Pandi mana Pandi..? Jangan sekadar bercakap ada orang nak bunuh melayu..! buktikan..! Sama macam mana dunia membuktikan bahawa melayu yang dimaksudkan memang bangsat dan korup..!
Siasatan Switzerland saksikan 'derma' RM2.6b jadi tumpuan semula
Tindakan pihak berkuasa Switzerland memaparkan urusniaga yang dipersoalkan membabitkan Falcon Private Bank sekali lagi menjadikan "derma Arab" RM2.6 bilion kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebagai tumpuan.
Antara lain, Pihak Berkuasa Penyeliaan Pasaran Kewangan Switzerland atau Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Finma) memaparkan urus niaga dana berkaitan 1MDB berjumlah AS$681 juta dan pemulangan semula AS$620 juta.

Pada Januari tahun ini, Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali, ketika membebaskan perdana menteri daripada sebarang salah laku, mendedahkan bahawa Najib telah memulangkan sejumlah AS$620 juta kembali kepada "penderma" itu beberapa bulan kemudian.
Tidak segera balas e-mel
Sementara itu, Finma juga mendakwa Falcon melakukan "pelanggaran serius" peraturan pengubahan wang haram dalam urusannya dengan "seorang ahli perniagaan muda Malaysia yang mempunyai kaitan dengan individu tertentu kerajaan Malaysia".
Walaupun ia tidak menamakan "ahli perniagaan muda" itu, namun spekulasi bertiup kencang bahawa pihak berkuasa Switzerland menunjuk kepada Jho Low yang dikatakan rapat dengan keluarga Najib.
Low juga adalah antara mereka yang dinamakan dalam saman sivil Jabatan Keadilan (DOJ) Amerika Syarikat berhubung dakwaan penyelewengan berkaitan dengan dana 1MDB.
Menonjolkan persamaan antara urusniaga Falcon dan "derma" kepada Najib, agensi berita perniagaan Bloomberg juga cuba mendapatkan ulasan Pejabat Perdana Menteri mengenai kenyataan Finma itu.

Perdana Menteri berulang kali menafikan beliau menyalahgunakan wang rakyat untuk kepentingan peribadi, dan menyalahkan dakwaan itu didalangi individu dan kumpulan yang berkomplot untuk menjatuhkannya.
Kenyataan Finma, dan arahan pihak berkuasa Singapura supaya cawangan bank Falcon di republik itu ditutup berlaku ketika Sarawak Report dalam laporan terbarunya mendakwa bahawa RM3.5 juta dalam bentuk tunai dimasukkan ke dalam akaun bank Najib pada sekitar Februari dan Mac, 2015.
Memetik kebocoran maklumat siasatan, ia mendakwa akaun berkenaan diuruskan oleh bekas Pengarah Urusan, SRC International Sdn Bhd, Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil.
Nik Faisal adalah penandatangan untuk akaun berkenaan, dakwa Sarawak Report dalam e-mel.
DoJ memang saman sivil dulu...bila dah terbukti kesalahan berlaku maka pendakwaan jenayah akan dilakukan..! sama la macam kes falcon ni..! Di Singapura cawangan Falcon ni dah ditutup..! Agak agak lepas ni giliran siapa pulak?
Dana 1MDB: AG Swiss pertimbang prosiding jenayah ke atas Falcon
Pejabat Peguam Negara (OAG) Switzerland mungkin memulakan prosiding jenayah terhadap Falcon Private Bank yang berpangkalan di Zurich susulan sekatan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Penyeliaan Pasaran Kewangan Switzerland atau Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Finma).
"Soal memulakan prosiding jenayah terhadap Falcon Private Bank Ltd sedang dipertimbangkan, "kata OAG dalam kenyataan.
"Dalam konteks ini, OAG telah meminta Finma untuk menyediakan satu salinan keputusan untuk menguatkuasakan sekatan dan akan membuat keputusan sama ada untuk memulakan prosiding jenayah terhadap Falcon Private Bank selepas menganalisisnya.”

Ia juga berkata telah memulakan prosiding penguatkuasaan terhadap dua bekas eksekutif Falcon, tetapi tidak menyatakan nama mereka.
Sebelum ini, Pihak Berkuasa Kewangan Singapura (MAS) pula mengarahkan Falcon untuk menghentikan operasinya kerana "kurang persefahaman berterusan" berhubung kawalan pengubahan wang haram di republik itu.
MAS juga mendenda pemberi pinjaman tempatan DBS Bank dan UBS AG berhubung kesilapan dalam tindakan besar-besaran ke atas entiti yang berurusan dengan 1MDB.
Apa jua perbuatan salah lagi durjana ianya pasti mengundang derita..! derita disini derita disana..! derita jiwa dan raga..! Kuasa, harta dan segala gala yang mereka ada hanya sementara..! Percayalah..!
Kebathilan tidak akan pernah mengatasi kebenaran..! Percayalah..!
Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!
Anjing najib sekalian terutamanya mulut burit mamak tongkang,
BalasPadamFokus la
jangan lari dari tajuk, najib bayar dan upah hasil duit haram, perjelaskan, beri pencerahan kepada rakyat yg tidak faham.
Ayat "najib penyamun" itu saja kurang menyenangkan....
Hahaha, aku ingat siapa tadi yang "mulut burit mamak tongkang."
PadamRupa rupa nya Anjing Jibo. Yang CV nya dah di keluarkan di komen kpd pos yang terdahulu dari ini sahaja.
MasyaAllah, apa punya bahasa awak ni. Awak ni penyokong kebaikan atau awak pembawa kejahatan. Bencikan penyamun tetapi pembawa dosa menghina orang lain yang tiada kaitan. Kenapa busuk sangat kepada orang lain yang tidak sependapat. Rujuklah terus kepada individu yang awak rasakan bertanggungjawab tapi jangan carutkan orang lain. Tanyalah sesiapa sahaja, pasti berdosa. Niat tidak menghalalkan cara bro. Ada lebih elok hujah yang sopan. Orang akan baca dgn selesa.
Padam1.13 tu dah biasa dgn Bahasa tu, Bahasa anak tuhan harun
anak bongsu tuhan harun ni dah diberi tugas khas mencarut, sebab dia tu biol bengap dungu, berhujah secara lain dia tak reti...
PadamTersebut le kisah akan keluarga tuhan harun punya cerita
PadamMereka semuanya ni berada dalam kesesatan yang nyata
Dalam alQuran disebut orang fasiq yang membawa berita
Bukan le kelentong, tapi surah al-Hujurat Allah yang kata
Anak sulong tuhan harun dari Singapore sangat kuat aota
Kerja diia bawa copy-paste bahan, selongkar blog merata
Dengan PM & isterii, iblis inilah yang paling kuat mengata
Banyak kalii diia tertangkap kerana berbohong dan dusta
Anak sulong ini dah lama jadi Matdey punya anjing kurap
Bongkak megah angkat diri publisiti murah dia nak garap
Budaya munafiiq pluralism si Matdey dia cuba bnak serap
Tapi kerapkalinya pak kadok ni Kejora kasi tibai tertiarap
Inii pulak kiisah seorang ‘datok’, anak kedua tuhan harun
Dia inii memang lah pakar dalam jampi serapah menurun
Dah banyak diugut gempar dgn jampi nak kasi kita gerun
Nyata ‘datok’ sultan Melaka inii sesat fasiq turun temurun
Anak kedua inii paling bingai bengap bahalol tak ada otak
Tapii kalau pasal dedak Matdey, dia paling kuat melantak
Bila kalah berhujah, mau report MMC dia cuba nak gertak
Jenis muka tak malu angkat diri, entah2 hanya kuli batak
Anak ketiga tuhan harun pula banyak buat komen semak
Diia berlakon berlapiik agama menyamar ‘ostad’ pukimak
Dia mengkhusus buat tesis mau menghiina kaum mamak
Menyalahgunakan ayat alQuran pun si fasiq inii tergamak
Anak kedua tuhan harun ini pandai berlakon watak ‘ostat’
Namun dia fasiq suka buat fitnah seperti munafiq murtad
Semakin lama makin nampak dia ini rupa kaki memantat
Miinat si iblis inii intai burit perempuan pakai seluar ketat
Inii pulak cerita pasal anak biol tuhan harun yang bongsu
Kerja memaki caci carut orang bagai hindu mabok samsu
Buat citer hal mungkar-nangkiir miirip seorang nabi palsu
Kerap kali si sewel ni ditibai Kejora hingga diam membisu
Anak bongsu tuhan harun yg Kejora paling seronok layan
Sebelum ni dia jadi awak-awak kerja dengan bot nelayan
Dulu dekat dusun, kepala diia kener hempap buah durian
Sebab itu ler dia jadi sewel membebel meraban meroyan
Anak sulong tuhan harun darii S’pore biol punya pak turut
Anak kedua pulak si “datok” dukun kerja jampii mengarut
Anak ketiga ialah ‘ostad’ boDoe kaki sex pelir asyik diurut
Anak keempat anjing sewel lucah tukang maki mencarut
Suku sakat tuhan harun ni keturunan dayus tiada jati diri
Selalu saja mereka gunakan tektik bapok main pukul curi
Malam kelmarin biila Kejora mengamuk mereka habis lari
Setakat empat ekor ituu kita pukul hanya dgn tangan kiri
"Bencikan penyamun tetapi pembawa dosa menghina orang lain yang tiada kaitan. "
PadamBoleh terang kan siapa pembawa dosa menghina org lain?
