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'Dana SRC biayai hormon anti penuaan, ubahsuai rumah B1'
Laman web pendedah maklumat Sarawak Report mendakwa dana yang dipesongkan daripada bekas anak syarikat 1MDB, SRC International digunakan untuk membayar produk kecantikan dan pengubahsuaian rumah.
Dalam satu kenyataan, Sarawak Report berkata pihaknya memiliki dokumen bocor berhubung siasatan pihak berkuasa negara ini ke atas 1MDB yang membuktikan dakwaan itu.
Ia mendakwa bahawa perbelanjaan yang berlaku pada bulan Februari 2015 itu, termasuk bayaran RM1.15 juta untuk apa yang dipercayai sebagai hormon anti-penuaan oleh individu berpangkat tinggi yang dikenal pasti dalam dokumen berkenaan sebagai "B1" dan isterinya.
Produk anti-penuaan itu didakwa dibeli pada harga AS$159,000 setiap satu.
"Sarawak Report tidak berjaya mengesan di pasaran terbuka mana-mana produk seumpama itu yang bernilai AS$159,000 setiap - namun pada kadar pertukaran kontemporari tanda harga yang dihuraikan itu nampaknya sepadan dengan angka RM1,154,000 dalam cek," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
Selain itu, Sarawak Report juga mendakwa bahawa dana SRC turut digunakan untuk kerja-kerja permbinaan, termasuk RM100,000 yang digunakan untuk membina pondok pengawal dan kemudahan lain di kediaman B1 di Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysiakini tidak boleh secara bebas mengesahkan dakwaan yang dibuat oleh Sarawak Report, dan sedang cuba mendapatkan maklum balas daripada SPRM.

Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali bagaimanapun membersihkan perdana menteri daripada sebarang salah laku dengan berkata Najib tidak mempunyai sebarang pengetahuan dan tidak pula dimaklumkan, bahawa dana SRC dipindahkan kepadanya.
Menurut pendedahan, sebelumnya oleh akhbar The Wall Street Journal dan Sarawak Report, RM50 juta juga dipindahkan dari SRC kepada anak syarikatnya, Gandingan Mentari, yang seterusnya menyalur jumlah berkenaan ke sebuah lagi anak syarikat lain, Ihsan Perdana.
Daripada jumlah itu, RM42 juta dimasukan ke dalam akaun Najib.
Najib berulang kali menafikan menyalahgunakan wang rakyat untuk kepentingan peribadi, dan menuduh seterunya cuba berkonspirasi untuk menjatuhkannya.
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takkan tiga ekor ni yang beli ubat? |
Baca dan fahamkan apa yang dihuraikan oleh Sarawak Report panjang lebar dibawah ni..!
RM1.154 Million From 1MDB Was Spent On 'Anti-Ageing' Products for "B1 and Wife"! EXCLUSIVE
Further leaked documents from the Malaysian enquiries into 1MDB have been made available to Sarawak Report, which indicate that the Prime Minister and his wife utilised over RM1.15 million of the fund’s stolen cash on purchasing hormone-based, anti-ageing products via a clinic in KL!
They make clear that whilst the PM is referred to by the Department of Justice investigators at “Malaysian Official 1″, he was dubbed “B1″ by domestic MACC investigators.
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) enquiry into 1MDB focussed on the local diversions of SRC cash, which had been originally raised from a RM4 billion from the public pension fund KWAP

AG Apandi Ali “cleared” Najib, but could not deny that the money went from SRC into the PM’s account…
It has been established that altogether some RM70 million was channelled into a series of AmBank accounts belonging to Najib between summer 2014 and early 2015.
However, after sacking the former Attorney General, who was on the point of bringing charges last July, Najib installed his ally, Apandi Ali, who dismissed the charges and ruled the case was closed.
Najib has admitted he did receive the money, but Apandi accepted his excuse that he had not realised that the millions of dollars had come from 1MDB/SRC rather than his “Saudi donor” (money he originally claimed he’d never put to personal use).
The Prime Minister has not been required to pay the money back.

