Busuk beb..!
This Is Why Rosmah Isn't Getting That 'Lead By Example' Award Anymore
Rosmah was supposed to receive the award for her exemplary work with the PERMATA foundation.
- Bernama revealed on 17 September that our very own 'First Lady', Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor has been selected to receive UNESCO's 'Lead by Example' award
- Datuk Seri Najib Razak's wife, YABhg. Datin Paduka Seri Hjh. Rosmah Mansor
- It was reported that Rosmah is being graced with the prestigious award for her exemplary work with the PERMATA program
- The PERMATA Programmes was started back in 2007 under the guidance of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's wife, YABhg. Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor who is also its patron. The organisation aims to provide a unified platform for children and teenagers from all walks of life to develop their true potential and skills.
"This recognition is also an honour for Malaysia for providing quality education for the holistic development of children," Education Ministry secretary-general Datuk Seri Alias Ahmad who is also the Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO's vice president was quoted as saying by Bernama on 17 September.
The article by Bernama said that the award was an initiative by UNESCO and six other women who are involved in an array of fields including human rights, education, empowerment of women and global citizenship.
The report also named the six women involved as; Sara Bloomfield, the director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Esther Coopersmith, Meera Gandhi, (Founder and CEO of The Giving Back Foundation); Francine Lefrak (Harvard Women's Leadership Board); Deborah Lehr (Antiquities Coalition chairman) and Catherine Reynolds (Founder and CEO of Catherine Reynolds Foundation).says.com
- The news of Rosmah receiving the award was widely covered by most local and international media following the report by Bernama.A day later, Tom Wright, a reporter with the The Wall Street Journal questioned the accuracy of the report on Twitter.
- Prior to that, UNESCO had issued an official press statement regarding the 71st UN general assembly which includes the information about Rosmah receiving the award
- The press release by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on 16 September titled, 'UNESCO contributing to 71st UN General Assembly, marked by refugee crisis and rising violent extremism' highlighted how UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova will be participating in several events during the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly held from 16th till 23rd September.
One of the high-level events that she'll be attending was reportedly 'A Tribute to heroes in the global campaign against violent extremism'. It was mentioned that the celebration will be led by nine individuals including the UNESCO Director-General, with Sarah Bloomfield, Director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Tina Brown, Women in the World, Ambassador Esther Coopersmith, Meera Gandhi, Founder and CEO, The Giving Back Foundation, Arianna Huffington, Francine Lefrak, Harvard Women’s Leadership Board, Deborah Lehr, Chair of the Antiquities Coalition and Catherine Reynolds, Founder and CEO of Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation.
Among the awards that fall under the Tribute to Heroes ceremony is the 'The Lead by Example' award which will be presented to Senegalese President Macky Sall and PM Najib's wife Rosmah Mansor on 22 September at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, New York.
Here's a screenshot of the excerpt from the press release:says.com
- However, two days after the press release was published, the Antiquities Coalition, which was supposed to present the 'Lead by Example' award to Rosmah informed that she has been removed from the list of honourees
- In a report by Malaysiakini on the matter, it was highlighted that Bernama has wrongfully mentioned that the award is being conferred by UNESCO when it is in fact supposed to be presented by the Antiquities Coalition.
The Antiquities Coalition is an NGO that aims to stop cultural racketeering, which is basically the looting and illegal trade of antiquities by organized criminals and terrorist organisations.
According to Malaysiakini, the Antiquities Coalition had apparently sent out a press release to the media making clarifications about the questions surrounding the award.
"Contrary to erroneous reports, the event is not a UNESCO event, nor is UNESCO giving the award," said Andy Beck, a spokesperson for the Antiquities Coalition.says.com
- Professor Tudor Parfitt, the chair of the international academic advisory panel for the event, pinned the reason for the removal on the questions raised about PERMATA's funding sources
- Professor Tudor Vernon Parfitt
- "The committee recommended that Permata programmes receive recognition as they were seen to represent a model for potential imitation in other countries with diverse populations.
"The programme, which was founded in 2007 under the auspices of Rosmah Mansor, has already received recognition for its efforts to help deprived young people find employment and develop their potential," said Parfitt who is also a British scholar and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.says.com
- In the statement shared by Beck, Parfitt explained that due to the inaccurate leak of the committee's recommendation, people have been questioning the committee about the funding for the PERMATA organisation
- As the committee cannot possibly verify the sources of funding within such a short period of time as academics, Parfitt said that they have jointly decided to remove Permata from the list of honourees. He added that this is despite the fact that they are currently unaware of any kind of wrongdoing related to PERMATA.
"However, we do not wish this important event to be dominated by anything other than the issue of how to mobilise and unite people in the fight against violent extremism," said Parfitt.says.com
Kertas takkan boleh membungkus api..!Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!
