Tersebar luas berita..
Jika pemilihan Tan Sri Irwan Serigar Abdullah menjadi kenyataan, ia merupakan ‘satu tamparan’ bagi usaha Gabenor Bank Negara Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz untuk melantik orang dalaman sebagai penggantinya. – Gambar fail The Malaysian Insider, 12 Mac, 2016.Tan Sri Irwan Serigar Abdullah akan menggantikan Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz sebagai gabenor Bank Negara, walaupun bank pusat itu berusaha menamakan calon dalamannya, laporThe Wall Street Journal (WSJ) hari ini.
Akhbar harian kewangan Amerika Syarikat (AS) yang memetik sumber berkata, Putrajaya akan menamakan Irwan, ketua setiausaha perbendaharaan sebagai gabenor Bank Negara baharu minggu depan.
Penggal perkhidmatan Zeti berakhir pada April dan semalam beliau berkata, Bank Negara sudah mengemukakan nama pengganti beliau.
"Kami sudah membuat cadangan dan kerajaan akan membuat keputusan serta mengemukakan nama kepada (Yang di-Pertuan) Agong," kata Zeti kepada pemberita semasa majlis Forum Wharton Global 2016 di Kuala Lumpur semalam.
"Hanya bersabar. (Ia akan diumumkan) tidak lama lagi," katanya ketika ditanya siapa yang akan menjadi pilihan beliau di antara Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar dan Timbalan Gabenor Bank Negara Datuk Mohamed Ibrahim.
WSJ melaporkan, Pejabat Perdana Menteri, Bank Negara dan Irwan tidak mengulas mengenai kemungkinan pelantikan itu.
Baca lanjut di sini
Tentunya ia tiada kaitan dengan duit KWAP dimana Irwan juga ialah Pengerusinya..! Ianya tentu tiada kaitan dengan 1MDB yang mana Irwan juga ahli lembaga pengarahnya..! Ianya juga tentu tiada kaitan dengan glc SRC yang mana Irwan ialah Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaannya..!
Ini semua hanya rezeki..! Tuah badan la katakan..!
Tolong la percaya..!
Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!
So deep the insinuations that it cuts through all freaking LIES the Chief-Pirate and his pigsty-lickers' had thrown before this.....thumbs up PPM!
BalasPadamYour BOLD statements simply......BOLD!
From afar, I support your effort all the way till we see the back of Lanun-Bugis!
I agree with you 110%!...
PadamCucu Abu Bakar
On the dot...you got it absolutely correct, man..!!
PadamJahanam kalau macam ni...
BalasPadamCelaka betul!!!
Kalau betul...mmg jahannam..nampaknya mohd najib ada strategi lain..meletakkan orngnya sendiri..harus dicegah..ProOO00ootTt
BalasPadamBab hutan penyamaq@ 10.10 dah mula menyondol nyondol
PadamDah berapa kali terbukti selama ni bahawa tmi ni serkap jarang? Kehkehkeh....irwan serigar sekor lagi anjing mamakdey dalam kerajaan. Jangan mimpi la nak jadi gabenor bank negara.
BalasPadamClare Rewcastle campaign to oust the Malaysian PM using stolen and edited documents suffered further humiliation today after her claims were proved wrong by both the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Swiss Attorney General.
A spiral of lies
What does a person do when she is caught for dishonesty: apologizes, and acknowledges the mistake; pretends that nothing happened; or lies even more, trying to cover a lie with another lie? It seems that Clare Rewcastle is the third kind of person.
On 26th of January 2016, based on MACC investigation, Malaysia’s Attorney General,Mohamed Apandi Ali, cleared Prime Minister Najib Razak of any wrongdoing in the 1MDB scandal. There was no amount of money channelled from 1MDB’s funds into bank accounts linked to the Prime Minister. In 2013, Najib Razak received a donation from the Saudi royal family. The fact was corroborated by the donor himself during witness testimony. The donation was given to Najib Razak “without any consideration” and did not involve any money from 1MDB. Most of the sum was returned to the Saudi royal family in August 2013, about five months after the transfer „because the sum was not utilised”.