Siapa kah yg kami hina?
Adakah bermaksud mereka yg membaca? golongan atas pagar?Golongan Berkecuali?
Golongan anti Najib?
Golongan pro Najib?
Sila huraikan?
Adakah Najib bersalah atau tidak?
Bagaimana dengan segala petunjuk ke arah Najib?
Adakah hanya palsu? tidak berasas?
Adakah Islam mengajar kita menegak kearah kebenaran? Berjuang membela agama nya?
Dimanakah maruah agama Dan bangsa?
Lagi sekali, sila huraikan?
Mohon pengesahan huraikan pencerahan menunjukkan Najib tidak bersalah?
Agar hati ini tidak ada niat untuk menjatuhkan najib?
Woww..Kejora, bravo!!!
PadamAnak2 tuhan harun yg tua otai semuanya udah mati kutu
PadamTak tahan dgn pukulan Kejora, habis jadi diam membatu
Tinggal le terkonteng si bongsu menjadi iblis setan hantu
Si anjng sewel ini pun kejap lagi lari le, Kejora sekeh latu
Anak tuhan harun 2.05 anjing serupa bapok sundal sialan
PadamDah senget cacat serupa betina tua tak lagii datang bulan
Bila dia dah mati kutu jadii biol, dibuatnya banyak soalan
Sebab kalau tak bergerak, tidak ada le dedak nak ditelan
Anak tuhan harun 2.05 iblis, anjing penyalak paling tegar
PadamMungkiin dah banyak dapat dedak, kelihatan masih segar
Bila kena balun sekeh, dia berlakon jadi orang atas pagar
Tapi anjing sewel ni dah banyak kali tenat Kejora langgar
Sidang pembaca blog sekelian,
PadamBukan main berlagak & cakap besar lagi si Kojolla dalam pantun sampahnya. Nah..saya kemukakan kenyataan pengecutnya yg gagal menjawab soalan pembohongan Najib berkaitan duit RM4 bilyon. Ini BUKTInya.....
Tanpa Nama 12 Oktober 2016 1:48 PTG
bloody old man othaman kadok 12.46/1.22, I won't waste my pleasure time anymore entertaining your dumb garbage stuff.
Jagoan/hero jenis apa tu....Jagoan Tengek ker...???
Poor Kejora,
PadamI thought you've been telling the whole world that you're the greatest hero of them all. Why the sudden pull out..where is your gut, hero? Nope, as I said many many times, I'll pursue & demand your explanation why Najib lied over the RM4 billion scandal.
Now let me put it in plain simple English ...
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
Answer me now without fail, will you please, hero...!!
Pandi bercakap ada orang nak bunuh melayu?
BalasPadamWaaaa, dia menghasut kalau gitu.
Tapi dia pikior dia above the law, kot.
Bagus, pihak berkuasa Switzerland pulak yang giatkan tindakan ke atas apa saja saja yg berkait dgn 1MDB.
BalasPadamAku tunggu DoJ saman jenayah anak tiri Najib dan kroni dia di mahkamah US. Dan DoJ umumkan nama penuh MO1 di masa bicara di mahkamah itu.
Lepas itu, aku harap DoJ akan ambik tindakan ke atas MO1 itu "misappropriating 1MDB funds and money laundering in US.
1:13 anak bongsu tuhan harun yg dibuang semasa darjah tiga kerana melancap dlm tandas pelajar perempuan.
PadamStop talking rubbish. Since you've been telling the whole world that you're the greatest hero of them all. Why the sudden pull out..where is your gut, hero? Nope, as I said many many times, I'll pursue & demand your explanation why Najib lied over the RM4 billion scandal.
Now let me put it in plain simple English ...
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
Answer me now without fail, will you please, hero...!!
Saudara 1.20 perjelaskan bahawasanya Najib tidak bersalah, jika golongan atas pagar perlu difahamkan, pencerahan, inikan pula golongan anti Najib.
BalasPadamSeperti yg telah di terang kan diatas anjing Najib boleh tak beri contoh Najib tak bersalah?
BalasPadamBaik lah kami tolong anjing Najib...
Mungkin Najib tak kenal jho lo perancang utama penyamunan wang rakyat?
Bagaimana nak babitkan kesalahan terhadap Najib?
2.19 anak bongsu tuhan harun dalam syair kejora 2.05 kat atas ha ha
PadamAnak bongsu tuhan harun inii datang dari bumii Sarawak
PadamBiila dia cakap jadi bahan ketawa ibarat badut pak lawak
Sebelah pagii selalu diia memburu babii dan jerat biawak
Sebab itu lah perangai binatang2 tu dia terbawak-bawak
PadamFor your own good, abstain yourself like an idiot with your ridiculous pantun. Nobody is interested.
Since you've been telling the whole world that you're the greatest hero of them all, why the sudden pull out evading to answer my question..where is your gut, hero? Nope, as I said many many times, I'll pursue & demand your explanation why Najib lied over the RM4 billion scandal.
Now let me put it in plain simple English again ...
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
Answer me now without fail, will you please, hero...!!
Kenapa Othaman jadi meroyan meraban sakan bila anjing sewel anak bongsu tuhan harun yg suka mencarut itu kita pukul sekeh?
PadamSaya rasa dia ini orang yg sama, Othaman yg mengguna 'Tanpa Nama' time dia nak maki mencarut, nak jaga reputasinya.
Othaman ini juga menyamar banyak kali dgn 'Tanpa Nama' ini memberi komen dlm Bahasa Inggeris, soalah-olah ramai penyokong di belakangnya yg "educated" atau "English Graduate".
Sekarang baru kita tahu, anjing penyokong Matdey dlm blog ini tak seramai mana. Othaman sekor shj boleh keluar menjadi lima enam ekor anjing.
Shame on you old man...
kih kih kih ...
bukan educated tapi "eduketot kemetot"
dan bukan English graduate tapi "in list grab duit"
kah kaahh kaaahhh kaaaahhhh kaaaaahhhhh.....
Othaman bapok banyak kali patah hujah, hatinya terguris
PadamKerap dia parah Kejora tikam tak guna pedang atau keris
Dibuat banyak komen ‘Tanpa Nama’ dlm bahasa Inggeris
Banyak kali Kejora tangkap & banyak jugak nyaris-nyaris
PadamAre you drained out of idea to resort to such cheap skate slur. If I'm not mistaken, that particular gentleman has revealed that he is an ex Navy personnel from East Malaysia. It is a well known fact our navy personnel are quite good in English. He also mentioned his name is Abdul Rahman too and and sometimes using pseudonym 'rahman 2'
Henceforth for your own good, abstain yourself to be looked upon like an idiot, especially with your ridiculous pantun. Nobody is interested. Why don't you just stay focus to give your explanation why Najib lied about the RM4 billion scandal. This is a very serious and important matter that deal with the nation's shameful image, economic slowdown, ringgit plunge-down, foreign investors' no confidence & profiteering of govt fund.
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
Answer me now without fail, will you please.....!!!!
BalasPadamtan seng giaw Pemimpin DAP awal lagi dah ckp najib x terlibat apa lagi yg ko nak....
DoJ...FBI... mana nihhhh... sampai la ni tak buat kitja makan gaji buta ka.... duit puluh juta dah bayar ...
2 bank spork dah tutup... harap ada 10 lagi aka ditutup kononya pasal 1mdb....
pegawai bank asing yg korup x ikut prosedur bank srndiri pas tu salah orang lain... bangang bodo punya bank... lagi banyak tutup lagi baguss...