Semakin hari semakin menyerlah siapakah sebenarnya pasangan durjana Najib/Rosmah yg bermula dgn kisah cinta terlarang-tebus talaq..
BalasPadamMaka bermulah episod....
- lupa diri
- menyumbang dgn pelbagai angkara sumbang yg menyumbangkan..
- mabuk kuasa
- tak mengenang budi
- derhaka kpd orang tua
- bertuhankan duit
- pecah amanah, menyakau
- berjoli-sakan & memperaga kemewahan dgn duit bukan hak mereka
- menonjolkan diri untuk mendapat perhatian
- menganiaya & menyiksa orang2 yg menentang mereka
Kertas boleh membungkus api kalau ia hanya SEMUT API. He he he.
BalasPadamklu dah bangang sgt tak pyhlah komen..buang masa ja bro
PadamHati2 Bang Man nanti Cai Jibo De Corrupto Penfitnah kaki maki hamun dan mencarot komen merepek meraban
BalasPadamTerima kasih... saya memang sedang menanti dia bagai pucuk dicita ulam mendatang. Sebagai mukadimah, saya dahului mesej saya khas untuk sekor beruk tunggal yg sering berak bersepah merata di sana sini.
Take my word & hear me good ...I SHALL RELENTLESSLY LAMBASTE YOU whenever you appear with your stupid & vulgar post. Keparat kamu, kenapa kamu kelmarin di blog Putra Merdeka membohong. Kamu kata nama kamu 'Kejora Bin Musytari' tapi masih pakai 'Tanpa Nama'. Besar punya penipu harami, jgnlah cuba2 nak kelirukan orang dgn macam2 samaran, faham....!!!!! Kamu akan terus ku jejakki biar dunia tahu betapa pembohong & pengecutnya kamu, tak tumpah macam idola kamu si Najib.. That's endurance on my part and you can be rest assured of that.
Nama ku Othman @ Othaman Bin Hj Ahmad Arbaie bin Hj Fadzli Bin Hj Shafiee.
Apa nama mu wahai Kejora, takkan sebagai pejuang kebenaran masih nak pakai nama samaran 'tanpa nama' lagi...atau kamu nie memang pengecut takut besok2 bakal dicari & didakwa kerana dah terlalu biadab, memaki-carut, mentohmah membabi buta tanpa bukti. So, till then, shut up or you'll get endless torment from me. Got it.....????
Ewah ada lagi komen pendatang Othaman Kadok munkar
PadamBapok dari Singapore ni mari sini mahu beraksi pendekar
Kekuatan Kerajaan dan Umno ejen Yahudi ni mahu cakar
Si munafiq kalu mampos ni tak usah tanam elok je bakar
Othaman Kadok lama juga senak perut kencing tak lawas
PadamDah banyak pusingan si biol tua kutok nii terduduk tewas
Bila tiiada hujah dia mesti larii ini Othaman berok mawas
Baru munafiq ni tahu bila dah bertemu buku dengan ruas
Kemain meriam buloh dia ini Singapura punya pendatang
PadamDiia retii ke bidalan Melayu pucuk dicita ulam mendatang
Ini pucuk pun tak sempat nak diulor dah kena terlentang
Sama taraf jer dia ngan Matdey, Zamkata label biinatang
Anak Pak Mail tidur berbantal
PadamTidur lena di atas tilam
Jika kail hanya sejengkal
Usah diduga lautan dalam
Hajat mengail ikan haruan
Dapat pula si ikan keli
Setakat ilmu merepek-raban
Cari tokguru belajar lagi
Berburu ke padang datar
dapat rusa belang kaki
Berguru kepalang ajar
bagai bunga kembang tak jadi
Kejora Beruk Tunggal belaan Najib/Rosmah, dengar sini baik2.....
PadamBeberapa jam sebelum menghadap Yang di-Pertuan Agong di Istana Anak Bukit, Kedah, beliau merasmikan mesyuarat agung Perkim di Kuala Lumpur. Pada sebelah malamnya, Dr Mahathir bertolak ke London. Oleh kerana tidak ada pesawat peribadi untuk digunakan, beliau terbang dengan pesawat perdagangan biasa. Ada yg mencadangkan beberapa syarikat penerbangan exclusive, tetapi Dr Mahathir bertegas tetap mahu terbang dengan MAS, kepunyayaan anak bangsa sendiri.