There was nothing unusual about that donation to Malaysia. Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Morocco have also been beneficiaries of multi hundred million dollar donations from the Saudi royal family.
The Saudis fund moderate Muslim leaders in an effort to curb the growth of Islamist-inspired terrorism and Najib Razak has been targeted by ISIS.
The case was closed and the campaign to oust Najib proved false. But Clare Rewcastle, whose company was rescued from the brink of insolvency after she agreed to campaign against Malaysia’s democratically elected Prime Minister, decided not to apologize or to pretend that nothing happened. She decided to make more false allegations, fantasizing about MACC wanting a review of the Attorney General’s decision, the Swiss Attorney General’s Office investigating Najib and the authorities in Switzerland being frustrated with Malaysia’s handling of the issue.
Rewcastle exposed again
Referring to MACC’s investigations, Malaysian Government Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman told the country’s Parliament today: “On the RM2.6 billion case, based on the witness and supporting documents submitted, the MACC has confirmed that the donation had come personally from the Saudi royals”.
MACC’s investigation began last July and concluded in December, when papers on the case were submitted to the Malaysian Attorney General. The contents of those papers were private, so today’s statement by the Minister is the clearest indication so far of MACC’s views.
On 1 February the Swiss Office of Attorney General (OAG) said that Najib Razak was not a suspect in their wider investigation of 1MDB: “In the ongoing criminal proceeding of the OAG, Najib Razak is not one of the public officials under accusation”.
In separate developments today, the Swiss Attorney General said Malaysia was co-operating well with his investigation into 1MDB: “The OAG took note with satisfaction of the reaction of its Malaysian counterpart and of its commitment to fully support Switzerland’s request for mutual assistance”.
Today’s disclosure of MACC’s findings and announcement of the Swiss Attorney General are the latest demolitions of Clare Rewcastle’s false allegation used as the support for the plot to oust Najib Razak.
The revelations offer further proof that Clare Rewcastle is not an independent journalist, but rather someone prepared to ignore the facts to suit her own ends.
Wsj dan sr berani bagi nama siapa yg beei maklumat? Kat open source ni ada ag switzerland yg sahkan najib tak terlibat. Lu pikr la sendiri.
What talking you, ahh...???
PadamMangkok ayun bodoh..
PadamIrwan cacai najis..
Sama buat taik utk umno dan msia
Aduhai.... bukan ke AG Apandi sendiri yg paparkan flow chart menunjukkan duit bergerak dr src international ke beberapa syarikat dan akhirnya masuk akaun peribadi najib?
PadamCik keris Ooi.... ur pm's chosen AG yg sebarkan maklumat nih, bukan claire newcastle!
Flow chart tu lengkap dgn nom akaun pm lg.
Aduhai.... kalau hati dah buta, dah terpampang depan mata pun nak nafi lg.
Mangkok berayon takpayah beri ulasan...tiada siapa Yg sudi membacanya...
PadamAlamak... serigala jadi gabenor bank yang baru... ? habislah...
BalasPadam(hahaha aku saje je buat2 tersalah baca/tengok...)
Sekepas jelmaan Rosmelda Marcos... kini pula jelmaan Sadiq Segaraga 3 Abdul yg Allahyarham TS P Ramlee tonjolkan... mengaut kekayaan dgn penipuan.
PadamQu puteh maner...? ngapa tak di putih kan dulu mamat ni..?
BalasPadamNape tak lantik loosmah aje jadi gabenor,dia ada pengalaman menabung sejak kecil pandai kira duit, klau jadi gabenor kan bagus....
BalasPadamHahahaha....lawak pagi minggu...
BalasPadamTkpe tkpe camni kalu kita kasi lunyai najib umno pru14 nanti...
BalasPadamSkrg umno dh lemas hampir tenggelam...dia akan paut apa yg ada didepan@rompak semahunya sblm berambus ke pulau sumatera atau hawai...
Encik nak tunggu pru14?
PadamEncik yakin ke najib akn adakan pru14?
Najib kan nak jd orang sarawak.
Padam...km sanggup meminangkan pm gadis sarawak tu...
Kalu batak ni jadi Gov.BN makin melipat melingkup la ekonomi kita