2.31 belum masuk waktu lagi, ko blaja dengan tuhan pin ke?
diatas adalah puak yg medey kitty dan macai suman...ted..jpc...pomen bawah pokok(dah lama x muncul agak dsh kena panah petir kojol) puak BERSATU bersekongkol dengan puak pluralist murtad PKR..DAP Evanglista..syiah ....
lu fikir la sendiri.....
Tanpa Nama12 Oktober 2016 2:05 PTG
BalasPadam"Bencikan penyamun tetapi pembawa dosa menghina orang lain yang tiada kaitan. "
Boleh terang kan siapa pembawa dosa menghina org lain?
Siapa kah yg kami hina?
Mohon pengesahan huraikan pencerahan menunjukkan Najib tidak bersalah?
Agar hati ini tidak ada niat untuk menjatuhkan najib?
isunya disini blogger berusaha menyemai persepsi najib bersalah. Kami di sini bukan lah yang layak menghakimi. Kami spt blogger ... membaca dari media sosial dan sumbér2 berita. Seperti kes DSAI, Altantuya... yg terbukti bersalah hanya mahkamah yang menentukan. Masing2 berpeluang membela diri dimahkamah... bukan di blog ini.
4:83. When there comes to them some matter touching (public) safety or fear, they make it known (among the people), if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly). Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you, you would have followed Shaitan(Satan), save a few of you.
Kalau setakat di blog ini... nmpk usaha lebih kpd persepsi agar najib didapati bersalah..... menyemai persepsi seolah2 najib telah disabitkan bersalah.
Menolak persepsi jihad juga demi maruah bangsa dan negara.
Persepsi menutup kebenaran. Hati2. Sbb itu fitnah itu lebih besar dosa dari membunuh.
PadamStop bullshitting....!!
Since you've been telling the whole world that you're the greatest hero of them all, why are you shying away from me, where is your gut, hero? Nope, as I said many many times, I'll pursue & demand your explanation why Najib lied over the RM4 billion scandal.
Now let me put it in plain simple English ...
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
Answer me now without fail, will you please, hero...!!
Fitnah konon..dah terang lagi bersuluh ke ? Memang blog ini memberi persepsi buruk ke atas najib sebab blog ini memberi kebenaran dengan fakta bukan kebathilan.
Pak atroman, mahkamah mana yg menjatuhkan hukuman bersalah pd najib? Mahkamah Perancis ka? Tunggu sapina pun tak sampai2 lagi kes rasuah pembelian kapal selam scorpene. Mahkamah kerajaan langit ayah pin ka?
BalasPadamEntah ape-ape si Kojolla nie, dah kebuntuan idea ker..tiba2 terpacul kes kapal selam? Anda nie orang Islam ker orang selam?
PadamTak pasal2 kapal selam pulak timbul, ada saya sebut...??
Opo kue ngawur yo, bocah cilik.....?????
Tumpang lalu kejap. Saya copy paste je.
BalasPadamKejora jing nama yang satu
Bahasanya buruk lagaknya hantu
Dalam mulutnya masukkan sepatu
Buang tebiat tak lama dah waktu
Hari hari dia mencarut
Otak sikit letak kat lutut
Tak ada mata tak ada perut
Terlampau mencarut mulutnya herot
Kejora kata dialah satu2nya pahlawan
Pahlawan ini dedak makanan harian
Tak sedar dirinya layak ke Tg Rambutan
Bagi kejora dan rakan2 yang kurang siuman
Kejora tahukah erti bercakap sopan
Kalau mengerti mengapa lempar cacian
Hanya orang tak siuman berlaku sedemikian
Trade mark mereka penghuni Tg Rambutan
Selamat tahun baru Hijrah wahai Kejora
Makanlah dedak selagi ada
Kami sokong blog Putra Merdeka
Sampailah Najib dapat balasannya
Tik tok tik tok Kejora terdengar
Tandanya dentuman dah dekat nak tiba
Kejora masih tidur tak sedar
Najib tumbang Kejora entah ke mana.
BalasPadam"Masing2 berpeluang membela diri dimahkamah..."
Kenapa Najib asyik mengelakkan diri pergi ke mahkamah? Kenapa peguam Najib asyik cuba buang kes dengan alasan teknikal? Apa yang perlu disembunyikan? Tidak perlu takut, berani kerana benar, agama islam ajar tak?
Ini lagi menghairankan, Kenapa Tun bersedia dihadapkan ke mahkamah? Orang tua berumur 92 tahun bersedia diheret ke mahkamah...Bagaimana dengan kamu semua? tidak terfikirkah kamu semua Tun lakukan ini demi masa depan agama, bangsa, tanahair dan anak cucu kita?
Tidak Malukah kamu semua? Najib?
"Pemimpin dan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Najib adalah penyamun no 1 negara", Najib ada maruah atau tidak?
Itu juga sebahagian proses mahkamah. Mungkin tak relevan... mungkin tak itu tak ini... pikir mahkamah boleh sesuka hati? Kalau ade kes ...peguam2 pendakwa yg hebat lebih arif.
Padam3.51 memberitahu kami rakyat marhaen, najib menyamun wang rakyat "tidak relevant"?
BalasPadam"Kalau setakat di blog ini... nmpk usaha lebih kpd persepsi agar najib didapati bersalah..... menyemai persepsi seolah2 najib telah disabitkan bersalah."
Apa tindakan sepatutnya dilakukan oleh Najib?
Apabila Tun hadir ketika forum nothing2hide, Najib sendiri sepatutnya hadir untuk menjawab dan menangkis segala persoalan berbangkit.
Sebaliknya Tun pula berucap dan bercakap seorang diri sebelum pihak polis menutup majlis.
Anjing najib, Ali Tinju cuba sabotaj majlis, memang benar mereka ni dayus seperti mana mereka menendang kumpulan kuning dari belakang.
Mana jawapan rakyat tidak perlu bertanya lagi?
Sediakan segala bukti dan fakta?
Nafikan bukti seperti mana yg terdapat dalam sistem elektronik perbankan dan transaksi urusan jual beli dilakukan oleh najib dan rosmah?
Bagaimana Najib dan Rosmah boleh berbelanja di luar kemampuan mereka?
Adakah ini semua Persepsi?
Ha... mcm soalan peperiksaan. Najib bkn macam kita... duduk baca blog ni dari pagi sampai ke petang. Cubalah seminggu ikut program2 n jadual najib.
PadamNo risau2. Persepsi menghampiri fitnah ... lebih besar dosanya dari membunuh. Jihad lidah dan tulisan agar negara tak di timpa musibah.
PadamCuma yg berusaha menyemai persepsi.. jelas ade agenda.
Padamdah lupa kah kita najib ketika mesyuarat, bila dia boring dia main game kat henfon dia?
apa soklan tadi?
"Cubalah seminggu ikut program2 n jadual najib."
nak tanya? ini fitnah ke? atau persepsi menutup kebenaran?
Main game ? Saya dan rasanya ramai di luar sana sama. Haha... main game satu hal ... mencari2 kesalahan org juga satu hal. Lebih baik cari kelemahan diri.
Padam4.53 main game ketika bekerja adakah satu budaya yg baik?
PadamIslam menggalakkan kita main game ketika bekerja?
Fitnah atau Benar najib main game ketika bekerja?
BalasPadam"Menolak persepsi jihad juga demi maruah bangsa dan negara."
Jangan syok sendiri, jangan risau, tidak ada persepsi jika kamu bersih, cekap dan amanah. Pak Lah juga mempunyai persepsi buruk, letak jawatan, masih ada rakyat ingin bangkitkan nama Pak Lah? memburuk burukkan nama Pak Lah? Adakah Pak Lah terbabit dengan kegiatan jenayah kolar putih?
Pepsi cola ciptaan Raja Joget Ronggeng, si Pandir Ali lah menyelamatkan Najib ketika 3 Rangkaian Tan Sri dari SPRM, Penjabat Peguam Negara & Bank Negara menyimpulkan ada kes terhadap Najib untuk didakwa di mahkamah atas tuduhan penyelewangan duit 1MDB & salah guna kuasa.
PadamAG baru, Pandir Ali telah membakul sampahkan kertas hasil siasatan dari ketiga pejabat berkenaan dan bertindak-bertanduk di luar bidang kuasanya sebagai Peguam Negara seolah-olah dia Hakim Negara.
Mungkin aje Pak Lah redha ketentuan Allah.
PadamCuba tanya tun dan tsmy ...yg bekerjasama mahu perletakan jawatan paklah.
