Ada masa, ada perkara ada tempatnya..!
Has Tengku Razaleigh Eaten the Dedak?
APART from a brief reference to Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s 360-degree about-face in the update to the March 23 posting, I had said nothing openly about that event.
On March 24 the Gua Musang Member of Parliament effectively broke ranks with the people who are seeking the removal of Prime Minister, (Datuk Seri Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone), Mohd Najib Abdul Razak.
For months he was in the forefront of the movement. He was leading a campaign to remove Mohd Najib via a vote of no confidence.
He met and received the endorsement of his former Umno rival, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. The latter even made a trip to Sarawak to canvass the support of the state Barisan Nasional members of the Dewan Rakyat.
Tengku Razaleigh is known to have met several Malay rulers to inform them of his plan. But over the same period he also met Mohd Najib secretly at home and abroad. It is understood that Mohd Najib had offered him positions in the government.
Lo and behold, on March 24 he signed a so-called Kalantan Declaration that pledges support to the Prime Minister.
The spontaneous reaction is to accuse him of betrayal of the highest order; of eating the dedak.
Secondly, I have been warned by many people, including those who have dealt with him over a long period of time, that for him self-preservation comes. Crudely put, he could not be trusted to march with the masses.
One of his former operators said he could not get rid of his princely habit of always wanting to be served and waiting to be “crowned”.
The Possible Trigger
But what could have caused this Kelantan prince to make an about-turn?
Consider the following possibilities:
1. The admission that his no confidence-vote against Mohd Najib has come to naught. He could not get enough commitment from Dewan Rakyat members, via statutory declarations, to convince the House and the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to act against Mohd Najib.
2. That he has found other ways of removing the Prime Minister.
3. That he has become the latest and the most significant dedak eater to pledge loyalty to Mohd Najib.
But there could be another reason - something less sinister. As unlikely as it would appear to a lot of people, he could have entered into a secret agreement with Mohd Najib.
This agreement would allow Mohd Najib to make a safe exit and enable Tengku Razaleigh to become the Prime Minister – something that has eluded him for so long.
In return Tengku Razaleigh would guarantee that Mohd Najib is given safe passage and no charge is brought against him for the various crimes that he has been alleged of committing.
Mohd Najib makes an escape. Tengku Razaleigh becomes the Prime Minister. And the Barisan Nasional remains in power at least until the next general election.
Tengku Rarazeigh the Reformist?
Or if indeed Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is serious about finding “a quick settlement to the current problems of governance and leadership,” as was reported by The Star newspaper today, he would do one of the following two things:
1. He would form a national unity government comprising all political parties and representatives of civil society organizations, or
2. Call for an early general election so that the people can choose a new government that is capable of quickly and amicably settle all problems pertaining to governance and leadership.
The Gua Musang MP said that when it came to governance, no one could accuse him of inconsistency.
Responding broadly to allegations that he has betrayed public confidence by pledging support to Mohd Najib, Tengku Razaleigh was reported saying:
“I am confident that nobody can accuse me of inconsistency in my stand on governance, public responsibility and the need for change.
“This has been the theme of my struggle nationally and in Umno since 1987.”
He met and received the endorsement of his former Umno rival, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. The latter even made a trip to Sarawak to canvass the support of the state Barisan Nasional members of the Dewan Rakyat.
Tengku Razaleigh is known to have met several Malay rulers to inform them of his plan. But over the same period he also met Mohd Najib secretly at home and abroad. It is understood that Mohd Najib had offered him positions in the government.
Lo and behold, on March 24 he signed a so-called Kalantan Declaration that pledges support to the Prime Minister.
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Singing off loyalty to Mohd Najib |
But his about-turn did not come as a complete surprise to me for two key reasons.
Firstly, I have known Tengku Razaleigh and his modus operandi since the early 1970’s when he was the Chairman of Fleet Group (the original Malaysian owner of the New Straits Time Press) and President of the Malay Chamber of Commerce. I was then an economic reporter for Bernama. I visited him regularly in Kota Bharu in the late 1970’s when he was spearheading the development of the state after the 1977/78 takeover by Umno.
