page 476).
Jesus spoke Aramaic. Thus, the New Testament would have to be dependent upon it. Much of the Old Testament was in Aramaic as well, and the earliest Christian societies throughout Arabia from Palestine, to Syria, to Nabataea spoke Aramaic. So what is Jesus' name in Aramaic?
"Eesho M'sheekha" meaning "Eesho the Messiah".
- Syriac. Syriac is a late variant of Aramaic widespread in Christendom, thus coined "Christian Aramaic".
- Aramaic. Taken directly from the "Peshitta".
- Aramaic. Peshitta; with diacritical marks.
The "Peshitta" is the Aramaic New Testament and closely resembles the language of the Messiah. Thus, the Messiah would have even called himself "Eesho" or more specifically "Eesa" since the Northern Palestinian Jews pronounced the letter "shin" as "seen". Interestingly enough we find a few striking parallels in Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic which tell volumes and uncover astounding facts.
The Muslim world knows Jesus Christ as "al-MaseeHu `Eesa" meaning "Eesa the Messiah". This is illustrated in the following verse of the Quran.......
"When the angels said to Mary, 'O Mary! Allah gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him. His name will be 'al-MaseeHu `Eesa', the son of Mary; Honorable in this world and in the hereafter, and from those who are near (to Allah)." The Qur'an was revealed over 600 years after the ascent of the Messiah, in far away Arabia where most of the Christians would have been calling him "Yesu`" from the same "Y'SHW" found in their Christian Biblical teachings which were sketchy at best. However, the Qur'an from which the Prophet Muhammad was teaching, mentioned a Jewish Messiah, who performed brilliant miracles, born of a pure virgin, who was named "`Eesa". The Arab Christians were familiar with "Yesu`" whom they knew as their Lord and Savior. Had the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) copied stories from the Jews and Christians, he would have also copied their mistakes. However, the Israelite stories which are related in the Qur'an are strikingly accurate historically and diverge from the Bible in the areas where the Judeo-Christian scriptures err monumentally.
PadamLikewise, the Bible today too is not originated from Aramaic. It is not the Words of God but an ancient artifact of Western (Greek) civilization forged by ambiguous scribes who claimed as Mark, Luke, John & Mathew with full of mistakes and contradictions among themselves. Funny thing, the Christianity today rely heavily on the English translation when English language only existed 1000 years ago. Pauline Christianity seriously misrepresents the Messiah introduced in the New Testament, teaches against following his example, replaces him with a redefined imaginative character that differs, and is preparing Christians to reject the true Messiah when he returns. The questions every Christian must ask are:-
Why does Christianity oppose and actively teach against The Mosiac Law?
Why does Christianity condemn or ridicule those of us who truly seek to follow and imitate the Mosaic Law by adopting the same type faith that he (The Messiah), himself, practiced? Why does Christianity condemn the definition and worship of the God that The Messiah, Moses & Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Them) obeyed, served, worshiped, devoted himself to, and prayed to - the very same One and Only God Almighty? Why follow Paul instead... why Trinity...??? These crucial questions are left unanswered satisfactorily.
I spent 12 years in an Anglican Missionary School and at every morning assembly, we (the students) were made compulsory to say the Christian prayer, sing the hymnal song and listen to preaching (verse of the Bible) by the priest in the chapel. However, I'm still a staunch Muslim because I've studied both the Quran and the Bible in depth. I notice almost all Christians never read the whole text of the Bible but merely reading bit & pieces (verse)."