The key accounts detailed in Apandi’s flow charts….
Such looting from SRC may seem small beer compared to the billion dollars that arrived in Najib’s bank accounts from abroad – money now also confirmed by the DOJ as having originated from thefts from 1MDB.
However, SRC was a home-based investigation and it is significant that Najib has just completed his moves to protect himself by dismissing all top three officers from their posts at the MACC after the organisation challenged Apandi’s ruling that there was nothing illegal.
The world’s most expensive beauty product?
Meanwhile, documents obtained from that MACC investigation show the outcome of enquiries by officials into some of the expenditures made from these accounts.
These include a cheque for RM1,154,000 that was made out from account number 2112022011906 to a certain Datuk Sadiq bin Mohammed on February 4th 2015:

RM1,154,000 – for what purpose?
Notes attached to the photocopied cheques suggest that investigators asked Datuk Sidiq the purpose of the payment:
“Pembelian 2 set ubat jenis Plantserum External Apllication Food based GH-9 Honey Softgel dan Food GH-9 Honey Soft Gel pada harga USD159,000 setiap satu set utk kegunaan B1 dan isteri”
This translates:
“The purchase of 2 sets of medication type External Plant Serum Food Application based softgel GH-9 Honey and Honey Food GH-9 Soft Gel at USD159,000 each set for the use of B1 and wife”
Who are B1 and Wife?
As with the DOJ indictment the rest of the document leaves little doubt as to whom the investigators meant by “B1 and Wife”.
Because, the next items of expenditure examined from these accounts include several building works and alterations at addresses which are known to belong to Najib Razak and his wife. These include, for example, RM100,000 for construction work on a police guard room and amenities at their KL residence made payable to an outfit called ABS Trend Master Sdn Bhd on 16th February 2015:

RM100,000 for construction at “B1’s” address
This payment also has a note attached:
“Kerja-kerja pembinaan satu unit pondok polis (dengan bilik mandi dan cabinet), satu tempat pembuangan sampah konkirt dan satu bilik sebaguna (dengan bilik mandi dan cabinet) di rumah B1 No 11 Jalan Langgak Duta Taman Duta KL”
Which translates:
“Construction work of the police post unit (with bathroom and cabinet), concrete landfills and a multi-purpose room (with bathroom and cabinet) in B1 house No 11 Jalan Taman Duta Duta Langgak KL”
It is of little surprise that the expenditures from these accounts, were for the benefit of the “first couple”, given that Najib has admitted that this and the other accounts were in his name.
His excuse is merely that he did not know where the money had come from.
However, what will leave Malaysians gasping is how two doses of serum and an oral product could possibly cost such a huge amount of money? What possible treatment could this involve?
After some initial bafflement, Sarawak Report believes it has sleuthed the answer to this USD159,000 question.
The most likely explanation is that the ‘GH-9′ description refers to the ‘Growth Factor 9′ hormone, which is being currently touted as all the rage as an anti-ageing product for the ‘super-rich’.
The highly controversial drug is banned for athletes and illegal to prescribe in the United States, except for growth-related conditions.

One typical advertisement for GF-9 – is this the product the Datuk shelled out for?
A series of online advertisements describe the product as being the favourite anti-ageing secret of the rich and famous…. a

For the rich and famous….
And we now believe we have tracked down Datuk Sidiq bin Mohammed as none other than the head doctor at an outfit that describes itself as a “Society for the Advancement of hormones and Healthy Ageing Medicine”, based in KL!

Hormone based anti-ageing clinic whose doctor is none other than a Datuk Sidiq bin Mohammed
Sahamm touts itself as an ‘alternative medicine’ centre, although of course hormone treatment involves the use of powerful conventional drugs.
It is however highly unconventional to use human growth hormone to promote anti-ageing and physical strengthening.
Doctors would certainly not prescribe such medicaments in conventional medicine. For athletes it is illegal and for anti-ageing it is not an approved use of the drug by the FDA – which is to say that it is illegal to prescribe for anti-ageing in the United States.