Najib juga pilihan Tun.
Tsmy patut ikuti jejak pak lah...redha. bila tidak redha maka mula tersingkaplah aib2 yg disembunyikan.
Pastikah pilihan Tun tepat selepas ini?
4.15 siapa pilihan Tun?
PadamHj hadi boleh memimpin, anwar ibrahim pun boleh, susah2 sangat lim kit siang INI KALI LAH....
Kenapa kemaruk sangat siapa pilhan Tun apabila yg terpenting adalah...
1 Bersih Cekap dan Amanah
2 kepentingan rakyat diutamakan, ditingkat teratas dlm otak kamu, kamu perdana menteri hanyalah orang gaji sahaja.
3.Kepentingan dan hak semua kaum mengikut perlembagaan yg sudah ditetapkan.
Ketinggalan bas ke?
BalasPadam"Persepsi menutup kebenaran. Hati2. Sbb itu fitnah itu lebih besar dosa dari membunuh."
Bagaimana persepsi menutup penipuan? menutup penyelewengan? menutup penganaiyaan terhadap rakyat? menutup kepalsuan?
Sebelum nak keluarkan artikel dan komen jenis silap mata, alih topik, alih tiang gol, sebagai contoh menyerang kredibiliti Tun, boleh atau tidak bloger2 najib bertanya pada diri masing2....ambil nafas, bersihkan diri,ambil kain pelikat, ambil wudhu, lakukan solat fardhu, lakukan solat hajat, tanya dengan hati penuh syahdu, tanya lagi sambil menangis nangis mohon petunjuk dari Allah SWT dan bertanyalah:
"betul atau tidak Najib ini seorang Penyamun?"
Bila dh terdesakk taiikk pun digapaii hehe... 🌺prOoTt
BalasPadamPerdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak melancarkan aplikasi mudah alih yang dinamakan ‘Najib Razak’ sebagai salah satu usahanya untuk lebih mendekati rakyat.
Aplikasi Najib Razak itu diwujudkan bertujuan untuk mengumpul pengumuman dan kemaskini media sosial terkini Perdana Menteri pada satu platform yang memudahkan rakyat.
Ianya dilancarkan untuk kedua-dua platform Android dan IOS dengan membawa ciri strim langsung yang membolehkan pengguna untuk menonton aktiviti dan program yang beliau sertai secara langsung.
Pendapat dan komen juga dialu-alukan kerana rakyat boleh berinteraksi dengan Perdana Menteri melalui bahagian ‘Feedback’ di dalam aplikasi itu.
“Muat turun supaya kita boleh terus berhubung!,” seru Najib telah dalam status di laman Facebooknya.
Aplikasi Najib Razak boleh dimuat turun dari Play Store Google dan Apple App Store
celahgelegar at 4:10 PM
Tu ajelah keroje ted kentot, copy paste dari blog kegemarannya celah kelangkang.
PadamSakit tak aritu sebatang balak lalu di celah kau punya kelengkang?
PadamAnwar 'glad' Dr M chose to bury hatchet
BalasPadamMalay Mail Online
And they get a new one to bury Najib together.
Untuk cai2 penakut yg takut kpd jho lo dan pempuan mat salleh SR..Nizar berteloq..
BalasPadamNizar Menang Lagi, TV3 Diarahkan Bayar RM180,000
Mahkamah tolak rayuan TV3 bayar Nizar ganti rugi fitnah RM30k
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini menolak rayuan Sistem Televisyen Malaysia Bhd (TV3) untuk membayar ganti rugi RM30,000 kepada bekas Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin.
Bagaimanapun, Hakim Datuk Yeoh Wee Siam membenarkan kuantum yang diberikan oleh timbalan pendaftar dikurangkan daripada RM200,000 kepada RM180,000.
Jumlah itu adalah sebagai ganti rugi am. Mahkamah menolak tuntutan ganti rugi teladan dan teruk.
TV3 sebelum ini diperintahkan membayar ganti rugi RM200,000 berikutan penyiaran laporan berita mengenai isu nombor pendaftaran plat WWW 1 milik Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar kira-kira empat tahun lalu.
Hakim Yeoh memutuskan bahawa adalah tidak wajar untuk mengurangkan kuantum kepada RM30,000 selepas kes TV3 menjalani perbicaraan penuh.
Mahkamah membandingkan ini dengan ganti rugi sebanyak RM50,000 yang Utusan Malaysia diarahkan membayar kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berikutan penyelesaian di luar mahkamah, dalam satu kes fitnah lain.
Dalam kes itu yang direkodkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur pada 5 Oktober lalu, Utusan Malaysia melahirkan rasa kecewanya berhubung artikelnya yang mengaitkan bekas ketua pembangkang itu dengan pencerobohan militan di Lahad Datu, Sabah.
TV3 diwakili oleh peguam Lim Qi Si manakala Nizar diwakili oleh Mohd Fitri Asmuni.
Nizar menyaman TV3 dan penerbit Buletin Utama, Rohani Ngah mendakwa stesen televisyen itu telah menyiarkan kenyataan berbaur fitnah menerusi siaran berita Buletin Utama pada 30 Mei 2012 berhubung tweetnya.
Mahkamah Tinggi pada 12 April 2013 menolak saman fitnah Nizar dan beliau kemudian membawa kes itu ke Mahkamah Rayuan yang membuat keputusan memihak kepadanya pada 25 Februari 2014 dan mengembalikan kes itu ke Mahkamah Tinggi untuk taksiran ganti rugi.
Pada 14 Julai lalu, Timbalan Pendaftar, Hanie Dzatul Akhmar Zulkefli memerintahkan TV3 menbayar ganti rugi RM200,000 kepada Mohammad Nizar
Untuk cai2 penakut yg takut kpd jho lo dan pempuan mat salleh SR..Nizar berteloq..
BalasPadamNizar Menang Lagi, TV3 Diarahkan Bayar RM180,000
Mahkamah tolak rayuan TV3 bayar Nizar ganti rugi fitnah RM30k
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini menolak rayuan Sistem Televisyen Malaysia Bhd (TV3) untuk membayar ganti rugi RM30,000 kepada bekas Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin.
Bagaimanapun, Hakim Datuk Yeoh Wee Siam membenarkan kuantum yang diberikan oleh timbalan pendaftar dikurangkan daripada RM200,000 kepada RM180,000.
Jumlah itu adalah sebagai ganti rugi am. Mahkamah menolak tuntutan ganti rugi teladan dan teruk.
TV3 sebelum ini diperintahkan membayar ganti rugi RM200,000 berikutan penyiaran laporan berita mengenai isu nombor pendaftaran plat WWW 1 milik Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar kira-kira empat tahun lalu.
Hakim Yeoh memutuskan bahawa adalah tidak wajar untuk mengurangkan kuantum kepada RM30,000 selepas kes TV3 menjalani perbicaraan penuh.
Mahkamah membandingkan ini dengan ganti rugi sebanyak RM50,000 yang Utusan Malaysia diarahkan membayar kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berikutan penyelesaian di luar mahkamah, dalam satu kes fitnah lain.
Dalam kes itu yang direkodkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur pada 5 Oktober lalu, Utusan Malaysia melahirkan rasa kecewanya berhubung artikelnya yang mengaitkan bekas ketua pembangkang itu dengan pencerobohan militan di Lahad Datu, Sabah.
TV3 diwakili oleh peguam Lim Qi Si manakala Nizar diwakili oleh Mohd Fitri Asmuni.
Nizar menyaman TV3 dan penerbit Buletin Utama, Rohani Ngah mendakwa stesen televisyen itu telah menyiarkan kenyataan berbaur fitnah menerusi siaran berita Buletin Utama pada 30 Mei 2012 berhubung tweetnya.
Mahkamah Tinggi pada 12 April 2013 menolak saman fitnah Nizar dan beliau kemudian membawa kes itu ke Mahkamah Rayuan yang membuat keputusan memihak kepadanya pada 25 Februari 2014 dan mengembalikan kes itu ke Mahkamah Tinggi untuk taksiran ganti rugi.
Pada 14 Julai lalu, Timbalan Pendaftar, Hanie Dzatul Akhmar Zulkefli memerintahkan TV3 menbayar ganti rugi RM200,000 kepada Mohammad Nizar
Tanpa Nama12 Oktober 2016 4:00 PTG
"Persepsi menutup kebenaran. Hati2. Sbb itu fitnah itu lebih besar dosa dari membunuh."