Adakah ini menunjukkan Tun Mahathir dah nyanyuk dan ganyut walau dah dimamah usia 91 tahun? Bukankah itu membuktikan beliau masih gigih, sihat, cergas, cerdas, punya harga diri, mengutamakan bangsa dengan kepunyaan (sykt penerbangan) bangsa sendiri? Najib & Rosmah sebaliknya, guna jet mewah kerajaan hanya untuk urusan peribadi (percutian shopping sakan, main golf dgn Obama, urusan pertunangan/perkahwinan & hanya semata-mata untuk Rosmah ambil segulung kertas penghargaan di Turki).
Betul-betullah kamu nie Beruk Tunggal yang tak terdidik dgn asuhan & pendidikan sempurna.
"Inside PM Najib’s wife’s wardrobe: How much some of her items would cost"...
BalasPadamTajok dalam media asing..
Itu bukti imej & maruah Najib/Rosmah bukan hanya rakyat jelata meluat tapi dipandang hina seantero dunia. Mereka takkan lagi jejak kaki ke negara maju seperti Spura, Eropah, Australia, New Zealand, Jepun, Korea Selatan....terutama Amerika Syarikat yg sebelum ini dipuja & dewakan oleh kedua pasangan terkutuk ini.
PadamKasihan jugak dengan ini admin blogger cai PuteraSetan
BalasPadamAsyik sajikan benda basii blog dia sudah tiada sambutan
Cai pun meluat bila isu tidak sensasi jadi bahan hasutan
Sampai keluar iklan sempit burit dan keras kotey jantan
I have 2 wives. Unlike Najib living under the spell & control of boRosmah.
PadamI dictate,
I delegate, and
they merely on the take.
Got it.....????
Admin PuteraBiol udah nyata ketandusan kelentong aota
BalasPadamBenda hasutan fitnah tohmah ni tak disukai rakyat jelata
Dia putar pusiing keliling darii anugerah kepada Permata
Yang masiih nak sambut posting dia Othman Kadok unta
I have 2 wives. Unlike Najib living under the spell & control of boRosmah.
PadamI dictate,
I delegate, and
they merely on the take.
Got it.....????
Kejora bila dah kering modal, saat diasak serta dibogelkan dari setiap penjuru, mulalah merapu pelbagai karektor dgn carutan jijik. Jelas dia kelihatan keseorangan tapi cuba spin seolah-olah di sini ada ramai pembangang pro-Najib. So pathetic...!!!
PadamKah kah kah boleh pecat perut dgn gelagat inii orang tua
PadamOthaman Kadok tua ganyut lembik mengaku berbini dua
Entah pendatang nenek kebayan mana diia telah bersua
Memang tak kering gusi kita dgn ini Othman dajal barua
Baru 2 dah nyibuk... aku 3 relex jerr... puiiiiii...
This is so pathetic and clearly construed what happen when one is not having proper upbringing & education.... "Fallacy Ad Honimem"
PadamMiss Veee..... can u be my 4th.... full my quota. ..muaahhhhh...
BalasPadamGila Populariti.. Akhirnya makan diri.. Malukan Malaysia.. Riuh satu Malaya.. Anugerah sana.. Anugerah sini.. Sebenarnya itu semua salah satu iklan untuk naikkan populariti & imej baik melalui medium berunsurkan berita. Tak nampak la sangat mcm iklan berbayar.
BalasPadamBermacam2 anugerah ada melibatkan org2 vvip ni. Lps forum ada lah anugerah.. Ada yg pilihan ikut panel. Ada yg pilihan ikut undi web (mcm anugerah kat Istanbul haritu) buat ja dkt sana organizer org2 kita juga..yg dpt bnyk anugerah pun org kita2 juga..
No wonder smpi guna budak2 permata tari utk buat persembahan.
Banyak kos sebenarnya untuk memperomosikan Program Permata ni.
Berbanding PERMATA & TADIKA KEMAS rasa TADIKA KEMAS lagi menyeluruh dlm pembangunan kanak2. Berapa kerat sahaja yg dapat nikmat dari PROGRAM PERMATA ni? Berapa ramai pulak anak2 yg telah dididik oleh TADIKA KEMAS ?
Ikut logik TADIKA KEMAS lebih menyeluruh & lebih berjaya & berjasa utk Anak Negara Malaysia berbanding PERMATA.
Jika benar mutu pembelajaran PERMATA lebih bagus. Kenapa tidak diterapkan terus pada TADIKA KEMAS. kenapa mesti ada 2 institusi?
Kenapa mesti diasingkan? Kenapa tidak disatukan dlm satu KEMENTERIAN? bukankah itu satu pembaziran yang boleh dielakkan.
Rasanya kos uruskan PERMATA yg beberapa org sahaja ja dpt nikmat.. Lebih tinggi dari kos urus TADIKA KEMAS satu Malaysia.
Aku yakin najib dan borosmah akan menang pru 14 nnti sbb pembangkang berpecah.....pas pulok sokong umno......