‘Alternative medicine’ guru, who says hormone treatment can halt ageing
Nevertheless, Sahamm boasts within its copious promotional online literature that it has the secret to bring “life to years and years to life”.
Heading the clinic in KL is another Datuk Doctor, Dr Selvam Rengasamy, who appears more like a rockstar than a doctor in his online promo.
He sums up his enticing approach to treatment and his secret to holding back the years as apparently using conventional medicine in unconventional ways (which are plainly very expensive):
Disease is but a signal from a body that has lost it’s harmony. Conventional medicine treats diseases with patented medicines which is actually a downstream medicine. Healthy Aging Medicine is an upstream medicine where the focus is on prevention, early detection and treatment of age related dysfunction which adds“LIFE TO YEARS AND YEARS TO LIFE”Healthy Aging Medicine is evidence based medical care substantiated by medical research and using cutting edge technologies such as Stem Cell Therapeutics, Genetic Engineering and Genomics, Nanotechnology for treatment at the most Cellular Level.
Perhaps Datuk B1 and his wife understand the difference in meaning between “upstream medicine” and “downstream medicine”, which might to others appear to represent the abusive misuse of powerful drugs?
Cautions abound to warn against the misuse of hormones to tackle age:
“Some people turn to a substance called human growth hormone(HGH) in hopes that it will keep them feeling and looking youthful. But experts say that hope is unfounded. And worse, these products can be harmful.
Warns WebMD:
“Because the body’s HGH levels naturally decrease with age, some so-called anti-aging experts have speculated and claimed that HGH products could reverse age-related bodily deterioration. But these claims, too, are unproven. The use of HGH for anti-aging is not FDA-approved.
So, given this was public money (and a very great deal of it), perhaps the first couple can enlighten Malaysians what exactly it was spent on by Dr Sidiq bin Mohammed in his unconventional treatment plan and what effects were expected and achieved for the benefit of the nation?
SRC money, as the MACC investigators point out in their report, was supposed to be placed into money making ventures.
Have the public gained from this million ringgit investment in pumping up the first couple with unconventional hormones or can the public conclude that this has been a mammoth waste of money, or worse impacted negatively on the appearance and mental state of Malaysia’s first couple?
If so, is there not a case to answer at the Sahamm Clinic on trade description grounds and for demanding all that money back?
Dahsyat...rakyat Malaysia..! sayang pemimpin melebihi pemimpin sayang rakyat..!
Bodoh ke bangang namanya tu???
Kertas takkan mampu membungkus api..!
Lu Fikir La Sendiri!!!
Padanla satu dunia benci naj iblis.
BalasPadamRupenye sebab awet muda beliau.
Awet muda je sejuta lbh, bangla dgn go fly kite dpt brapa ye?
He.he.he harga ubat RM 327.89sen jika tukar Wang birtish pounds baru 60.79pound he.he.he
PadamOrang kampung pun mampu beli ubat ITU he.he.he
Apapun yang dijual oleh peniaga asalkan ianya bukan barangan terlarang bukanlah urusan SR. Kalau Dr berkenaan adalah rakyat GB tentunya dia akan saman Few Catle Crown sampai tidak ada lagi yang tinggal waima seluar dalam, kik kik kik
PadamMentaliti penjajah yang masih beranggapan mereka adalah Tuan.
PadamMereka akan berasakan diri mereka sentiasa betul yakni lebih betul dari KKM
Kritikan SR dalam isu kesihatan tidak menghasilkan nilai tambah apatah lagi ianya hanya untuk 'pukul anak sindir menantu'.
Kritikan xde nilai tambah tp cai panas punkoq.he.he.he
PadamBila Sarawak Report kehabisan isu, baju seorang doktor bertauliah jadi isu internasional, kah kah kah
PadamKehabisan isu tp saman xkunjung tiba. Kah kah kah
PadamKebocoran laporan audit mcm mn. Kah kah kah.
Style najis diam membisu. Kah kah kah