Bagaimana persepsi menutup penipuan? menutup penyelewengan? menutup penganaiyaan terhadap rakyat? menutup kepalsuan?
Sebelum nak keluarkan artikel dan komen jenis silap mata, alih topik, alih tiang gol, sebagai contoh menyerang kredibiliti Tun, boleh atau tidak bloger2 najib bertanya pada diri masing2....ambil nafas, bersihkan diri,ambil kain pelikat, ambil wudhu, lakukan solat fardhu, lakukan solat hajat, tanya dengan hati penuh syahdu, tanya lagi sambil menangis nangis mohon petunjuk dari Allah SWT dan bertanyalah:
"betul atau tidak Najib ini seorang Penyamun?"
Isunya bukan mahu menutup penipuan... tetapi dalam urusan kita menegakkan kebenaran kita berpandukan al quran. Cuba baca balik ayat2Nya.
Samada Najib penyamun atau tidak ... blog ini bukanlah sebuah mahkamah yang boleh menentukan najib benar atau salah. Beriman pada al quran.....
4:83. When there comes to them some matter touching (public) safety or fear, they make it known (among the people), if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly). Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you, you would have followed Shaitan(Satan), save a few of you.
PadamBeriman pada al quran atau Allah SWT?
Yang mana perlu di dahulukan?
Padam"if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly)"
Care to explain who is the messenger for the ignorant?
PadamTanpa Nama12 Oktober 2016 4:55 PTG
BalasPadam3.51 memberitahu kami rakyat marhaen, najib menyamun wang rakyat "tidak relevant"?
Saya juga rakyat marhaen. Perlu tegakkan kebenaran dgn ilmu...bantah juga dgn ilmu. Al quran petunjuk kita maka baca lah al quran.
Segumpal Darah (Al-`Alaq):3 - Bacalah, dan Tuhanmulah Yang Maha Pemurah,
Segumpal Darah (Al-`Alaq):4 - Yang mengajar (manusia) dengan perantaran kalam,
Segumpal Darah (Al-`Alaq):5 - Dia mengajar kepada manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya.
Rujuk 5:03.
5.23 boleh perjelaskan apa yang ingin di sampaikan?
PadamAl Alaq 3,4,5 tu berkenaan dan berkaitan dengan apa?
nak tegakkan kebenaran kenapa perlu sembunyikan?
Apabila diasak baru Najib nak mengaku. Kenapa ada lebih 50 aneka pelbagai jawapan diberikan berkenaan dengan derma ini?
Segumpal Darah (Al-`Alaq):3 - Bacalah, dan Tuhanmulah Yang Maha Pemurah,
PadamBaca quran.... Allah is talking to you.
Anything not BN-friendly is OK by us -
BalasPadamPenang Umno denies links to Penang Front Party
Malay Mail Online - 23 minutes ago
Datuk Seri Zainal Abidin Osman pointed out that Penang Front Party's plan to contest 25 state seats in the next general election was not the behaviour of a BN-friendly outfit.
Let's have more, please.
Ini Ketua Bahagian Umno Jamal Yunos celaka, mungkin pembawa malang -
BalasPadamMaria Chin lodges police report against Jamal Yunos
The Sun Daily
PETALING JAYA: Bersih 2.0 chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah lodged a police report against Sungai Besar Umno division chief Datuk Jamal Yunos over a Facebook posting that the May 13 tragedy would recur if the Bersih 5 rally takes place on Nov 19.
Dulu saya tak suka Anwar. Sekarang, apa dia kata di sekitar Rayuan review kes sodomi dia, saya sokong -
BalasPadamWan Azizah said that Anwar had said what matters most would be for the people to change the current government and oppressive system.
"It is not important whether Anwar contests in GE14 or otherwise. It is not important if Anwar becomes prime minister or otherwise.
"It is not important whether he will be getting any rewards. Anwar said, what is most important, is the state of the country (be changed)," says Wan Azizah.
"Samun Menyamun Membawa Bencana..!"
BalasPadamKalau tak mahu samun menyamun, nyahkan si Bugis Lanun.
Secepat mungkin. Selewat lewat nya di PRU14.
Bloody Othaman pretends to “talk without favour or fear”
BalasPadamBut whatever garbage he brought, we’ll laugh when hear
So many times this poor culprit end up with cry and tear
He thought he’s a tiger but actually a young mouse deer
kih kih kih...
Padamanak pelandok menyangka dirinya harimau...
ayoyo wotaman..yennadey...
Anon 5.47 PTG...memanglah Encik Othman tu orang educated...englishnya pun high class punya,awat kamu dengki ke??...penyokong2 Tun semuanya educated tak bonggot macam kamu.....mencarut macam orang gila!!...
BalasPadamSuman where do u get the rubbish news from Cayman Islands. ...WSJ...Pansma...SR.. Spork..?
BalasPadamShow it to me that money go to Ambank Account. .. where is the proof... proof it and show it now.....?
Mahu bukti?
Padam“Bodoh sangat le kamu tak tahu apa itu bukti, tak mahu google makna nya, keras kepala asyik jeritkan takda bukti apekebenda.
Ini dia makna bukti:
Kamus DBP, Bukti: keterangan yang nyata, dalil, saksi, tanda
bukti = evidence
Oxford English Dictionary, Evidence:
1. clearness, obviousness
2. indication, sign, testimony, facts making for a conclusion
3. information tending to establish fact, statements, proofs admissible as testimony in court
4. serve to indicate, attest
Dari apa yang dah keluar di berita di dalam dan di luar negara sejak meletup nya skandal Najib, dari Hansard atau rekod testimony kapada PAC di Parlimen, dan dari 136 pages of 1MDB DoJ report and lawsuits, kepala hotak kamu kempis kalau tak habis habis soalkan bukti. Bodoh, bangang, tongong, bahalul, baghal.
Aku akan keluarkan komen ini setiap kali kamu keluarkan soal bukti.”
Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.
PadamStop bullshitting....!!
Since you've been telling the whole world that you're the greatest hero of them all, why are you shying away from me buying time, where is your gut, hero? Nope, as I said many many times, I'll pursue & demand your explanation why Najib lied over the RM4 billion scandal.
Now let's get back to business..the root of our country's shame, economic downturn and the rakyat's unrest is caused by Najib's bad administration and lying.
Listen carefully...
Earlier Najib said about RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB’s investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Authority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Spore).
“The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil". Najib's admission pertaining to the avoce was aired over all the mainstream media (especially tv 1,2,3) & splashed at front page of our local newpapers during the debate in the parliament.
The question now.....
When the "cash" became "assets" and then "units";
Then the "units" became "nothing"; and suddenly...
How on earth a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands.
Why Najib is tight lipped over his lying? Where is his credibility & avcountability? Where is the US$7 billion that the PAC says is not accounted for? What kind of Finance Minister allows these things to happen?
Kejora..... Pls give your response in English in order for us to test your English, righteousness, and education level since you fond of belittling me, Pak Rahman & John Doe.
Stop wasting time making excuses and telling grandmother's tale. I trust everyone of us here are anxiously waiting to your intellectual response as 'representative' of Najib's camp.
Padam'avoce' wrongly typed. Should be 'above'.
Bloody fooliish Othaman tends to become mad and crazy
PadamHe can’t even understand the answer I gave him so easy
This moron, the more we explain the more he’ll get fuzzy
I have said earlier that thiis buffalo is stubborn and lousy
Don't bluff, you've not given me the reason why Najib lied. First he said the RM4 billion is 1MDB investment in Cayman Island. Later he changed it to donation. Why Najib lied to the nation & rakyat...why..why..why...??????
PadamYou only quoted (not reason)....
"I’ll quote it very simple, precise and concise:
It’s an accusation (not an allegation), due to falsification, slander, conspiration, exploitation, manipulation, exaggeration brought out to create quarrel, chaos and havoc to the nation by the rebel terrorist chef de mission, Matdey".
See.. where is the reason? It's merely your stupid whinning?
Now let the whole world witness how cunning & deceitful you are, unless you care to give the reason for Najib's lying.
Idiiot Othaman tends to hate our PM for no clear reason
BalasPadamHe wants to create havoc here, thiis Singaporean citizen
But, when Kejora keep on walloping he feels unpleasant
I think he will not stay long here in this blog this season
PadamStop bullshitting with your trash pantun....!!
Since you've been telling the whole world that you're the greatest hero of them all, why are you shying away from me, where is your gut, hero? Nope, as I said many many times, I'll pursue & demand your explanation why Najib lied over the RM4 billion scandal.
