Di US...
Ex-Goldman Banker to Malaysia Fund Subpoenaed in U.S. Probe
- Prosecutors seeking information about state investment fund
- Outside law firm said helping Goldman review 1MDB dealingsA former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker has become entangledin a sprawling investigation of the Malaysian state investment fundas U.S. authorities turn to him for information.Tim Leissner was issued a subpoena about the Malaysia matterin late February, according to three people briefed on the matter,just days after Goldman Sachs confirmed he had left the firm.Leissner, a German national, was most recently chairman ofthe firm’s Southeast Asia operations but had taken personalleave and relocated to Los Angeles by early this year,according to people with knowledge of the move.Tim Leissner and wife Kimora Lee Simmons, in Sept. 2015.Photographer: Presley Ann/PatrickMcMullan.com via AP PhotoFrom Malaysia toSwitzerland to theU.S. investigatorshave been trying totrace whethermoney might haveflowed out of thefund and illegallyinto personal accounts.Accusations have boomeranged and been called politically motivatedeven as authorities outside Malaysia press ahead with their inquiries.Prosecutors in the Justice Department’s kleptocracy asset-recoveryunit are investigating whether funds were embezzled from 1MalaysiaDevelopment Bhd., known as 1MDB, by politically connected peoplein Malaysia, the people said. The FBI’s New York office is leading theinvestigation and is trying to determine if any U.S. laws were broken,according to one of the people briefed on the subpoena issued to Leissner.At this point, it is unclear what information Leissner might be able toprovide. Leissner’s attorney, Jonathan Cogan of Kobre & Kim,didn’t respond to a phone call and e-mail requesting comment.At a Beverly Hills, California, residence linked in public recordsto Leissner’s family, a woman who answered the intercom saidLeissner wasn’t at home. He didn’t respond to written questionsleft there. At the Justice Department, spokesman Peter Carrdeclined to comment, as did Kelly Langmesser, a spokeswomanfor the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s New York office.
Local Projects
Leissner championed a series of bond sales that raised $6.5 billionfor the Malaysian fund and were notable for the above average feesgenerated for Goldman. Since the fund’s beginning in 2009,controversy has raged over whether money was spent as intendedfor local projects like a financial center in Kuala Lumpur orsiphoned off for personal benefit. The finger-pointing withinMalaysia intensified with the early 2015 news report that the fundhad missed a loan payment, which it later paid.Goldman Sachs is working with an outside law firm to conductan internal examination and is reviewing its own role in helping1MDB raise capital, according to two of the people. There is noindication that Goldman engaged in any wrongdoing, accordingto the two. The bank is cooperating with theJustice Department’s efforts to gather information, they said.Michael DuVally, a spokesman for Goldman, declined to comment.Putting its own capital at risk, Goldman earned commissionsand expenses of $593 million for its role issuing bonds for1MDB, or more than 9 percent of the proceeds, well abovethe industry norm.Internal Inquiry
Leissner worked at Goldman Sachs for 18 years and is marriedto former U.S. fashion model and designer Kimora Lee Simmons.An internal Goldman Sachs investigation found Leissner hadwritten an unauthorized reference letter to another financialinstitution last year, according to a person familiar with the matter,who wouldn’t say whom the letter was about or what sparkedthe probe. After concluding the investigation, which includedscanning Leissner’s e-mail messages, Goldman Sachs placedhim on leave and he later resigned, the person said.The Wall Street Journal, which reported on the referenceletter earlier Tuesday, said it also included statements thatGoldman Sachs believed to be inaccurate.Cogan didn’t respond to requests for comment on thecircumstances of Leissner’s departure.Leissner was named head of investment banking in Singaporein August 2002 and became a partner in 2006. He wasinstrumental in building business in Malaysia and the region.The Monetary Authority of Singapore said in an e-mailedstatement that it was “co-operating actively with severaljurisdictions” in the case. The MAS said that Leissner left thecity-state in 2011, and that while Goldman Sachs announced in2014 that he would move back to Singapore as the bank’s chairmanof Southeast Asia, the move never happened.Investment Woes