Style cai alih tiang gol. Kah kah kah
Taktahulah kalau SR berhalusinasi tapi yang nyata tiada perkataan SRC tertera pada cek, ini bermakna cek berkenaan tiada kaitan dengan SRC. Noktah.
PadamTiada noktah selagi 42 juta xdipulangkan.
PadamUtk makluman cai, peguam najis sudah mngakui mmg 42juta masuk akaun najis.
Cuma najis kata xtau sapa masukkan.
Walaupun xtau sapa masukkn, najis telah belanja wang itu.
Ish ish kalau ada bahagian dan hak aku sebagai rakyat dalam duit 1mdb....aku tak halalkan. Aku tak layak brim atau rumah mampu milik. Aku kerja keras untuk tanggung keluarga.
BalasPadamPempimpin atas yg senang2 kaut duit macam duit makbapak dia takkan terlepas. Kalau tak dibayar didunia, dalam kubur menanti.
BalasPadamCAI mohd azren sila jawab
PadamUbah ITU di england baru 60.79pound kalau tukar ke tukarang RM 327.89 dah CAI jangan bodohkan kita orang ini
Mohd azreen seorang macai meramkap belaci tidak akan menerima apa jua berita selain dari tv3suku n utusan Yg sedang nazak.
Padam...buatkata kj...taat pd ketua walaupun macam bodoh....
betul ke harga ubat sebegitu mahal? Ke salah satu cara siphon duit keluar??
BalasPadamUbat ITU harga nya RM 327.89sen je kalau ikut pound 60.79
PadamNampak sangat media sr cuba menipu
Apa macai ini biar rosmah nak cantik duit dia bukan nya duit Rakyat pun keluarga najib2 kaya raya.
BalasPadamSehingga sekarang tak .ADA Rakyat malaysia tak pakai seliper Dan tak makan seperti prisiden markos tak mampu bagi Rakyat nya pakai seliper he.he.he Rakyat kita gemuk2 semua buang makanan
Yg Anak tun m Dan kroni dia rasuah kuasai 90% saham kencana sapura ITU macai tak bising ia
Beberapa kroni tun m telah tangkap di sapura kencana, telah bicarakan di mahkamah he.he.he
Mana rosmah dpt duit.He.he.he.
PadamDuit src 42 juta bila nk pulang. He.he.he
Kroni tun m kena tangkap pun lantak dia la.he.he.he.
Najis dan rosak bila lg.he.he.he.
Sokong najis dpt brapa?he.he.he.
Kalau sejuta setaon nk jgk sokong.he.he.he.
CAI protun jawab harga ubat baru RM 327.89.
PadamBoleh pulak cakap super kaya he.he.he
Apa bodoh macai protun ini
Orang kampung mampu beli ubat Jenis ITU he.he.he
Rupanya 131 takfaham makna sindiran
Padam...sian...hanya mendengar kat kedai kopi je
Harga ubat rm327.89 he.he.he.
PadamTp bill sejuta lebih.he.he.he.
Naj iblis mmg selalu kena tipu.he.he.he.
Bli ipp mhl,jual murah.he.he.he.
Cai naj iblis lg mudah kena tipu.he.he.he. jawab CAI harga ubat ITU baru RM 327.89 cakap siapa yg kena tipu he.he.he .
PadamKami tak kena tipu oleh macai protun Dan SR media ia
Cai naj iblis tgk harga kt internet.he.he.he.
PadamTp xnk tgk bill.he.he.he.
Cuba tnya iblis awat bli ipp mhl jual murah.he.he.he.
Cai, komen sokong iblis dpt bape sbulan?
Mana nak mujarab nye, Bang? Banyak sangat kena pisau doktor plastic surgery.
BalasPadamMak badak rupa witch kerekot, dagu suntik, batang hidung pun suntik nmpak tinggi.
BalasPadamJibo nampak tua macam unur 90 tahun.
Uncle kentucky lg hensem.
Mak badak jibo kena tipu dengan doktor. Padan muka. Penipu kena kena tipu.
Setiap penyakit ada penawar. Melainkan sakit tua. Ingat tu. Terima hakikat.
"SRC International digunakan untuk membayar produk kecantikan dan pengubahsuaian rumah."
BalasPadamGamak nya scenario nya begini -
Masa bercumbu cumbu, Mak Badak kata, "Bang, bikin lah satu anak syarikat 1MDB untuk I nak gunakan bikin plastic surgery, ubah suai rumah kita, mcm mcm lagi."
Si Abang pun senyum, menenung muka si Mak Badak, terbayang dia muka Paris Hilton, maka dia pun kata, "Ok lah, darling, esok Abang buat, lusa sayang boleh belanja....." dan terus padam lampu.
Tak lama lagi si anak tiri pun buat filem.... The Wolf of Mak Badak.
Amacam, drama tak tu?
PadamMak badak tak mananya tanya lembut camtu. Dia arah je bang jibo.
Ini perbualan sebelum timbul isu 1mdb...
Tun : Jibo tolong check sikit bini hang. Awat menyerlah semacam.
Jibo : Tun boleh ckp sendiri tak dengan dia.
Hahaha hohoho hihihi
PadamPening kepala le Pengarah filem camtu.