Now let me put it in plain simple English ...
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
Answer me now without fail, will you please....!!
Setuju bahawa DoJ memang saman sivil dulu...bila dah terbukti kesalahan berlaku maka pendakwaan jenayah akan dilakukan.
BalasPadamSaman sivil sebab nak rampas harta. Lepas itu, dakwa kes jenayah ke mahkaman le. Si anak tiri Jibo dan kroni2 nya. Lepas itu, dakwa MO1 le. Yang nama penuh nya akan keluar di masa bicara si anak tiri dan kroni kroni itu.
PadamJgn nk gebang bangang bodooo.... DoJ dan FBI saman skg.... bila lagi niii... act NOW....
SingaPORK JUBOQ BABI tu kan SEKUTU kuat si Barat/ZIONIS CILAKA - yg- nak MENAKLUK Selat Melaka kami serta Sabah/Sarawak yg. KAYA MINYAK-GAS! Dan Barat/ZIONIS dan KULI2 depa, terutamanya SingaPORK/JEPUN dah makin BANKRAP kerana BERLAMBAK hutang negara – sbb. itu asyik nak MEROMPAK/MENJAJAH Dunia Islam/Dunia Ketiga – lihat di , Singapura antara yang tinggi hutang, FADZIL ZAINOL | 04 April 2015 !
TAK pula lu TERLOLONG mcm. PUAKA kat RASUAH BERATUS BILIION utk. INDUSTRI2 SENJATA Barat/ISrael - apabila depa MENYERANG/MENJAJAH Dunia Islam dgn. amat KEJAM! Dahlah memBUNUH umat ISLAM dlm. GENOSID sesuka hati bersama IS(IS)rael termasuk MENUBUHkan IS/IS! Dasar puak TERORIS JUBOQ BABI BARAT/ZIONIS!
Dan lihat siapa si TERORIS ZIONIS Soros-PERASUAH-PENGGUBAH WANG HARAM /PENIPU/PEROMPAK -no-1 dunia ni – yg. juga Leftenan KANAN empayar ZIONIS Rothschild-si PENUBUH rejim TERORIS KANIBAL ISrael serta pertalian Soros dgn. Bank-bank Switzerland yg. juga amat pro-RASUAH & terlibat dlm SINDIKET global SENJATA/DADAH - lepas tu K’jaan Switzerland/US-Barat nak MENYIASAT 1MDB kami; dasar si PENIPU/PENYANGAK nak MAMPOS) ! Di -, GEORGE SOROS AND THE ROTHSCHILD CONNECTION:
…..Who was George Soros?
….The official story says that he was born in 1930 to Jewish parents and as a teenager had been chased from Budapest by the Nazis…..
William Engdahl knows this to say about him:
“Soros speculates on the world’s financial markets via his secret off-shore company Quantum Fund NV, a private Investment fund that handles a portfolio of four to seven billion US$ for several “clients”. The Quantum Fund is registered in the tax haven of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean. In order to evade control of his financial activities by the U.S. administration not a single U.S. citizen sits on the board of Quantum. Its directors are a curious mixture of Swiss and Italian financiers.
“Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London ‘City’, in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American Establishment would stay concealed.”
Among the members of the board of the Quantum Fund is one Richard Katz. He is at the same time head of the Rothschilds Italia S.p.A. in Milan and is also on the board of the commercial bank N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London. Another member of the board is Nils O. Taube.
He is a partner in the London investment group St. James’ Place Capital which counts Lord Rothschild among its main partners. A frequent partner of Soros in several of his speculations – especially in the driving up of the gold quotation – is Sir James Goldsmith, a relative of the Rothschild dynasty. On the board of Quantum we also find the heads of some highly “discreet” Swiss private banks (who help the syndicated of organized crime – weapons and drugs – to launder their money)…….
Awesome pantun dude.... keep on pantun in english.. that idiot suman are nothing pretending looks good but hes fail to give evidance...
BalasPadamsuman u r nothing.... awesome pantun dude.... keep on pantun ....
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
PadamAnswer me now without fail, will you please as everyone here is watching & waiting....!!
Damn stupid idiot Othaman is now shivering in real fear
BalasPadamHe’ll quickly run away whenever Kejora’s cough he hear
Quite often, we had knocked his head and pulled his ear
Seeing us writing poem in English he’ll surely disappear
Stop bullshitting with your trash pantun....!!
PadamSince you've been telling the whole world that you're the greatest hero of them all, why are you shying away from me, where is your gut, hero? Nope, as I said many many times, I'll pursue & demand your explanation why Najib lied over the RM4 billion scandal.
Now let me put it in plain simple English ...
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
Answer me now without fail, will you please....!!
PadamWednesday, 11 March 2015
Najib: RM4bil of 1MDB Cayman Islands funds parked in Singapore.
KUALA LUMPUR: About RM4bil of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)'s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB's investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Autority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Singapore)," said the Finance Minister in a written reply to a question raised by Tony Pua (PKR-Petaling Jaya Utara) in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday.
"The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil," replied Najib, who is also Prime Minister.
The above is supplementary substance to prove Najib's lying. Open your damn bloody eyes & read them thoroughly, why you damn bloody idiot.....!!
Othaman keep on struggling just only for ‘dedak’ reward
BalasPadamBut now this Madey’s lame buffalo dare not step forward
Readers can judge now he’s actually damn dumb coward
I think this lousy donkey will end up at the hospital ward
Stop bullshitting with your trash pantun....!!
PadamSince you've been telling the whole world that you're the greatest hero of them all, why are you shying away from me, where is your gut, hero? Nope, as I said many many times, I'll pursue & demand your explanation why Najib lied over the RM4 billion scandal.
Now let me put it in plain simple English ...
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
Answer me now without fail, will you please....!!
Bloody fooliish Othaman tends to become mad and crazy
PadamHe can’t even understand the answer I gave him so easy
This moron, the more we explain the more he’ll get fuzzy
I have said earlier that thiis buffalo is stubborn and lousy
PadamWednesday, 11 March 2015
Najib: RM4bil of 1MDB Cayman Islands funds parked in Singapore.
KUALA LUMPUR: About RM4bil of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)'s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB's investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Autority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Singapore)," said the Finance Minister in a written reply to a question raised by Tony Pua (PKR-Petaling Jaya Utara) in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday.
"The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil," replied Najib, who is also Prime Minister.
Open your damn bloody eyes read thoroughly.....!!
meroyan ker bang? kih kih kih...
PadamWhy did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
PadamAnswer me now without fail, will you please....!!
Where do u get this rubbish news frm Cayman island actually...from WSJ..... SR....Spork..? Tell me......
BalasPadamDo you have evidence that money goes to Ambank acc..... show it now...?
Who's are the liar?...WSJ..SR Spork ..... this bullshit always accused without proper evidence. ....
Mahu bukti?
Padam“Bodoh sangat le kamu tak tahu apa itu bukti, tak mahu google makna nya, keras kepala asyik jeritkan takda bukti apekebenda.
Ini dia makna bukti:
Kamus DBP, Bukti: keterangan yang nyata, dalil, saksi, tanda
bukti = evidence
Oxford English Dictionary, Evidence:
1. clearness, obviousness
2. indication, sign, testimony, facts making for a conclusion
3. information tending to establish fact, statements, proofs admissible as testimony in court
4. serve to indicate, attest
Dari apa yang dah keluar di berita di dalam dan di luar negara sejak meletup nya skandal Najib, dari Hansard atau rekod testimony kapada PAC di Parlimen, dan dari 136 pages of 1MDB DoJ report and lawsuits, kepala hotak kamu kempis kalau tak habis habis soalkan bukti. Bodoh, bangang, tongong, bahalul, baghal.
Aku akan keluarkan komen ini setiap kali kamu keluarkan soal bukti.”
PadamWednesday, 11 March 2015
Najib: RM4bil of 1MDB Cayman Islands funds parked in Singapore.
KUALA LUMPUR: About RM4bil of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)'s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB's investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Autority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Singapore)," said the Finance Minister in a written reply to a question raised by Tony Pua (PKR-Petaling Jaya Utara) in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday.
"The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil," replied Najib, who is also Prime Minister.
Open your damn bloody eyes & read them thoroughly, why you damn bloody idiot.....!!
meroyan ker bang? kih kih kih...
Padamyooouuuu re sayinggg....
aku akan keluarkan komen ini setiap kali kamu keluatkan soal bukti..."