One of his former operators said he could not get rid of his princely habit of always wanting to be served and waiting to be “crowned”.
The Possible Trigger
But what could have caused this Kelantan prince to make an about-turn?
Consider the following possibilities:
1. The admission that his no confidence-vote against Mohd Najib has come to naught. He could not get enough commitment from Dewan Rakyat members, via statutory declarations, to convince the House and the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to act against Mohd Najib.
2. That he has found other ways of removing the Prime Minister.
3. That he has become the latest and the most significant dedak eater to pledge loyalty to Mohd Najib.
But there could be another reason - something less sinister. As unlikely as it would appear to a lot of people, he could have entered into a secret agreement with Mohd Najib.
This agreement would allow Mohd Najib to make a safe exit and enable Tengku Razaleigh to become the Prime Minister – something that has eluded him for so long.
In return Tengku Razaleigh would guarantee that Mohd Najib is given safe passage and no charge is brought against him for the various crimes that he has been alleged of committing.
Mohd Najib makes an escape. Tengku Razaleigh becomes the Prime Minister. And the Barisan Nasional remains in power at least until the next general election.
Tengku Rarazeigh the Reformist?
Or if indeed Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is serious about finding “a quick settlement to the current problems of governance and leadership,” as was reported by The Star newspaper today, he would do one of the following two things:
1. He would form a national unity government comprising all political parties and representatives of civil society organizations, or
2. Call for an early general election so that the people can choose a new government that is capable of quickly and amicably settle all problems pertaining to governance and leadership.
The Gua Musang MP said that when it came to governance, no one could accuse him of inconsistency.
Responding broadly to allegations that he has betrayed public confidence by pledging support to Mohd Najib, Tengku Razaleigh was reported saying:
“I am confident that nobody can accuse me of inconsistency in my stand on governance, public responsibility and the need for change.
“This has been the theme of my struggle nationally and in Umno since 1987.”
In a meeting I had with him at the height of his no-confidence campaign against Mohd Najib, he shared his vision for the future, which is revolutionary to say the least.
Among other things he wants the Prime Minister’s post to be universally decided and for the Parliament to be answerable directly to the people.
Although he does not participate in the Deklarasi Rakyat, the same ideals are broadly embodied in the declaration which, inter alia, says:
“We call upon all Malaysians, irrespective of race, religion, political affiliation, creed or parties, young and old to join us in saving Malaysia from the Government headed by Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak, to pave the way for much needed democratic and institutional reforms, and to restore the important principle of the separation of powers among the executive, legislature and judiciary which will ensure the independence, credibility, professionalism and integrity of our national institutions.”
So which Tengku Razaleigh are we talking about – a saviour, a reformist, a traitor, a dedak eater, a wolf in sheep’s skin or simply a prince who craves for the crown?
Only time will tell.
Soalnya...boleh pakai lagi ker?
Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!
Tangkapan Pertama 1MDB: Bekas CEO Aabar Diekstradisi Ke US..
BalasPadamIni adalah tangkapan pertama individu yang berkait dengan Skandal 1MDB atas permintaan Amerika Syarikat, yang dijangka mengegarkan politik Malaysia dan juga perniagaan berkaitan di Hollywood serta Las Vegas.
Sumber yang rapat dengan pegawai Jabatan Kehakiman di Amerika Syarikat telah mengesahkan kepada Sarawak Report bahawa bekas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Aabar, Mohamed Al Husseiny, telah diletakkan dalam tahanan oleh pihak berkuasa di Abu Dhabi, yang kini memproses permohonan ekstradisi oleh Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat, berhubung dengan dakwaan berkaitan Skandal 1MDB.
Al Husseiny, berasal dari Kenya, masih memegang kewarganegaraan Amerika Syarikat, walaupun telah berpindah ke Abu Dhabi.