Hara kiri le dia.
Mana ADA murah ubahsuai rumah, 100ribu kira murah je
PadamGaji tukang simen dah 70rm ke 100rm, satu hari nanti Bila macai pakatan haramjadan dan protun berkuasa nanti suruh je tak payah ADA pondok polis tak payah ADA cctv di rumah, suruh je Nepal jaga rumah PM, he.he.he
Saya bagi 3 bintang je. Walaupun diselitkan dengan adegan lucah, tapi penampilan pelakon² veteran walaupun dimake up macam muda tetap gagal menaikkan mod ghairah tu. . Minta direktor pilih pelakon lelaki yg lebih macho, sebab bila adegan dlm gelap masih nampak kepala berkilat botak.
BalasPadamReal Madrid kat baju pemain ada herbalife... 1 set 1 bulan 1 ribu maaa... okey jer ramai org mesia mampu beli...
Sampai ke tahap ini ya kutukan dan makian.Hebat sungguh tak pernah terjangka sampai ke tahap ini jiwa dan raga orang kita.
BalasPadamTak pernah terjangka sampai ketahap ini penipuan jibo. Hutang 1mdb rm53 billion. Harta beli guna duit 1mdb bersepah diluar negara.
PadamSiapa jangka anak bekas pm jadi pencuri terbesar didunia.
Dah CAI protun harga ubat RM 327.89sen dikatakan super kaya,
BalasPadamAPA bodohnya macai protun ini he.he.he
Orang kampung pun mampu makan ubat ITU jika mereka nak beli he.he.he
Jing Jibo,
PadamAda orang nak panjangkan, mancungkan batang hidung.
Ko nak panjangkan apa?
Jing Barua Madey.. takkan semua benda nk jadi modal tuduh Najib curi wang.
Padamesok lusa ko cerita berapa kampit beras pulak Najib curi duit 1mdb.. lepas tu beli seluar dalam pun duit imdb..
Seluar dalam, tak. Tissue, ye.
Padambeli tisu berapa gudang yg ko nk tuduh tu?
PadamPremier sediakn gudang tisu kt mana?
makin bongok le chai tontahik
Bangan chai tountahik ni
BalasPadammcm nk runtuh negara tuduh Najib Rosmah
alih2 carta alir bongok tu dgn 'bahan bukti' atas nama org lain.. Sadiq pulak..
lagi merepek dongeng chai tontahik ..kah..kah..kah
Pakai je bedak sejuk.
BalasPadamLosyen harga berjuta lom tentu cantik.
ye la kan wig rambut palsu pakai berpuluh tahun.. makin hodoh ade la..
Padamitu duit ananda ke duit vincent tan kasi??
Kalau suntek hormon ANTI-PENUAAN ni, boleh ke halang
BalasPadamIzrail datang memanggil.........?????
Tak boleh. Ha nya boleh memanggil lebah tualang. Sebab fesyen rambut nya macam sarang lebah tualang.
PadamIni STOP PRESS juga -
BalasPadamThe proposed new party will cater only to the Bumiputeras. Former Langkawi Umno member Anina Saadudin said a protem committee had been established for the party, which will have Mahathir as party chairman, and former deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin as president.
“This new party caters to the Bumiputeras, even the name of the party has been set and now all that’s left is to just wait for an official announcement later,” Anina told FMT.
She was present at a three-hour discussion between Mahathir, Muhyiddin and other former Umno figures, at Mahathir’s residence last night.
Kamarulzaman Habibbur Rahman, the chairman of a group of rebel Umno branch chiefs (Gabungan Ketua Cawangan Malaysia, or GKCM) will be the secretary of the new party.
Lagi satu parti berasaskan bangsa dalam kalangan 5 parti berasaskan bangsa. cukup-cukuplah jadi perkakas divide and rule.
PadamKalau yakin dapat sambutan bulat pelbagai lapisan, warna dan strata, kenapa tidak dibuka kepada kepada semua?
Kalau inilah kebenarannya, jangan melatah kalau dikatakan Daputera adalah satu-satunya parti yang berjaya menambat hati semua bangsa.
Daputera, demokrat in the making; 3M, GOP in the making
Beli kondom, beli karipap, beli ky jelly pun guna 1mdb jugak.
Kah kah beli kondom... sambil makan karipap pusing sambil beli ky jelly pun guna BRIM la... CIFUT BABI tul laaaa....
habis posting aku admin padam.. mmg pro tuntaik ni dasar pengecut.. dgn dua tiga kerat ayat pun takot.. ada hati nk guling pm.. ptuihh..
BalasPadamHahahaha Datuk dr selvam pun ada ....dulu dia ni head of Doc dekat hospital Putra Batu pAhat. Dia memag ada buat anti aging ni ....tak sangka pulak dia ada kaitan pulak.