It's only the Zerro IQ with stupidity level 9.999999 will tell the people without any proof or evidence
PadamWed May 20, 2015 | 8:51am EDT
Malaysian fund's $1.1 bln from Cayman Islands are 'assets in U.S dollars'- PM
May 20 - Malaysia's prime minister said on Wednesday the remaining $1.1 billion that state investor 1MdB redeemed from its offshore account in the Cayman islands into a Singaporean bank was in U.S dollar-denominated assets.
Prime Minister Najib Razak had earlier said the assets were in cash.
1MdB, or 1Malaysia Development Bhd, has been dogged by years of controversy over its management of funds and the $11.6 billion in borrowings it has amassed to finance the purchase of power assets, a burden that has also weighed on the ringgit currency and on Malaysia's sovereign credit rating.
Singapore's Business Times said last week that the $1.1 billion fund is collateral to a $975 million syndicated loan to 1MDB. The lenders, led by Deutsche Bank, were worried about the collateral and planned to ask 1MDB to pay up before the loan falls due in less than four months, the report said, citing sources.
"1MDB has explained that the balance of the investments, which have been redeemed by 1MDB, is in the form of assets in U.S. currency in a bank in Singapore with the purpose of balancing its denominated liability," Najib, who is also the Finance Minister, said in a written parliamentary reply to a question by opposition lawmaker Tony Pua.
Najib, who also chairs 1MDB's board of advisors, told Pua in a March parliamentary reply that the redeemed money was in cash form.
If the collateral is a financial instrument, its value can fluctuate to reflect market value.
1MdB is currently under investigation by the Auditor General's Department.
Kejora...the laughing is now at you.
PadamWhy did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
Answer me now without fail, will you please as everyone here is watching & waiting....!!
Othaman bahalol kinii akan semakin risau resah haru biru
BalasPadamOrang yg disangka murid nyata lebih hebat darii tok guru
Kejora berpantun dlm bahasa Inggeris mesti dia cemburu
Terloncat-loncat macam kera le tempat tak gatal dia garu
PadamWednesday, 11 March 2015
Najib: RM4bil of 1MDB Cayman Islands funds parked in Singapore.
KUALA LUMPUR: About RM4bil of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)'s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB's investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Autority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Singapore)," said the Finance Minister in a written reply to a question raised by Tony Pua (PKR-Petaling Jaya Utara) in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday.
"The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil," replied Najib, who is also Prime Minister.
Open your damn bloody eyes & read them thoroughly, why you damn bloody idiot.....!!
Wed May 20, 2015 | 8:51am EDT
PadamMalaysian fund's $1.1 bln from Cayman Islands are 'assets in U.S dollars'-PM
May 20 Malaysia's prime minister said on Wednesday the remaining $1.1 billion that state investor 1MdB redeemed from its offshore account in the Cayman islands into a Singaporean bank was in U.S dollar-denominated assets.
Prime Minister Najib Razak had earlier said the assets were in cash.
1MdB, or 1Malaysia Development Bhd, has been dogged by years of controversy over its management of funds and the $11.6 billion in borrowings it has amassed to finance the purchase of power assets, a burden that has also weighed on the ringgit currency and on Malaysia's sovereign credit rating.
Singapore's Business Times said last week that the $1.1 billion fund is collateral to a $975 million syndicated loan to 1MDB. The lenders, led by Deutsche Bank, were worried about the collateral and planned to ask 1MDB to pay up before the loan falls due in less than four months, the report said, citing sources.
"1MDB has explained that the balance of the investments, which have been redeemed by 1MDB, is in the form of assets in U.S. currency in a bank in Singapore with the purpose of balancing its denominated liability," Najib, who is also the Finance Minister, said in a written parliamentary reply to a question by opposition lawmaker Tony Pua.
Najib, who also chairs 1MDB's board of advisors, told Pua in a March parliamentary reply that the redeemed money was in cash form.
If the collateral is a financial instrument, its value can fluctuate to reflect market value.
1MdB is currently under investigation by the Auditor General's Department.
meroyan ker bang? kih kih kih...
PadamWhy did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
PadamAnswer me now without fail, will you please....!!
PadamWednesday, 11 March 2015
Najib: RM4bil of 1MDB Cayman Islands funds parked in Singapore.
KUALA LUMPUR: About RM4bil of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)'s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB's investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Autority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Singapore)," said the Finance Minister in a written reply to a question raised by Tony Pua (PKR-Petaling Jaya Utara) in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday.
"The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil," replied Najib, who is also Prime Minister.
The above is supplementary substance to prove Najib's lying. Open your damn bloody eyes & read them thoroughly, why you damn bloody idiot.....!!
Poor lousy Othaman wants to promote himself as a hero
BalasPadamBut he never realize that he is nothing, null with IQ zero
He expected to get some prestige,but agony and sorrow
I think we won’t be able to see him tonight or tomorrow
PadamWednesday, 11 March 2015
Najib: RM4bil of 1MDB Cayman Islands funds parked in Singapore.
KUALA LUMPUR: About RM4bil of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)'s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB's investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Autority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Singapore)," said the Finance Minister in a written reply to a question raised by Tony Pua (PKR-Petaling Jaya Utara) in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday.
"The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil," replied Najib, who is also Prime Minister.
Open your damn bloody eyes & read them thoroughly, why you damn bloody idiot.....!!
meroyan ker bang? kih kih kih...
PadamWhy did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
PadamAnswer me now without fail, will you please as everyone here is watching & waiting....!!
PadamWednesday, 11 March 2015
Najib: RM4bil of 1MDB Cayman Islands funds parked in Singapore.
KUALA LUMPUR: About RM4bil of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)'s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB's investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Autority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Singapore)," said the Finance Minister in a written reply to a question raised by Tony Pua (PKR-Petaling Jaya Utara) in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday.
"The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil," replied Najib, who is also Prime Minister.
The above is supplementary substance to prove Najib's lying. Open your damn bloody eyes & read them thoroughly, why you damn bloody idiot.....!!
Othaman tumbang terlentang hanya dgn pantun Inggeris
BalasPadamKejora guna madah seloka je tak pakai parang atau keris
Pasti si tua bapok ini sedang termenung hati bagai dihiris
Ini le satu pengajaran bila nak lagak pandai terlajak laris
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
PadamAnswer me now without fail, will you please....!!
PadamWednesday, 11 March 2015
Najib: RM4bil of 1MDB Cayman Islands funds parked in Singapore.
KUALA LUMPUR: About RM4bil of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)'s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB's investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Autority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Singapore)," said the Finance Minister in a written reply to a question raised by Tony Pua (PKR-Petaling Jaya Utara) in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday.
"The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil," replied Najib, who is also Prime Minister.
The above is supplementary substance to prove Najib's lying. Open your damn bloody eyes & read them thoroughly, why you damn bloody idiot.....!!
Othaman, what had actually happened to your brain sir
PadamIs your dull brain is being attacked by any viirus cancer
Or in your head, you’re haviing a tumor growth or ulcer
Isn't that the other day I already given you the answer
Where's is the Ambank account .....?
PadamIdiot, why do you change subject? You've not given me the reason why Najib lied. First he said the RM4 billion is 1MDB investment in Cayman Island. Later he changed it to donation. Why Najib lied to the nation & rakyat...why..why..why...??????
PadamYou only quoted (not reason)....
"I’ll quote it very simple, precise and concise:
It’s an accusation (not an allegation), due to falsification, slander, conspiration, exploitation, manipulation, exaggeration brought out to create quarrel, chaos and havoc to the nation by the rebel terrorist chef de mission, Matdey".
See.. where is the reason? It's merely your stupid whinning?
Now let the whole world witness how cunning & deceitful you are, unless you care to give the reason for Najib's lying.
Having donkey like Othaman Bersatu will have no future
BalasPadamThis dull lousy dumb idiot is very childish and immature
He’ll get easiily curl up and turn bawdy when we torture
One day when he repented, I’ll give hiim a pithy lecture
Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
PadamAnswer me now without fail, will you please....!!
PadamWednesday, 11 March 2015
Najib: RM4bil of 1MDB Cayman Islands funds parked in Singapore.
KUALA LUMPUR: About RM4bil of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)'s investment funds in the Cayman Islands was transferred to a Singaporean Bank to ease the facilitation of transactions, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"The remaining US$1.103bil (RM4.08bil) of 1MDB's investment funds managed by the Cayman Monetory Autority has been redeemed in cash and is kept in US currency by the BSI Bank Limited Singapore (BSI Singapore)," said the Finance Minister in a written reply to a question raised by Tony Pua (PKR-Petaling Jaya Utara) in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday.
