Rabu, 8 Oktober 2014

Bayaran Kepada KonSETAN Lebih 7 Bilion..!

Bukan main kembang hidung si Ka Siong bila tetamu keholmatnya latang belayee..!

Apa pasal kerajaan membayar sehingga lebih 7 bilion ringgit kepada para konSETAN? 

Setakat ni takde pulak kita dengar dan lihat sebarang idea 'wow' yang boleh kita banggakan..! 

Setakat PRU13 yang lalu penerimaan rakyat dan pengundi masih tetap menolak Najib dan BN..!

So apa yang didahulukan? apa yang diutamakan? konSETAN..!

Baca tulisan Helen Ang dibawah ni...

UPDATED: I love new PM / Konsultan didahulukan, rakyat disengsarakan

BR1M 2.0:  Beratur  Ramai-ramai  Isi  Minyak  20 sen
“Apakah kerajaan sudah kekeringan kantung kewangannya sehingga tidak sabar-sabar mahu mengurangkan subsidi rakyat?” is not a question asked by bloggers alone but by many angry Malaysians.
To add my 20 sen worth, do you know how spendthrift are the Prime Minister’s Department and Pemandu and TalentCorp? They are profligate, without a doubt.
… prɒflɪgət, adjective … means “recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources” or in another buzzword – “immoderate” (i.e. not at all moderate).
Najib Razak spent more than RM7 billion – or has it topped RM8b? RM9b? by now – on his consultants who appear latest to have told him that he needs to “rationalize subsidies” some more.
BELOW: TalentCorp events are held in the Marriott Melbourne, Hilton Adelaide and elsewhere around the holiday cities of the world
Actually the opposition MPs should table questions in Parliament “gali sampai ke lubang cacing” the details of how they (JPM, PMO, Pemandu, TalentCorp) are wasting gomen money.
Also, as I’ve asked previously: How much funding did the PMO provide the J-Star‘s ‘Voices of Moderation’ campaign?
BELOW: Najib being advised by J-Star CEO Wong Chun Wai

‘Claps claps claps!’ 

- to take our cue from the opposition MPs.
Our gomen spends money, most particularly wasteful on consultants and advisors (including those whom Tun calls the courtiers that are happily telling the emperor he’s wearing a robe of gold), and in the most profligate manner while the rakyat at the bottom are being squeezed the hardest.
The latest round in the rationalization of fuel subsidy resulted this morning in the guy riding a kapcai and driving a Kancil having to pay more for his petrol.
Same old, same old. As has happened countless times before: Akibat harga minyak naik, kos pengangkutan naik juga dan seterusnya harga barang pun pasti ikut melambung. Which in turn sparks a chain reaction sending si mamat and si minah reeling from inflation woes.
BELOW: PM paid only one ringgit for the whole bird

The problem is the PM

Langsung tak berjiwa rakyat
Lots of people are beginning to be unhappy with Najib Razak. A blogger who is popularly aggregated by the pro-opposition portals – his name is Shahbudin Husin – is one such person. He wrote today, ‘Inilah padahnya bila anak bangsawan jadi PM‘. He asks,
Apakah kerajaan masih prihatin lagi kepada rakyat?
Eh, takde lah.
Hari Raya Korban means rakyat marhaen yang kena berkorban.
Click 2x to enlarge
Ranking Blog pro PR terkini 1 OKTOBER 2014 - Cenangau Daunkari
Blogger Shahbudin’s take on the RON95 glad tidings:
•  “keputusan yang … membebankan rakyat”
•  “kenaikan itu hanya tiga hari sebelum umat Islam menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha yang pastinya akan melonjakkan peningkatan harga barang-barang keperluan”
•  “bagaimana pula diumumkan baru-baru ini ekonomi negara berkembang sebanyak 6.4 peratus? Logiknya jika ekonomi makin berkembang yang tentunya diikuti dengan bertambah kukuhnya kewangan negara, tentulah kerajaan tidak begitu terdesak memotong subsidi untuk rakyat bawahan.”
•  “adalah manifestasi wajah dan warna hati sebenar Najib sebagai anak bangsawan yang tidak memahami derita dan kesusahan rakyat terbanyak di negara ini.”
•  “Sebagai anak bekas Perdana Menteri yang sejak lahir dilimpahi kemewahan, bukan saja kesusahan tidak pernah dirasainya, pemahaman mengenai erti derita dan kemiskinan juga tidak sama dengan mereka yang pernah mengalaminya.”
angry mob
The pitchforks are coming closer. Read, “I see pitchforks”, what does Najib see?