Tindakan ini adalah rentetan dari satu penyiasatan yang sedang dijalankan di Amerika Syarikat dan negara-negara lain dalam beberapa bulan ini terhadap kehilangan berbilion-bilion dolar daripada dana pembangunan Malaysia..
PadamFollowing to your posting mentioned above, let's congratulate Mr Rosmah & Puan Najib. It is indeed beyond any reasonable doubt an envidence that both of them have contributed immensely in upholding the integrity & reputation of our nation.
Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.
PadamDari awal lagi saya dah nyatakan persekongkolan Najib dgn yahudi zionis mendatangkan musibah dahsyat meliputi setiap penjuru, sama ada di darat, laut, udara maupun gunung. Ekonomi negara hancur, hutang bertimbun, pelaburan sektor pembuatan susut mendadak, pengangguran meningkat, kenaikan harga barang keperluan harian tak sudah2, cukai gst yg memeritkan, dsb. Keserakahan pemimpin juga mengakibat kehilangan beratus jiwa, perbendaharaan negara dan menjerumuskan nama & maruah ke tahap paling hina dalam caratan sejarah.
PadamIanya bermula bila Bapa segala konspirasi Yahudi antarabangsa (House of Rothschild) dibenarkan membuka pejabatnya di Kuala Lumpur. Najib yang memberi kebenaran kepada agen Rothschild iaitu Goldman Sachs Bank (Suicide Banker) untuk membuka pejabatnya di Kuala Lumpur buat pertama kali. Najiblah yg telah mengeluarkan lesen kepada bank Rothschild ini pada 8 Disember 2009 sebagai isyarat membenarkan pembukaan cawangannya di Malaysia.
Saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi "tahniah* kpd Coolie yg telah membuat lompatan rekod terbaru 'terjun botol' ke kem Persetubuhan UMNO Najib. Sampai juga akhirnya hajat Coolie untuk memangku kerusi presiden persetubuhan itu & bakal dinobatkan PM ke 7.
BalasPadamsaya ucapkan keep it up to all TDM supporter ... keep the fitnah fitnah fitnah .... go fly kite !!!
BalasPadamKlu fitnah saman la. Go eat dedak!!!
PadamKalau fitnah..samanlah. itu pun kalau ada telor....go eat dedak!!!
PadamMwahahahah ituuuu je lah tahap komen pendedak Mat Maslan. Tak habis nak main layang-layang. Mat Maslan wehhhh. Amek la budak tua sikit. Ni hang korek budak tak pas SPM kampung nak wat pe. Bagi dia dedak banyak dia gemuk pun apa guna, bukan kita boleh sembelih dia untuk makan. Mwahaha.
PadamSakit hati pada Ku Li pulak dah...macam2 puak2 ni.
BalasPadamKita syak apabila taktik asal untuk mewujudkan Malaysian Spring di Malaysia tidak berhasil, pihak-pihak jahat dari luar negara menggerakkan Plan B untuk membunuh sebuah lagi negara Islam. Menyelinap ke dalam agensi-agensi kerajaan, melumpuhkan UMNO dari dalam, dan membunuhnya langsung. SIAPA advisor perdana menteri hari ini selepas kematian Jamaluddin Jarjis? Bukankah salah seorang darinya memang seorang Yahudi dari luar negara?
BalasPadamTapi ahli-ahli UMNO yang tetap menyokong Najib Razak tidak sedar game ini. Game yang akan meranapkan terus UMNO mungkin seperti di Selangor - sekali terjatuh, semakin mundur. Padahal yang jatuh Khir Toyo dulu bukannya tangan lain, dari dalam UMNO juga.
Kita yang beriya hendak menghentikan kemusnahan yang sedang berlaku yang dikatakan pengkhianat. Padahal sebenarnya mereka yang redha UMNO menjadi kuda tunggangan Yahudi sekaranglah sebenarnya pengkhianat.