"The decision to use a bank in Singapore is to ease the facilitation of fund withdrawals as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) regulations state its approval is needed for every transaction exceeding RM50mil," replied Najib, who is also Prime Minister.
The above is supplementary substance to prove Najib's lying. Open your damn bloody eyes & read them thoroughly, why you damn bloody idiot.....!!
Othaman, what had actually happened to your brain sir
PadamIs your dull brain is being attacked by any viirus cancer
Or in your head, you’re haviing a tumor growth or ulcer
Isn't that the other day I already given you the answer
You've not given me the reason why Najib lied. First he said the RM4 billion is 1MDB investment in Cayman Island. Later he changed it to donation. Why Najib lied to the nation & rakyat...why..why..why...??????
PadamWhere is the bloody Ambank account ...?
PadamGoodness...why deviating the subject? Why did Najib lied about the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Island. How come out of sudden a 'mysterious monumental donation' dropped from the sky, got its way into Najib's personal Ambank account which he initially denied but later admitted. The most astonishing fact is that the amount is exactly similar to the RM4bil of 1MDB’s investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Which one is the truth....RM4 billion from 1MDB or RM4 billion from donation?
PadamAnswer me now without fail, will you please....!!
4:83. When there comes to them some matter touching (public) safety or fear, they make it known (among the people), if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly). Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you, you would have followed Shaitan(Satan), save a few of you.
BalasPadam6:125 So whoever Allah wants to guide - He expands his breast to [contain] Islam; and whoever He wants to misguide - He makes his breast tight and constricted as though he were climbing into the sky. Thus does Allah place defilement upon those who do not believe.
6:126 And this is the path of your Lord, [leading] straight. We have detailed the verses for a people who remember.
“Rather than itching to expose the private sins and weaknesses of others, a true believer helps them through prayer and guidance.
Mufti Ismail Menk
The Almighty's Decree is far beyond what we can see & understand. Things may not be as they seem. So don't overanalyze. Leave it to Him. - Mufti Ismail Menk
74:11 Leave Me with the one I created alone
A lie is a statement that the stating party believes to be false and that is made with the intention to deceive. The practice of communicating lies is called lying, and a person who communicates a lie may be termed a liar. Lies may be employed to serve a variety of instrumental, interpersonal, or psychological functions for the individuals who use them. Believing and acting on false information can have serious consequences.
PadamA person who lies is untrust-worthy and unfit to lead the nation, what more the ummah.
Bloody Othaman pretends to “talk without favour or fear”
BalasPadamBut whatever garbage he brought, we’ll laugh when hear
So many times this poor culprit end up with cry and tear
He thought he’s a tiger but actually a young mouse deer
You've not given me the reason why Najib lied. First he said the RM4 billion is 1MDB investment in Cayman Island. Later he changed it to donation. Why Najib lied to the nation & rakyat...why..why..why...??????
PadamA lie is a statement that the stating party believes to be false and that is made with the intention to deceive. The practice of communicating lies is called lying, and a person who communicates a lie may be termed a liar. Lies may be employed to serve a variety of instrumental, interpersonal, or psychological functions for the individuals who use them. Believing and acting on false information can have serious consequences.
PadamA person who lies is untrust-worthy and unfit to lead the nation, what more the ummah.
The answers I have given you is very precise and concise
PadamI don’t want to waste time repeating it or making it twice
Whatever answer serve no purpose since you are unwise
Go to hell with you pumpkin luncai that's my final advice
You only quoted (it's not reason)....
Padam"I’ll quote it very simple, precise and concise:
It’s an accusation (not an allegation), due to falsification, slander, conspiration, exploitation, manipulation, exaggeration brought out to create quarrel, chaos and havoc to the nation by the rebel terrorist chef de mission, Matdey".
See.. where is the reason? It's merely your stupid concoction? Now, let the whole world witness how cunning & deceitful you are, unless you care to give the reason for Najib's lying.
You only quoted (it's not reason)....
Padam"I’ll quote it very simple, precise and concise:
It’s an accusation (not an allegation), due to falsification, slander, conspiration, exploitation, manipulation, exaggeration brought out to create quarrel, chaos and havoc to the nation by the rebel terrorist chef de mission, Matdey".
See.. where is the reason? It's merely your stupid concoction? ,Now let the whole world witness how cunning & deceitful you are, unless you care to give the reason for Najib's lying.
BalasPadam74:11 Leave Me with the one I created alone
9:105 And say, "Do [as you will], for Allah will see your deeds, and [so, will] His Messenger and the believers. And you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you of what you used to do."
9:104 Do they not know that it is Allah who accepts repentance from His servants and receives charities and that it is Allah who is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful?
9:102 And [there are] others who have acknowledged their sins. They had mixed a righteous deed with another that was bad. Perhaps Allah will turn to them in forgiveness. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
9:106 And [there are] others deferred until the command of Allah - whether He will punish them or whether He will forgive them. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.
9:107 And [there are] those [hypocrites] who took for themselves a mosque for causing harm and disbelief and division among the believers and as a station for whoever had warred against Allah and His Messenger before. And they will surely swear, "We intended only the best." And Allah testifies that indeed they are liars.
4:83. When there comes to them some matter touching (public) safety or fear, they make it known (among the people), if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly). Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you, you would have followed Shaitan(Satan), save a few of you.
Don't bluff & bullshit here....
PadamA person who lies is untrust-worthy and unfit to lead the nation, what more the ummah. That includes Najib & you.
The answers I have given you is very precise and concise
PadamI don’t want to waste time repeating it or making it twice
Whatever answer serve no purpose since you are unwise
Go to hell with you pumpkin luncai that's my final advice
Othaman biol munafiq ni ingat dia akan selamanya gagah
PadamDia ni jenis suka menunjuk bongkak sombong diri megah
Sifat dia sebijik Matdey bangsat yg asyik suka bertelagah
Orang bila dah murtad ayat Quran senang je dia sanggah
45:6 These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement after Allah and His verses will they believe?
Padam45:7 Woe to every sinful liar
45:8 Who hears the verses of Allah recited to him, then persists arrogantly as if he had not heard them. So give him tidings of a painful punishment.
45:9 And when he knows anything of Our verses, he takes them in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment.
45:10 Before them is Hell, and what they had earned will not avail them at all nor what they had taken besides Allah as allies. And they will have a great punishment.
45:11 This [Qur'an] is guidance. And those who have disbelieved in the verses of their Lord will have a painful punishment of foul nature.
What you gave was merely your concoction (it's not reason). You only made a general statement....
Padam"I’ll quote it very simple, precise and concise:
It’s an accusation (not an allegation), due to falsification, slander, conspiration, exploitation, manipulation, exaggeration brought out to create quarrel, chaos and havoc to the nation by the rebel terrorist chef de mission, Matdey".
See.. where is the reason? It's merely your stupid whinning?
Now let the whole world witness how cunning & deceitful you are, unless you care to give the reason for Najib's lying.
Wah aku bangga sangat2,apa taknya, bila saja aku kata Encik Othman educated dan Bahasa Inggerisnya high class mulalah stat puak2 benggong tu menunjukkan kepandaian mereka berbahasa Inggeris....syabas Encik Othman andalah sebenar2nya Cik Gu Bahasa Inggeris yang tulin!!....
BalasPadam"Verily, Allah loves those who repent and those who purify themselves." [Al-Qur'an 2:222]
BalasPadamThis psycho escaped only last night,
BalasPadamHe is on the prowl so let us be smart,
When he appears he boasts of his 'might',
He is a coolie of jibbo the term is right...
Always cursing and smearing that's what he's good at,
A real unsound fellow uneducated you may add,
Spent years in Tanjung Rambutan straight jacket he was wrapped,
Relying on medicines otherwise facing mental collapse..
This cracking spoilt fellow has no integrity,
Using verses of Al Quran while cursing so easily,
We trust and strongly believe this thrash is unworthy,
One of these days we would know his identity..
Dear Datuk Rahman, Othman and john Doe,
You sleep well in your rooms but this lunatic sleeps in street corridor,
No amount of perfumes could hide his odour,
A non believer of truth a wrongdoer he adores..
kih kih kih pak man 12.14 oi...
Padamnak belajar pantun juga dia, tapi melantun-lantun...
Kih..kih..jing jibbo dah terkono, Gigi berterabo, lutut kondor, mintak bini takdo, bini kato tak dapek do, patutlaa gilo..!!