King Canute cannot stop the waves

The problem for the PM is growing bigger and bigger because not only is he being hentam by bloggers like Shahbudin (who is seen as pro-Pakatan) but by bloggers/writers who are fence sitters too, and those who are unaligned and even those who are pro-establishment.
As the dissatisfaction on the ground becomes more widespread, an incipient revolt among the grassroots against Najib is beginning to be sniffed.
BELOW: What kind of things do you reckon that Najib Razak will get to hear when he is only accessible to people like Wong Chun Wai (pictured standing)?
Chun Wai Najib

Does PM figure his ‘Moderation’ polemics is going to win him brownie points?

Rintahan rakyat bawahan, keluh kesah kelas golongan pekerja … semua tak diendah the beloved PM.
As I’ve mentioned before, J-Star CEO Wong Chun Wai boasted that he was seated at the VVIP table with Najib during a Buka Puasa function held at Angkasapuri earlier this year on July 18.
At the same function were a number of Malay bloggers, some whom had travelled from outstation to attend the event, seated at the back tables set up under the canopy. Now why didn’t the PM at least make an effort to speak to ordinary people – the bloggers after all were there – instead of remaining confined to the Datuk-Datin elite social circle at his select table?
Adakah Najib peka kepada denyut nadi rakyat? Hah! Like Shahbudin Husin said, “Inilah padahnya bila anak bangsawan jadi PM”.
Najib bakal dilanggar todak
It is not just us ikan bilis bloggers who are questioning Najib but bigger fish as well such as the Tokoh-Tokoh Wartawan Datuk Kadir Jasin, Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin and even the blue whales (several prominent Tuns).
Vocal critics such as Pak Kadir and Zam, and most certainly the Tun, are better able to feel the pulse of the people – an important point this: the P-E-O-P-L-E who vote BN – rather than Idris Jala or the evangelistas whom Najib makes time for.
The fact that Najib appointed Saifuddin ‘Firster’ Abdullah to steer his Global Movement of Moderates proves that the PM’s kiblat is pointed the wrong direction.
BELOW: Perdana Menteri kita yang nih kepalanya nyata ada di awang-awangan
(Updated: 4.50pm)
Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!

2 ulasan:

  1. Tak tahulah siapa yang betul kat malaysia ni..kerajaan atau pembangkang...semua tidak meyakinkan... aku bersyukur kerana harga sawit tak terus jatuh...bulan lepas turun dari RM 450 ke RM 340 setan...Hari ni aku nak pegi Pusat Timbang Petubuhan Peladang...entah berapa aku dapat...badan dah semakin uzur...siapa pun tak kisah.

  2. Minta izin WM untuk iklan

    Ada sesiapa yg nak selamatkan tanah rezeb melayu??

    Kawasan Puchong, 4 ekar tanah pertanian yg dikelilingi projek perumahan, bersempadan dengan tanah perbadanan cyberjaya..urusan segera dengan pemilik tanah

    Tanpa broker....hanya runding terus ..buka harga 1 juta sahaja seekar (boleh runding) walapun orang lain jual 1.3juta ke 1.7 juta seekar..yg pelik macam mana cina boleh beli 2..3 bidang tanah di kawasan yg sama sedangkan tanah tersebut reserve melayu??!!

    Sangat menguntungkan untuk projek perumahan atau sebagai pelaburan masa depan ...hantar segera sms ke 013 2704567(anda akan dihubungi segera)..ayuh tolong saya selamatkan tanah melayu !!