Since Prime Minister Najib Razak started 1MDB seven years ago,the fund’s debt levels have swelled amid allegations of financialirregularities lodged by opposition officials. The fund, whoseadvisory board is chaired by Najib, said in February 2015 that itwould wind down its assets.The prime minister has said accusations of misappropriations arepolitically motivated and has denied any wrongdoing. Theallegations have sparked a feud with former premier MahathirMohamad, who has called for Najib to step down, citing what hecharacterized as Najib’s mismanagement of the economy as wellas 1MDB.Malaysian police seize equipment from the 1MDB office in Kuala Lumpur in July 2015.Photographer: Mohd Rasfan/AFP via Getty ImagesIn July, theMalaysian attorneygeneral said aspecial task forceinvestigating 1MDBlooked into depositsinto Najib’s bankaccount amountingto hundreds of millions of dollars ahead of the 2013 general election.The prime minister has said the funds were not used for private benefitand Malaysia’s Attorney General said the money was a politicalcontribution from the Saudi royal family.The Attorney General said Najib returned $620 million to theSaudi donors. In January, the official, Mohamed Apandi Ali,cleared Najib of any corruption charges related to the Saudi donation.Representatives of 1MDB have denied transferring funds to Najib’spersonal accounts. Najib’s office, the attorney-general’s office andthe country’s anti-graft agency were not immediately available forcomment. A spokesperson for 1MDB referred queries to a Februarystatement that the fund had not been contacted by any foreignlegal authorities on matters related to the company.Switzerland and Singapore
Investigators outside Malaysia are still trying to trace where moneyfrom the investment funds might have gone. The Swiss AttorneyGeneral froze accounts holding tens of millions of dollars last yearas part of a criminal investigation into whether $4 billion wasembezzled from state-linked Malaysian companies, with some ofit making its way into Swiss accounts of former Malaysian officials.“The monies believed to have been misappropriated would have beenearmarked for investment in economic and social developmentprojects in Malaysia,” the Swiss authority said in a statement in January.The Swiss officials asked for assistance from Malaysia, andsubsequently said the Malaysian prime minister wasn’t one of thepublic officials accused in the matter.Singapore’s central bank said in February that it froze a largenumber of accounts linked to possible money laundering of 1MDB funds.Nak saman hari apa pulak ni???Lu FIkir La Sendiri!!!
Interesting...kita tunggu episod seterusnya...
BalasPadamInteresting... dedak baru, episdo baru, payment baru.. wow
PadamJaminan Pengganti PM lebih baik? (Sinar Harian 7.3.16)
Apa jaminan pengganti Najib akan menjadi Malaysia lebih baik? Inilah yang perlu difikirkan. Justeru, berhati-hatilah agar tidak terpedaya dengan perancangan licik ultra kiasu sama ada yang Islam atau tidak. Apakah kita sudah buta dengan matlamat menghalalkan cara ultra kiasu untuk mengaburi mata kita?
Ultra kiasu sedar, raja atau rakyat Malaysia tidak akan menerima ultra kiasu Cina sebagai PM. Namun, mereka sudah bersedia dengan calon ultra kiasu Melayu. Malangnya, ultra kiasu Melayu masih tidak sedar mereka diperalatkan. Jika adapun yang sedar, kuasa itu lebih utama daripada yang lain meskipun terpaksa menjadi boneka.
berapa ramai di'sihir' dan dibodohkan oleh fitanh dan gerakan mahazalim madey ini utk mencapai cita2 besar politiknya untuk naikkan anaknya sbg PM... apakah malaysia akan lebih baik dengan legasinya atau rakyat akan ditipu sekali lagi dengan segala bana bntuk rompakan melalui dasar penswastaan ala penyamun itu?
provokasi cara perkauman ni dah lapok la beb..org tak da teloq ja masih dok ikut cara ni. tahun 60an saja org guna cara ni. skrg 2016 beb..melayu semua dah pakai seluaq bukan pakai kain pelikat lagi..
Padamabu bakar .. mana ko.. aku dah baca komen ko dlm fb azmi tu..jawapan dia macam ko tak puas hati jer.. aku pun tak puas hati apabila dia kata kat ko suruh simpan sikit kebodohan ko tu.. apa punya jawapan lah si azmi ni.. aku nak ko masuk balik dlm fb dia ko lunyai dia betul betul abu bakar.. ko jgn bimbang aku duduk belakang ko ..[ bukan nak sondol ko...ko jgn salah faham pulak].. hanya ko saja harapan aku abu bakar.. bukan apa ..aku kesian kat budak tu jer..
BalasPadamPadahnya bersekongkol dan makan duit haram riba Yahudi. Negara hancur dek keserakahan pemimpin & isterinya....Cash is king, my foot....!!!
BalasPadamGara gara seorang pompuan minang puaka nafsu besar bukan najib saje hancur umno dn negara sekali hancur.
BalasPadam"Gara gara seorang pompuan minang puaka nafsu besar bukan najib saje hancur umno dn negara sekali hancur."
Padamfitnah sapa pulak ni?
takkan nk ulang recycle skrip Lapiji lembu kot.. xde modal lain ke yg baru sikit?
kalau ckp gara2 si botak anak mamak tu punya pasal mamakdey meroyan tak habis2 bakar UMNO smpai skrg.. jgn nafikan pulak yer.
Sbb itu Mamakdey tak namakan siapa pengganti Najib.. dia mau Mokeris botak tu jd Piii Emmm..
keluarga si mamak yg cukup tamak merompak dan menyamun!
Botak Najis has been given the opportunity but failed to deliver his job. So... why not a chance be given to another Botak...???
Padamhadoi laaa macai madey.. mukeris punya pasai mahadey sanggup tumpah darah pun takpa...
BalasPadamhadoi laaa penat aku tgk tak habih2 macai2 ini pusing cerita...
hadoi la.. mat said pun dh join puaka2 ini.. berapa lah di bayar utk jd cai baru... cai lama menjerit pecah cermin pon org xpercaya dah...
yg ni celah mana pulak pengarah mamakdey nk kaitkan dengan najib? wow.. hebat.. siri baru!!
macaiii.. hangpa cerita jauh2 sgt... ni cerita mamak samun duit petronas 1998 tu fail tu patail gani koyak buang kt mana?
BalasPadam“‘Pada tahun 1998, Anwar menjelaskan bagaimana beliau telah membangkitkan kemarahan Dr Mahathir apabila beliau enggan meluluskan RM2 bilion duit pembayar cukai untuk melakukan ‘bail out’ syarikat milik anak Perdana Menteri itu. Malah, Dr Mahathir sendiri yang mengesahkan perkara ini apabila beliau berkata anaknya meminta RM2 bilion tetapi Anwar hanya bersetuju untuk meluluskan RM1 bilion. Maka anak beliau rugi ‘RM1 bilion’ dan Dr Mahathir marah. Tetapi kemudian Petronas telah mencatatkan keuntungan yang sangat besar terhadap ‘kerugian’ RM1 bilion anaknya, tambah Dr Mahathir.”
Tuhan sedang tunjuk pada mamaktun angkuh ni..
BalasPadamdia bijak fitnah ramai manusia tp dia lupa dia sbg Pengerusi Proton telah gagal berkali2.
Lagi dia asak Najib lg banyak dia gagal. Yg dulunya berjaya pun turut gagal. Kenapa Dato Khamil tiba2 di keluarkan dr Proton spt DSZ? sbb kuasa mahadet yg suka sack org yg dia percaya tak bagus.. 'percaya' tu meaning nya ialah kebencian bg mahadet...
"The days of Proton Holdings Bhd (Proton) leading the market share are long gone, as the national carmaker has had to deal with quite a few critical reviews and its production, sales and revenue has been suffering way below its optimum capacity.
Koon Yew Yin, a retired chartered engineer and a philanthropist, says Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has lots to share as to why the national car has failed. “Why is Mahathir’s inability to learn anything from the disastrous British car industry experience, something that completely escapes many Malaysians?
“As far as Proton is concerned, Mahathir’s mistake in ignoring the economic fundamentals of the industry was compounded by our lack of expertise or comparative advantage to produce cars,” he wrote in a statement.
Dah lama benar siasatanya,involed banyak negara pulak tu,tapi sampai sekarang tak ada apa yg konkret terbukti.Mustahilah S'por,S'wzland,France,US pun bodoh juga macam SPRM tak boleh jumpa bukti.Atau mungkin semuanya tak ada bukti,dan semuanya fitnah,yg berpunca dari penghasad dengki Mahahtir Kutty?.